K |
(K, k) Ko K te tuarima, te tuawhitu ränei, o nga reta o nga pü tuhi Mäori. K is the fifth letter of the Mäori alphabet, or the seventh if you start with the five vowels. |
Sources: JHMRC Master File for letter ‘K’ 10 October 2001 as amended and re-formatted, plus new entries 2003/4/5/6-9 from a variety of sources. |
Web page last revised 19-viii-2015 This is Page 8 of 8 web pages for this letter (there are too many entries to fit them all onto one page).
© The contributors to Te Papakupu o te Taitokerau. All rights reserved. |
This is a working draft which therefore will contain errors and omissions of varying degrees of significance. Comments, including suggestions for new entries and material, are welcome. These can be sent by e-mail to kupu at rakiora.org |
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koromatua [1] {TTU} [Noun] thumb, or big toe Timata koromatua, muri maihao tuatahi, rua, toru, wha. First the thumb, then fingers, one, two, three, four. [TTU] koromatua waewae [1] {TTU} {Noun phrase] big toe (i.e. the koromatua on the foot) I konatu tona koromtaua waewae. His big toe was squashed. [TTU] koromeke [1] [Stative] curled up, hunched up Ka täia ahau ki raro e Kara, ka koromeke, ka tangi. When I was knocked down by Kara I curled up and wept. [NKU] I muri i te kuaha e koromeke ana. All hunched up behind the door. [NGH3] I waho, e noho koromeke ana. He was outside all hunched up. [NGH3] koronga, …hia [1] {WAI} [Universal] strong desire Kua roa e koronga ana mo tona whaiaipo. He has desired his sweetheart for a long time. [NGH3] Ko koe te tau i korongahia e au. You are the love that I've longed for. [NGH3] kuiki, koropana [1] flick Ko te koropana i te rae i ngä taringa ränei te whiu i ngä tamariki tutuu i mua. Flicking of the forehead or ears was punishment for naughty children in the past. [KRO] Katahi ka koropana i tana hiore, a ka ngaro. Then it flipped it's tail and disappeared. [NGH3] Ka koropanahia tana taringa e au. I flicked his ears. [NGH3] koropiko [1] {NG3} bow to E koropiko ana ki a koe te ariki. I bow to you, O Lord. [NGH3] tuohu koropupuu [1] {NG3} boiling E ma, e koropupu ana te wai. Mum, the water's boiling. [NGH3] Kaua e tukua kia koropupu. Don't let it boil! [TTU] kororä [1] < kororaa, korora > [Noun] The blue penguin (Eudyptula minor). Korarä [2] Ngati Korora [Name] This hapü name was used by 22 voters affiliated with Ngapuhi in 1918: 15 at Te Horahora (the majority of voters there), and others at Ngunguru, Pataua, Mangakahia, Parua Bay and Pokapu Kororäreka [1] < Kororareka > [Place Name] The commercial centre of the Bay of Islands and Aotearoa in general and of Aotearoa in general in the 1830s; the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840 and the establishment of the new Colonial capital in Auckland shortly afterwards led to its rapid decline in importance, but it is still an important tourist destination. The town was renamed Russell after it was occupied and sacked by Mäori troops allied with Hone Heke in 1845. korori [1] [Universal] to stir Me korori te hupa!. Stir the soup! [TTU] Tuatahi, me korori te pareti. Firstly then, mix the porridge. [NGH3] Kaua e korori i te inu, me ruru. Don't stir up the drink, let it draw. (infuse) [NGH3] korori [2] {WAI} [Noun] porridge. He toa a Ada ki te mahi korori. Ada is a gun at making porridge. [NGH3] pareti korotinga [1] {NG2} squirted I karapa oona kanohi na te korotinga o te wai. He was blinded by the water being squirted at him. [NGH2] korou [1] {WAI} [Noun] a purpose, reason He korou ano taku i tae mai ai. I have a purpose for coming. [NGH3] whai take koroua [1] {WL2} [Noun] elderly gent Ko nga koroua mutunga ënä o tënei marae. Those are the last of our male elders of this marae. [TTU] Ma te koroua tätou e ea. The old man will pay for us. [NKU] He koroua tërä. That is an old man. [MWA] korowai [1] {R9L} cloak korowai whakaheke [1] {R9L} cloak koru [1] [Noun] new shoot of koorau or ponga tree fern. I mua i tapahia te koru o te koorau ka tuturo te wai, ka hopua hei rongoa. In former times the new shoot of the korau or ponga tree fern was cut to extract the sticky substance for medicinal purposes. [] koru [2] < also oru > {WMS} [Noun] The “New Zealand Hydrangea” (Pratia physaloides), a small shrub which used to be found in damp spots from the Bay of Islands north, but is now an endangered species. The flowers are 3 to 5 centimetres. long and lilac in colour. They appear in late summer (February and March). The berries are quite spectacular, bright shiny blue or purple when ripe and 1 to 1.5 centimetres in diameter. koruarua [1] {WAI} [Universal] to make holes I tana höhä, he koruarua tana mahi. Because he was bored, he made holes. [NGH3] Ka oma te kotiro ki te koruarua piri ai. The girl ran to hide in the pit. [NGH3] koruru [1] {WL6} [Universal] a carved figure He tupuna te koruru o te whare. The apex of the house is usually represented by an ancestral figure. [NKU/TA] I runga i o tätou whare whakairo ka kitea ngä koruru. At the apex of our carved meeting houses can be seen the carved figureheads. [NWH] Kei runga rawa o te whare whakairo te koruru. The carved figurehead is at the top of the meeting house. [TWK/MHR] koruru [2] [Universal] shake in the wind Kanui te koruru o te whare nei. *** [KP/MHR] kota [1] {R8L} knife, scissors kota [2] [Noun] shell Kei hea nga kota? Where are the shells? [MWA] Haere ki te kohikohi kota. Go and gather up some shells. [NGH3] kotahi [1] {CL1} [Stative] one, alone Kotahi mea wahine o te whänau tokowhitu. There was one female member in a family of seven. [TWK/MHR] Kootahi anö ara mo täua. There is but one path that we may take. [NKU/TA] Kotahi anö i haere. There was only one person who went. [NKU/TA] Kotahi mano tära te nui o te moni i taea e mätou. We raised the amount of one thousand dollars. [NKU] Kotahi anö te tangata i kite ahau. I saw only one person. [KP/MHR] E kotahi tonu ia matua, tama, wairua tapu. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are as one. [TTU] Kotahi ano te tamaiti i uru atu. And one more child emerged. [MWA] Kotahi ano te matua i tae mai ki te awhina. Only one parent came to help. [NGH3] Kootahi äporo mä tënä, mä tënä o ngä mokopuna. Each grandchild can have one apple each. [TWK/MHR] (See also tahi, kotahitanga.) kotahitanga [1] [Derived noun] that which makes one: unity, togetherness, solidarity. Noo te kotahitanga o ngä whakaaro o te iwi, pai noa iho te tatuu o ngä take. When the people were unified in their deliberations, a collective decision was readily reached. [TWK/MHR] Ko te kotahitanga o Ngapuhi e haere toonu ana. The unification of Ngapuhi is still in progress. [NKU/TA] Te ingoa o te wharenui ko te 'Kotahitanga'. The name of the meeting house is 'Unity'. [KP/MHR] I te kotahitanga o te whänau kätahi anö ka tatuu te noho a ngä mätua. Once the family came together the parents were more settled. [NKU] I raro i te maru o te Kotahitanga ko te wawata kia whakakotahi te iwi Mäori. Under the mantle of Unity the desire for the Mäori people to come together. [NWH] (See also whakakotahi, kotahi) #[Note from Te Mätäpunenga ©] Kotahitanga The state or circumstances of being one, that is, “togetherness”, “unity”, or often, in modern usage, “solidarity”. This word is the nominalized form of the numeral kotahi “one” (from Tahitic *kotasi, in turn a prefixed form of the Proto-Nuclear Polynesian *tasi “one”). kotata [1] {WAI} [Universal] to open(of flowers) He mea miharo te kite i te putiputi e kotata ana. To see a flower opening is awesome. [NGH3] koti [2] [Noun] Te mau arahi karakia kia whai koti. Always wear a suit coat when taking service. [NWE] koti, ...a, ...nga, ...koti, ...kotia [1] {CL1} [Universal] to cut, divide, separate, circumcision E koti mai tëtahi paraoa maku? Cut me a piece of bread? [TTU] Kaua e kotia to rätou aroha. Don't stop/stem their love. [TTU] Meangia atu ki a ia kia kotia te taura. Tell her to cut the rope. [TWK] Mena ka pa te hemanawa, kotia nga huruhuru roroa. Have a haircut if your long hair is causing discomfort. [NWE] I te kotinga o te tama, he takitahi ano ko nga rangatira o mua, ahakoa i tënei ra, takitahi te pakeha, te nuinga. Circumcision in the past was reserved for one of power, although today few are circumcised and in the pakeha way. [TTU] I te kotinga i te ropi, ka watea te huarahi. After the cutting of the rope, the pathway was clear. [MWA] Mauria atu o hoiho kei waenga te kotikoti, mau e mahi mai. Take your horses over there and continue with the cutting up of the turf. (with the rotary disc, hoeing the paddocks). [TTU] Mau e kotikoti mai nga riwai kia pai ai te parai. You chop up the potatoes so that they're okay for frying. [TWK] He tihoka hei kotikoti mahinga whenua. The rotary disc is used to cut up the turf for gardens. [NWE] Kotikotia mai nga riwai!. Cut up the potatoes! [TWK] Muri mai i te kotikotia o te whenua, kua rite mo te riu o te karaehe. After cutting up the earth, it is then ready for sowing the grass seed. [NWE] kotika [1] {WAI} [Stative] straight He awa kotika te awa Ramarama. The Ramarama river is straight. [NGH3] kotingotingo [1] {WAI} [Stative] spotted He hoiho kotingtingo. It's a spotted horse. [NGH3] kotua [1] {WAI} [Universal] token of respect He tohu tënei o toku kotua moa. This is an indication of my respect for you. [NGH3] I haere mai au ki te tari mai i taku kotua moni. I came to bring this, my token of respect. [NGH3] kotuku [1] {CL1} [Noun] the white heron Ko te rerenga kotahi o te kootuku. The single flight of the White Heron. [TWK] kouka [1] {WL2} koukou [1] [Noun] owlthis is a Ngati Kuri term for morepork koura {WAI} [Noun] crayfish Me haere koutou ki te ruku kaoura i Waimamaku. You must go and dive for crayfish at Waimamamaku. [NGH3] kourua [1] [Pronoun] you two (2nd person dual). Kourua tahi, me hoki ki te kainga. You two go home [TTU] (Northern variant of körua) koutou [1] {CL1} pron. 2nd pers. pl. all of you Koutou katoa hou mai ki roto i te whare, kua ua. All you ones come into the house, it's raining. [TTU] Mä koutou e mahi mai nei, mä mätou ngä ringawera, he painga moo tätou. You all can do the work, we will provide the workers, as this will reap benefits for us all. [NKU/TA] Na wai koutou i tuku mai ki konei? Who allowed you to come here? [MWA] Haere koutou katoa ki te hakari. All of you go to the feast. [TWK] kowae [1] {WAI} [Universal] to divide Kaua rawa e kowaea nga taonga. Never ever divide up the possessions. [NGH3] kowaowao [1] [Universal] to choke Kua kowaowao a Heeni i tw wheua ika. Heeni choked on the fish bone. [TTU] kowari, ...a [1] {WAI} [Universal] to twist, wring Kia tika tonu te pupuri, kei kowari. Hold it tight so that it doesn't twist. [NGH3] Kowaria nga taora na kia maroke. Wring out those towels so that they dry. [NGH3] kowiri, karure, takawiri, parore kowhai [1] {CL1} [Noun] a native tree, yellow, the colour of the blooms of the kowhai tree Te kowhai e puawai ana i tuawhenua e ki atu ana ki te tangata kua momona te kina. When the kowhai tree is in flower it is a signal that the sea eggs are ready for harvesting. [TTU] E rua anake nga korari raranga o te kete, he manu, he kowhai. There are only two threads of flax in the weaving of a kit, black and yellow. [NKU] He kowhai te tae o tënä. That one is yellow. [TWK] kowhane [1] [Stative] bend Kaua tukua te rarangi kia kowhane. Don't let the line bend. [NGH3] tapore köwhatu [1] < koowhatu, kowhatu > [1] rock. Kei raro, i nga ana, nga toka kowhatu, ko ënei nga whare o mua hei takotoranga koiwi. In the underground caves were the places where human bones were laid to rest in days gone by. [TTU] (= köhatu) Kowhatutaka [1] Te Kowhatutaka [Name] This hapü name was used by 8 voters affiliated with Ngapuhi in 1918: 3 at Mangamuka, 2 at Te Karae, and the others at Mangakahia, Omakura and Orowau. kowhera [1] {CL1} open Me koohue ngä pipi kia kowhera. Steam the shellfish to open them. [NKU] E kore te pipi e kowhera noa iho. The chick does not gape for nothing. [NGH3] kowhera [1] {WAI} [Universal] to open E kore te pipi e kowhera noa iho. The pipi will not open just for anything. [NGH3] Tae kia kowhera i te roa o te ahua tatari. It seemed a long time waiting for them to open. [NWE] puare, tuwhera kowhera [2] {CL1} yawn Möhio tonu ahau kua ngenge te kuia, kua kitea atu e kowhera ana. I knew that the old lady was beginning to tire, when I saw her yawning. [TWK/MHR] Kua kowhera ia i te hiamoe. He yawned because he was sleepy. [MWA] kohera kowhete [1] {CL1} [Universal] to complain, to scold He tangata kowhete ia, pa mai te höhä. That one is always complaining and it becomes annoying. [TTU] Naku ia i kowhete. I scolded him. [MWA] Kätahi ka kowhete nga mätua ki a rätou tamariki. Then the parents scolded their children. [TWK] He kaha tana mama ki te kowhete. His mother is really tough when scolding. [NGH3] Na nga hemanawa rawa, kaha pai nga kowhete. **** [NWE] riria, whakatumatuma kowhiri [1] {WAI} [Universal] to sort E noho ki te kowhiri i nga riwai nei. Sit down and sort the potatoes. [NGH3] komiri, kohurehure kowiri [1] {WAI} [Universal] to wring out Haere ki te kowiri i nga kakahu i waho. Go outside and wring out those clothes. [NGH3] kowari, takawiri, tawiri ku: -ku [Pronoun] me. -ku is a combining form of the first person singular pronoun, au, ahau, “I, me” This form occurs with the particles tä, tö, mä, mö, nä, nö, ä, ö to form words meaning my, mine, for me, and so on. kua [Pre-verbal particle] has, have, had, is, are. This word indicates that the action or state of affairs referred to by the next word is already happening, or that it has happened or been achieved; a phrase containing kua is often used before or after one with ka, to show that things happened together or in a sequence. Kua waiwai tonu taku mängai. My mouth is watering already. Anä, kua pai. That’s great. Kua mau taua inaianei! We’re (really) caught now!. Aue! Ko au pea kua porangi. Gee! I’m probably the crazy one. Ka nuku ia, kua nuku au. Ka tü ia, kua tü au. It moved when I had moved. It stood when I had stood. Kua riro katoa i a rätou. All was (has been) carried off by them. Kua tae mai nga manuhiri. The visitors have arrived. See also the entry for ko. kuaha [Noun] door Ko te kuaha tënä i tomo mai ai te kohuru. That's the door the murderer came through. [TTU] Kahore aku kuaha. I don't have a door. [MWA] Huakina te kuaha. Open the door. [NGH3] Whakapuaretia mai te kuuaha! Open the door! [NKU/TA] He maha ngä kuuaha o te ao. There are many doorways of the world. [NKU/TA] Kapia te kuuaha. Close or shut the door. [NKU/TA] Whakapuaretia ngä kuuaha me ngä wini. Open the doors and windows. [NKU] Huakina ngä kuuaha kia puhipuhia ai te whare e te hau. Leave the doors open so the house can be aired. [NKU] Hou mai koe mä te kuuaha kua ma te matapihi. Enter through the door not the window. [KP/MHR] kuaha [1] Whakapuaretia ngä kuaha me ngä wini. Open the doors and windows. [NKU] puaha, puwaha, kuwaha kuakiko [1] {CL1} [Stative] dishonest He koroke kuakiko a ia. He's a dishonest person. [TTU] kuao [1] {WAI} [Noun] young of animals He kuao hoiho tënei. This is a foal. [NGH3] kuene [1] {WAI} [Universal] to urge on, to encourage Me kuene ahau kia haere mai. **** [NGH3] ëtë, aia kuharu/kuwhare [1] nga momo ika wordlist [Noun] yellow belly eel E pai ana te kuwharu mehemea me pawhara. THe yellowbelly eel tastes good when it is filletted. [NGH3] kuhu, ...a, ...na, ...nga [1] [Universal] to enter in, put away Nä taku mokopuna i kuhu te tarete ki roto i te koowhao o te ngira. My grandchild threaded the cotton through the eye of the needle. [KRA] Kuhu mai! Come inside. [NKU/TA] Kuhu mai ki roto nei, kei potere koutou. Come inside you might get wet. [TWK/MHR] Ko kuhu te hanga nei. At long last have made entry. [NWE] Kuhu mai ki roto i te whare, kia mutu te ua kä haere ai. Enter the house, and go when it stops raining. [TWK/MHR] Me kuhu atu tätou ma muri. Let us enter from the back. [NKU] Kuhua oo tokena Riana, kei makariri o waewae. Put your socks on Riana to keep your feet warm. [KRA] I kuhua te wahine ki roto i te poka kumara. The woman hid in the kumara pit. [NKU] Kuhua tö koti, ka haere ai ki roto i te ua. Put your coat on before going out into the rain. [TWK/MHR] Kuhuna nga toenga o nga waiunu mo apopo. Put away the leftover drinks for tomorrow. [TTU] I te kuhunga o mätou ki te whare e karakia ana. As we entered the house they were praying. [NKU] I te kuhunga o te taonga kua mate a Tiki. Tiki had already died when the treasured pieces were hidden. [NKU] Noo tö rätou kuhunga atu ki roto i te wharenui, kätahi anö kä tiimata te karakia me nga mihimihi. The Prayers and speeches began when they entered into the meeting house. [TWK/MHR] Mä koutou anö koutou e kuhu. You can fend for yourselves. [NKU] kuhu, …a, …nga [2] hide Näku i kuhu ngä huu o tëtahi o rätou. I went and hid the shoes of one of them. [TTU] I reira ngä mauherehere e kuhu ana. It was at that place the prisoners were hiding. [NKU/TA] Ka kuhua ngä kai i raro i te whare. The food was hidden under the house. [NKU/TA] I kuhua te wähine ki roto i te poka kuumara. The woman hid in the kuumara pit. [NKU] Rikarika pai ahau i te kuhunga o aku huu e Tai. I felt some anger when my shoes were hidden by Tai. [NKU/TA] kui, ...kui, kuukuia, kuikuia [1] {CL1} [Noun] elderly lady, grandmother, madam,(as term of address). Mahara tonu ana ahau ki ngä körero tohutohu a kui mä mo te whakawhänau wahine. I can still recall the instructions given by the elderly ladies on how ladies give birth to babies. [KRA] Kua kuia haere ra ta tätou tori. Our mother cat is getting really old. [TTU] Ma te kuia tätou e arahi atu. The old lady will lead us on. [NKU] He kuia tërä tangata. That person is an old lady. [MWA] Koia te kui o Tai. That's Tai's grandmother. [NKU/TA] E kui, haere mai koe ki konei, e noho ai. Lady, come and sit over here. [TTU] E kui haere mai! Ko ia te kui o Tai. Kui come! That is Tai's grandmother. [NKU/TA] E kui, haere mai ki konei, noho ai. Old lady, come and sit down over here. [TWK/MHR] Ko hanga kuikui, ko pënei i te kuikui nei. She has become a bit older taken on the ways of an older woman. [NKU/TA] Haere inoia atu ngä kuukuia kia haere mai rätou ki konei. Go and ask that group of elderly women to come over here. [TTU] Whakanohongia ngä kuukuia ki runga i ngä peeti kia mahana ai rätou. Invite the edlerly ladies to rest on the mattresses to keep them warm. [KRA] He kuikuia no mätou. They are our elder women who are present. [NKU/TA] Haere mai koutou ngä kui, kuikui, kuikuia ki koonei noho ai. You the elderly women come and sit here. [NKU] Hoki rawa atu anö ahau ki te kainga, kua kuikuia katoa ngä taitama wähine. When I finally went home, age had caught up with the younger women in the area. [TWK/MHR] Tae katoa mai nga kuikuia ki tä rätou häkari. All the elderly ladies came to the celebration. [TWK/MHR] kuihi [1] [Universal] small or narrow E kuihi te tomo atu waenga papa kowhatu. The opening between these rocks is only narrow. [TTU] kuiti kuihi [1] {WAI} [Universal] to speak softly Ahakoa he aha nga körero, kaua e kuihi. No matter what you say, don't speak softly. [NGH3] kuihi [2] [Universal] to settle, quieten down, make peace [1] Kua noho rätou kia kuihi te noho, waenga hapu. They met together to restore peace to the families. [TTU] Kiia atu, kia kuihi tona waha! Tell him to be quiet. [TTU] tau, hoihoi kuiki [1] {WAI} [Stative] strong desire I tino kuiki ahau ki te haere mai. I really wanted to come. [NGH3] kuikuia [1] [Noun] grass He karaehe tino kaha te tupu haere i raro i te whenua ko te kuikui. A grass that is very strong grows with it's roots spreading underground. [NKU/TA] kuini [1] Eng. queen kuiti [1] [Stative] narrow Kuiti rawa tënä tuuru. That stool is too narrow. [MWA] He kuiti rawa te pahihii. The passage is too narrow. [NGH3] whaiti kuka [Noun] small mussel I a koe e komiri ana i nga kutai, kia tupoto kei kohari nga kuka. While you're sorting your mussels, be careful you might squash the small ones. [NKU] kukama [1] hui originates from the word kamokamo [Noun] cucumber He kukama mäota ërä. These are fresh cucumber. [TWK/MHR] kukamo kamokamo [1] kukamo [1] hui originates from the word kamokamo [Noun] cucumber He kukamo mäota ërä. These are fresh cucumber. [TWK/MHR] kamokamo , kukama kuku [Noun] fresh water mussel Kahore he kuku i roto i nga awäwa o Panguru. There are no fresh water mussels in Panguru. [TTU] kuku [1] {WL2} [Universal] clench, forceps E kuku mai ra te ringa o te tangata ra kua riri. He's clenching his fist in anger. [TTU] E kuku ana ona ringaringa. He's clenching his fists. [MWA] He kuku mo te niho tuunga. That's a forceps for tooth extraction. [MWA] Tikina atu nga kuku ra. Fetch those pliers. [NGH3] kukume, kumea [1] {CL1} [Universal] to pull, to tug Kia to tahi te kukume kia neke ai tënä räkau. All pull together to move that log. [TTU] Kukume mai. Pull it up. [TWK] Me kukume te pahi mai i Hawera ki konei. The bus was pulled from Hawera to here. [NGH3] Kumea te taura kia kikii. Pull the rope till its tight. [NKU] Kumea mai to tätou waka. [TWK] Kumea mai ki uta. Pull it ashore. [NGH3] I te kumenga mai o te waka ka kitea kua kowhao ke raro. When they pilled up the boat they found it already had a hole underneath. [TWK] kukupa [1] {CL1} [Noun] the native pigeon Kua pa mai te aroha ki te kukupa, e iti haere ana, na te mahi a te kararehe, te paihamu. It is sad that the numbers of pigeon are dwindling due to the ravaging of the possums. [TTU] kukuti, ...kutia [Universal] to squeeze Kati te kukuti i taku ringa. Stop squeezing my hand. [NKU] Nana i kukuti toku ringa. He squeezed my hand. [MWA] katia kumarahou [1] [Noun] a native tree kume, ...nga [1] {CL1} asthma He maha te Mäori i mate i tënä taurekareka mauiui, mau tonu ënei ra. Many Mäori died with asthma and continue to hold this sickness to this day. [TTU] Tona kumenga hemo atu ana. Asthma put an end to his life. [TTU] mate kume kumukumu [1] nga momo ika wordlist [Noun] gurnard E haere ana koe ki te hi kumukumu? Are you going fishing for gurnard. [NKU] [MWA] Kumutu [1] Te Kumutu [Name] Thirteen Ngapuhi voters used this hapü name in 1918, 12 at Mangakahia and 1 at Takahiwai. kupa [1] [Universal] belch, burp Katahi te kotiro tino kupa. The girl is a gun burper. [NGH3] Kua kuupä, kaha rawa ki te kai, kua ora ke. Finished belching and too greedy when already full. [TTU] kupa, ...hia [2] {WAI} [Universal] to scoop Kupahia mai kia rima nga aporo. **** [NGH3] kupae [1] nga momo ika wordlist kupapa [1] [Universal] to creep, crawl I kupapa haere ia, kia hore ai kitea atu. He crawled along so that he might not be seen. [TTU] Me haere kupapa, kaua e parare. Move stealthily, don't shout. [NGH3] I te atatu, ka kupapa nga toa ki Kororareka. In the early morning, the soldiers stole into Russell. [NGH3] konihi, kohuku kuparu [1] nga momo ika wordlist kupenga [1] {CL1} [Noun] net for fishing Tikina te kupenga hei hao kanae. Go and fetch the mullet net. [MWA] Haere kumea mai nga kupenga e kii ana i te ika. Come, pull in the nets, they're full of fish. [TWK] Kaua e whakarere i to kupenga. Don't leave your net behind. [NGH3] kupu [1] {CL1} [Noun] word Ko te tangata ka pahemo, taku kupu ka mau tonu. Man passes away, but my word endures. [TTU] Whakarongo ki nga kupu a rätou ma. Listen to, or heed their words. [MWA] #[Note from Te Mätäpunenga ©] Kupu A term covering any specific utterance, thus incorporating notions such as word, message, saying, talk (in the sense of topic spoken about), and having something to say. The term is Proto-Polynesian in origin, from *kupu “word, that which is spoken”, and has transcendent connotations made explicit in some Eastern Polynesian languages, e.g. Tahitian ‘upu “short prayer in verse” and Tuamotuan kupu “a saying; spoken words of wisdom”. kupu kore [1] [Stative] humility He tangata kupu kore ëtahi. Some people are humble. [TTU] kura [1] {CL1} [Stative] red Inä kura te rangi i te atatuu, he tohu ua. If the sky is red in the morning, it is a sign of rain. [TWK/MHR] kura, ...ina [2] {CL1} [Universal] school E haere ana ahau Mäori ki te Kura Kaupapa. I attend the Mäori Immersion language school. [NKU/TA] E rima tau i te kura. I was five years at school. [NKU/TA] Kua puta ngä puutea ä te käwanatanga hei hanga kura mo a mätou tamariki. Government assistance has been approved to build a school for our children. [KRA] Haere ki te kura kia möhio ai koutou. Go to school so that you can learn. [MWA] E haere tonu ana ia ki te kura. He is still going to school. [TWK/MHR] I kuraina ia ki te käreti o Hato Petera. He was educated at St Peter's college. [TWK/MHR] I te kaha turituri me te korikori o ngä tamariki i roto i te wharenui kä tuu mai tö mätou kaumätua kia kuraina ngä tamariki ki te äta noho. Our children were so noisy and restless in the meeting house our elder stood up to teach the children how to sit still. [KRA] I kuraina ahau ki Te Hapua. I went to school in Te Hapua. [NKU] Kura tuatahi, Kura tuarua, Kura Kaupapa Mäori Kura [3] Ngati Kura [Name] In 1918 this hapü name was used by 17 voters affiliated with Ngapuhi: 6 at Matauri Bay, 3 at Mangamuka, and others at Kaikohe, Hokianga, Maungakawakawa, Mokau, Ohaeawai, Waima, Waiwhatawhata, Whangaruru. Three Te Rarawa voters (at Herekino, Manakau and Naumai) also gave Ngati Kura as their hapü, as did one Ngati Whatua voter at Naumai. Kura Kaupapa Mäori [1] [Noun] total immersion Mäori language primary school kura tuatahi kura tuarua [1] [Noun] secondary school Ka mutu te haere ki te kura tuatahi, kua haere ki te kura tuarua. At the conclusion of Primary School, they go to secondary school. [TWK/MHR] kura tuatahi [1] [Noun] primary school Ka tae ki ngä tau e rima, kua haere ki te kura tuatahi. At age five, they attend Primary School. [TWK/MHR] Kura Kaupapa Mäori Kuraimaraewhiti [1] Ngati Kuraimaraewhiti [Name] In 1918 one Ngapuhi voter at Kaikohe used this hapü name. kurakuraku [1] {WAI} [Universal] problems Kaua e mau mai i o kurakuraku ki konei. Don't bring your problems over here. [NGH3] raruraru kuratopa [1] third word list kurawhero [1] {COL} kurï [1] {CL1} < kurii, kuri > [Noun] dog Ko teera kuri mokai he kaikai tonu tana mahi. That pet dog all it does is eat. [NGH4] Kurï [2] Ngati Kuri [Name] This is an ancient name of a Northern group now generally recognized as an iwi in its own right. However in government records from the late 19th until the mid-twentieth century only four iwi were recognized: Ngati Whatua, Ngapuhi, Te Rarawa and Te Aupouri. Members of groups such as Ngati Wai, Te Roroa, Ngati Hine, Ngati Kahu and Ngati Kuri were therefore grouped in electoral rolls and other official documents under one of the four major iwi headings. There are quite large numbers of “Ngati Kuri” listed under Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa and Ngapuhi in 1908 and 1918. Those grouped under Te Aupouri would certainly be now regarded as members of the Ngati Kurï iwi, with possibly a different hapü name. Because there is very little overlap in the lists, the three groupings of “Ngati Kuri” in the electoral rolls are recorded here for the moment as three separate entities. Under the “Aupouri” heading, 36 voters gave this as their hapü name in 1908: the majority of voters at Te Hapua (9) and Manakau (5), 6 at Kaimaumau, three each at Waiharara, Whangape, and Pana, and the rest at Te Wharau, Waharua, Kenana, Te Paki and Waiotemarama. In 1918, 43 voters were classified this way, again the majority of those at Te Hapua (13) and Manakau (13), 5 at Te Kao, 3 at Waiharara, and the rest at Kaimaumau, Paeroa, Waihopo, Waimamaku, Waipapakauri and Whangape, with three at unrecorded localities. Kurï [3] Ngati Kuri [Name] In 1908, 52 voters listed as affiliated with Te Rarawa used Ngati Kuri as their hapü name. They were at Te Kowhai (9 – the majority who voted there), Naumai (7), Whangape (7), Waipapakauri (4), Whirinaki (4), Herekino (3) and Ripia, Taipa, Ahikiwi, Ahipara, Awanui North, Te Hapua, Kaihu, Kaimaumau, Kapehu, Mangamuka, Mitimiti, Otangaroa, Parengarenga, Purakau, Takahue, Taemaro, Utakura, Waihopo, and one unnamed locality. (See notes under Kurï [2]) Kurï [4] Ngati Kuri [Name] in 1918, 50 voters listed as Ngapuhi used this hapü name: 23 (the majority who voted there) at Waimahana, 5 at Taemaro, 3 each at Te Awarua and Tikinui, and others at Mangakahia, Te Pupuke, Waitaruke, Hokianga, Mangamuka, Parengarenga, Saies, Waipapakauri and Whirinaki. (See notes under Kurï [2]) kuru, ...a, ...na [1] {CL1} [Universal] to punch Kaua koe e kuru i taku teina. Don't you punch my younger brother. [TTU] Ahakoa körerotia kau kurua atu ana. I asked him not to, but still he punched him. [TTU] Kia tupato, kei kurua to matenga. Be careful, you might get your head punched. [NGH3] Kaua e kuruna te tangata na. Don't you punch that man. [TWK] meke, moto kurumatarërehu [1] {R8L} < kurumatareerehu, kurumatarerehu > [Noun] Tattooed man. (Williams notes this word as from Te Rarawa) kurupae [1] {NG3} beam of a house, shelf He totara nga kurupae o te whare. The beams of the house are totara. [NGH3] Ka kitea kei runga i te kurupae. It was found on the shelf. [NGH3] kurupatu [1] {R9L} [Noun] decorative hem He tauira taniko tënei kurupatu o nga korowai o mua. This is an example of a decorative taniko hem of the old style cloak. [NGH3] kurupopo [1] [Stative] to deteriorate Kua kurupopo te räkau. The tree is deteriorating. [TWK] kurutau [1] {WAI} [Noun] tail feather (duck) I hainatia te Tiriti o Waitangi ki te kurutau rakiraki. The Treaty of Waitangi was signed using the tail feather of a duck. [NGH3] kurutete [1] {WAI} [Universal] to exchange E hiahia ana au ki te kurutete i te kete nei mo to paro. I want to exchange my food basket for your kit. [NGH3] kuta [1] {R9L} [Noun] kuta, a kind of rush, Eleocharis sphacelata, which has a beautiful golden colour and soft texture when dried. It is used for special mats, and was also used for making a fine maro for women. There is a highly informative article about kuta by Mieke Kapa in the Journal of the Polynesian Society, vol 119, no 2, June 210, pp. 131-148. You can read the article on line at http://www.jps.auckland.ac.nz/document.php?wid=5311&action=null. Kuta [2] Ngati Kuta [Name] This hapü name was used by 22 voters affiliated with Ngapuhi in 1918, 15 at Te Rawhiti; the rest voted at Awataha, Te Kopuru, Russell, Taupo, Waipuna, Whakakoro and Whirinaki. The name was also used by two Te Rarawa voters at Ripia and one Te Aupouri voter at Te Kao. kuta [3] Nga Kuta [Name] One Te Aupouri voter at Te Kao used this hapü name in 1918. (Cf. Ngati Kuta) kutai [Noun] mussels Kei ko ra nga toka kutai. Over there are the mussel rocks. [NKU] He kutai ki a tätou, he kuku ki ëtahi atu. To us, the mussell is kutai, to others they are kuku. [NGH3] kutikuti [1] TM file [Universal] scissors kutu, ...kutu [1] {BWL} [Universal] headlice Kua kapi katoa tona matenga i te kutu. His head was covered in haedlice. [NGH3] Kututkutu haere nga tini me te mano. There were heaps of people everywhere. [NGH3] kuwai [1] [Stative] water logged He kuwai ënei riwai. These potatoes are water logged. [TWK] uutonga küao [1] < kuuao, kuao > [Noun] young of animals Ka hia nei nga kuao poaka? How many piglets will there be? [TWK] küare [1] {CL1} < kuuare, kuare > ~tanga [Stative] ignorant, having depleted memory Nä te kuuare ki ngä ture, i tino raruraru ai. Ignorance of the law created more problems. [TWK/MHR] Nä te kuare ki ngä huarahi ki Tamaki Makaurau, kotiti kë mätou ki te Rerenga Wairua. Because we were ignorant of the way to Tamaki Makaurau, we ended up at Spirits Bay instead. [KRA] He kuare ia. She is an ignoramus. [NKU/TA] E kuuware ana ia ki au. She doesn't know who I am. [NKU/TA] He tangata kuuare. He is an ignorant man. [NKU/TA] Na tö kuare i pënei ai ta täua noho. It is through your ignorance why we find ourselves in such a dillema. [NKU/TA] He kuare ahau ki te karanga manuhiri. I do not know how to call visitors. [NKU] Hore nei au i noho i pënei rawa to kuare. I didn't know you'd be this thoughtless. [TTU] Ko te tangata kore-möhio he kuare. One who doesn't know is ignorant. [TWK] He tangata möhio, horekau e kuare ana ki ngä tikanga o te iwi. He is intelligent and is not ignorant of the protocol of the people. [TWK/MHR] I roto i te kuaretanga ka hee te tangata ra. It was through his ignorance that he transgressed. [NWH] Ina kore koutou e tono i ä koutou tamariki ki te kura, kä noho rätou ki roto i te kuuaretanga. If you don't send your children to school, they will live in ignorance. [TWK/MHR] Te nuinga o te tangata a tona wa ka uru mai te koroheketanga me te kuaretanga. For most people, as they age memory loss becomes relevant. [TTU] I taku kuaretanga i te huarahi i mahue ai täua. Because of my ignorance we became lost. [NKU/TA] I roto i taua kuaretanga ko wai tana matua, ka tahuri a Turi ki te rapu ki te körero ki ana whanaunga. In his ignorance as to who his father is Turi turned to seek and speak to his relations. [NKU] I roto i toona kuaretanga, ka taka ki te hee. It was through his ignorance that disaster occurred. [TWK/MHR] I roto i te kuaretanga o Hakopa, kä hee tana whakaputa i ana körero i te reo irirangi. Through Jacob's ignorance, he gave the wrong message on air. [KRA] kuuware kühä [1] {BWL} < kuuhaa, kuha > inside thighs küiti [1] {TM file} < kuuiti, kuiti > narrow Kuiti rawa tënä turu. That stool/chair is too narrow. [MWA] küngongingongi [1] {R8L} < kuungongingongi, kungongingongi > [Noun] kahawai (Arripis trutta)
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