(K, k) Ko K te tuarima, te tuawhitu ränei, o nga reta o nga pü tuhi Mäori. K is the fifth letter of the Mäori alphabet, or the seventh if you start with the five vowels.
Sources: JHMRC Master File for letter ‘K’ 10 October 2001 as amended and re-formatted, plus new entries 2003/4/5/6-9 from a variety of sources.

Web page last revised 8-i-2016

This is Page 7 of 8 web pages for this letter (there are too many entries to fit them all onto one page).
The entries are divided up as follows (you can get to the other pages by clicking on the highlighted words):

ka to kairuri
kaitä to kanaku
kanapa to karaunu

karawa to kauwhau
kawa to kipa
kiri to konewha
kongakona to korokoro
koromatua to kuwharu

© The contributors to Te Papakupu o te Taitokerau. All rights reserved.


This is a working draft which therefore will contain errors and omissions of varying degrees of significance. Comments, including suggestions for new entries and material, are welcome. These can be sent by e-mail to kupu at rakiora.org
The dictionary files are set to display in Arial Mäori or Times New Roman Mäori truetype fonts. If you do not have these fonts, you can download them from the macronized fonts page. Work on the basic formatting (bolding of head words, italics for English translations, putting in information about parts of speech, and so on) is dependent on the efforts volunteer workers -- eventually it will be complete but for the moment it is still very much "work in progress". See the General Overview for more information.


kongakona [1]    [Universal]  crumbs (variant of kongakonga)

kongakonga [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  crumbs  Ka haere mai nga kuri ki te kai i nga kongakonga i nga tepu. The dogs came to eat the crumbs from the table. [NGH3]  (Cf. kongakona)

kongange [1]  {R8L}    to blaze    

kongehe [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  feebleness  Kua kongehe haere ia inaianei. He is getting feeble these days. [NGH3]    koongeengee

kongio, ...kongingio [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  shrivelled, wrinkled  Hei aha ano te riwai, mehemea kua kongingio ke? ***** [NGH3] Ko roa ke taku kuia e kongio ana. My old lady (nanny) has been wrinkled for ages. [NGH3]   

koni [1] {WL3}    slip, slide, sidle  Kaua e koni ahi ka hauarea koe. Don't sit close to a fire it makes you lazy. [KRO] He nikau, ko tënei hei taonga takaro, a ka koni i ko i puke, ëtahi wa. Heoi anö ko to tou. The nikau's large bowl shape foliage was used to sit in holding up part of shorten stem, then sliding down hillside, or just on your backside. [TTU] E koni haere ra, nga tamariki i te puke ra. The children are sliding down that hill. [TTU] Kaua e koni ahi ka makariri koe ka puta ki waho. Don't hug the fire, you'll get cold when you go outside. [TWK] Ka koni haere kia tae rano ki te kokonga. He moved until he reached the corner. [NGH3]   

koni atu [1]  {NG3}    approximately  Koni atu i te wha rau nga manuhiri. There were approximately four hundred visitors. [NGH3] Ahua koni atu. A bit more. [NGH2]   

konihi [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to sneak  I mau i nga pirihimana e konihi ana i muri. (He) was caught by the police, sneaking around the back. [NGH3]    Kohuku, kupapa

konohi [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  emotionally attached  E konohi tonu ana ki tona whaea. [He] is still emotionally attached to his mother. [NGH3]   

konumi [1]  {WAI}   [Universal] fold double  Me konumi te paraikete kia o ai. Fold the blankets double so that they'll fit. [NGH3]   

köngëngë [1] < koongeengee, kongenge > {STOWELL file} [Noun]   old age, feebleness  Kä pä te mate koongeengee ki te kaumätua nei. Then the infirmity of age touches this old man. [STOWELLpp224-225]    kongehe

könui [1]   < koonui, konui > [Noun]  thumb    

köpeke [1]  < koopeke, kopeke >  [Stative]  cold  He tino koopeke wähi. This place is very cold. [NKU]   

köpiri [1] {WMS} < koopiri, kopiri > Noun] A small canoe. (Williams notes this word as from Te Rarawa)

köpü [1]  {hui} < koopuu, kopu > [Noun]  (1) womb.  Ka puta mai te pëpi i te koopuu o te wahine. The baby will be born from a woman's womb. [NWH] Ina kaha rawa te tangata ki te kai ka kikii te koopu. If a person keeps eating then they will become over full. [NGH2]  * (2) stomach E mamae ana taku koopuu. I have a stomach ache. [NKU] Kua kī tōku kōpū I've had plenty! (i.e. My stomach is full) * (3) interior space Kua kii te kopuu o te whata riwai.The potato storehouse is full. [KP/MHR]    

köpü [2] < koopuu, kopu; koopuua, kopua > {NGH2} [Universal] (become) pregnant.  Ko koopuu te wahine rä. That woman is pregnant. [NKU/TA]; Kopua te wahine ra. That woman became pregnant. [NWE] Ka hari nga tuupuna no te mea kua koopuu tä rätou mokopuna. The grandparents were exuberant because their grand-daughter had become pregnant. [TWK/MHR]   (From köpü womb etc.)

körē [1]  {BWL} < kooree >   [Noun]  sanitary pad, a nappy  E paru ana te körë o te pëpi. The baby's nappy is dirty. [NGH3] 

Korekore [1] {WMS, MDT, Wikiriwhi 1911, Williams 1928} [Name] A phase of the waning moon, starting on the third, fourth or fifth nights after the full moon, and extending over three nights. In Wi Tana Papahia’s Te Rarawa and Renata Tangata’s Ngāpuhi lists, this is also the name of the first Korekore night (elsewhere known as Korekore-tūtahi). {From Proto Eastern Polynesian *korekore “a series of nights in the lunar cycle”.}

Korekore-piri-ki-nga-Tangaroa [1] {WMS, MDT} [Name] The last of the Korekore nights in the lunar cycle, before the first of the “Tangaroa” nights. See also Korekore-whakapiri.

Korekore-tūrua [1] {WMS, MDT, Wikiriwhi 1911, Williams 1928} [Name] The twenty-second night of the lunar month

Korekore-tūtahi [1] {WMS, MDT, Wikiriwhi 1911, Williams 1928} [Name] The twenty-first night of the lunar month in Best’s Far North and Te Wikiriwhi Hemana’s Ngāti Whātua lists. See also Korekore.

Korekore-tūtoru [1] { MDT, Williams 1928} [Name] In Best’s Far North list, the last of the Korekore nights, the twenty-second night of the lunar month. See also Korekore-whakapiri, Korekore-whakapau.

Korekore-whakapau [1] {WMS, MDT, Williams 1928} [Name] In the list compiled by Te Wikiriwhi Hemana, the Ngāti Whātua name for last of the Korekore nights in the lunar cycle, before the first of the “Tangaroa” nights. See also Korekore-whakapiri, Korekore-tūtoru.

Korekore-whakapiri [1] {WMS, MDT, Williams 1928} [Name] A name for the last of the Tangaroa nights in the lunar cycle, before the first of the “Tangaroa” nights. It is the twenty-first night in Wi Tana Papahia’s Te Rarawa list, and the twenty-second night in Renata Tangata’s Ngāpuhi list. See also Korekore-tūtoru, Korekore-whakapau.

körero [1] < koorero, korero > ~tia, ~tanga {WL3}   [Universal] This word integrates actions and activities involving verbal communication. Thus as a verb it covers the notions of saying, telling, speaking, talking and discussing, and as a noun functions according to context to denote speech, conversation, oratory, narrative, story, discussion and news. (1) to speak, talk  Körero mai ki au. Talk to me! Say something to me! [NKU/TA] Äe, körero täu? Have you got something to say? [NKU/TA] Me körero koe ki a Mäta. You’d better speak to Mäta. [NKU/TA] Höhä tö körero! Your talk is boring. [NKU/TA] Körero i to hiahia. Speak of what you want. [KP/MHR] Mä te körero ka rangimarie. Through talking tension is eased. [TTU] E tü ki te körero mai. Stand up to speak. [NKU] He pai noa iho te pätere mai o te körero i ëtahi tängata. Some speakers are very proficient in language use. [TWK/MHR] Mä te körero, ka mohiotia nga whakaaro. Through speaking are thoughts expressed. [NWE] Körerotia te reo, te ao, te pö. Speak Mäori both day and night. [TTU]  *(2) To tell, transmit information. Ka körerotia te hiitori o te waka Kurahaupo. The history of the Kurahaupo canoe was transmitted. [NKU/TA] Körerotia he aha to hiahia. Speak up about what you want. [KP/MHR] Käti te körero parau. Stop telling lies. [MWA]  *(3) discuss, talk about. I körerotia tënä take e mätou. That matter was discussed by us. [NGH3] [TTU] Körerotia, whiriwhiria, whakatatuutia te take. Speak, discuss and then make the decision. [TWK/MHR] *(4) aver, state. I körerotia kia koropiko atu ki a ia i te po. It is said that he should be lauded every day. *(5) [Noun] Anything said to or for another person or group: statement, discussion, narrative, story, news. Ko te körero, te kai a te rangatira. Discussion and debate is the food of chiefs. [NKU/TA]   # körerotanga [Derived Noun] Topic, activity, place or time of talking. I tana körerotanga mai kätahi ano tätou ka möhio he aha tana kaupapa. It wasn't till he spoke that we knew what he was going to be talking about. [TWK] Na te körerotanga ka rongo ko nga mate maha. It is through talking and sharing that one hears of others who have passed on [NWE]. (This word comes from Proto Nuclear Polynesian *kölelo “speak, orate, recite”, which itself is probably connected with Proto Polynesian *’alelo “tongue”.)  See also: whakawhiti körero, pukörero, kaikörero, kï, potete, körerorero. #[Note from Te Mätäpunenga ©] Körero. This word integrates actions and activities involving verbal communication. Thus as a verb it covers the notions of saying, telling, speaking, talking and discussing, and as a noun functions according to context to denote speech, conversation, oratory, narrative, story, discussion and news.  It comes from Proto Nuclear Polynesian *kölelo “speak, orate, recite”, which itself is probably connected with Proto Polynesian *’alelo “tongue”. Its use in the sense of traditional narrative and history is most closely reflected also in the use of the cognate form in Rarotongan; as a term for oratory and formal speech it is used similarly in most Eastern Polynesian languages.   

körerorero [1] < koorerorero, korerorero > ~hia [Verb] (1) discuss, talk over. Me körerorero tätou i tënei take. Let's discuss this matter. [NKU] Me äta körerorero anö te take, kia tatuu tika ai ki te nuinga o te whakaminenga. Discuss the topic fully to gain a consensus from the participants. [TWK/MHR] Me körerorerohia tënei take hohonu. This weighty topic must be discussed thoroughly. [NGH3] *(2) converse Whakapuaretia nga ngakau ki te körerorero. Conversation is the way to the heart, linking people to people. [NWE]  *(3) chatter, gossip. Heoi anö täna mahi he körerorero. All she does is gossip. [NKU/TA] Kaua koe e körerorero koretake noiho. Do not repeatedly talk about nothing interesting. [KP/MHR] Ka rangohia nga tane e körerorero ana. The men were heard chatting. [NGH3] (Reduplicated form of körero.)

körihirihi [1] {WMS} < koorihirihi, korihirihi > [Noun] Tide. (Williams notes this word as from Te Rarawa)

korou [1] {WMS} [Noun] (1) Channel. Kia tika ki te korou. * (2) River. (Williams notes this word as from Te Rarawa)

körua [1] < koorua, korua > {WL3}   [Pronoun]  you two. Atawhaitia ä körua mokopuna hei kaitiaki i a körua ä ngä tau e heke mai nei. Look after your grandchildren so they will care for the two of you in the years to come. [KOM]   (See also kourua)  

kötaha [1]  < kootaha, kotaha >  [Stative]  look sideways  Ka titiro kötaha mai kë i te taha o te marae. (We) were looking sideways, from beside the marae. [TWK]    

köti [1]  < kooti, koti > {CL1} ~tia;~tanga, ~nga [Universal] (1) [Noun] court of law Kei te kooti te whakatau. The decision lies with the court. [TTU] (2) [Verb] deal with through the court. Tari atu te raruraru kootitia. Allow the court to deal with the problems. [NWE] # kötitanga < kootitanga > [Derived noun] relating to the court, the court system. I te kootitanga nga papa Mäori i raro i te ture Pakeha, ka pania te Mäori. Through the court system, Mäori land came into the Pakeha system. [TTU] I tana kootitanga, kiihai i riro ki te whareherehere. At his court appearance, he was not taken to prison. [TWK] Mutu ana ano te kootitanga hokihoki katoa. The crowd dispersed after the senterncing had taken place. [NWE]  I te kootinga o te hunga hara, maumau ki te herehere. The guilty were all sentenced to jail. [NWE] #[Note from Te Mätäpunenga ©] Köti (also spelt kooti). Adopted from the English word “court”, the term indicates the state institution which had no equivalent in pre-contact customary practice, except perhaps in some limited circumstances the rünanga (q.v.).  Since colonization courts within the state system have been used on occasion by Mäori individuals and groups to determine customary matters.    

kotire [1] {WMS} [Noun] Fishing rod (Williams notes this word as from Te Rarawa) = matire

kötiro [1]  < kootiro, kotiro > {WL2} [Noun]  girl, daughter.  No tawahi tënä kötiro. That girl is from overseas. [TTU] Näku tënä kötiro. That one's my daughter. [MWA] He kötiro pai koe. You're a good girl. [TWK]   

kotiti [1]    [Verb]  to wander aimlessly/at a leisurely pace  Kua kotiti ke ona whakaaro. [His] thoughts had already gone astray. [MWA] I haere ahau ki te kotiti i taua ra. In those days I used to go wandering. [MWA] I kotiti ia i te kohu o te moana. He wandered off into the sea mist. [MWA] Kaua e kotiti mai i te ara tika. Do not stray from the correct path. [NGH3] Ki te kore möhio tika, kei kotiti rawa tätou. Since we didn't know for sure where we were going, we just wandered around and around. [NWE]    tipi haere, aewa, amio

 kötore [1]  {BWL}  < kootore, kotore > [Noun] the lower end of anything, so e.g. the bottom of the curve in a fish hook, buttocksanus.  E mamae ana toku kootore. My anus is sore. [TTU]  

kötore [2] {nga momo ika wordlist} kötore moana < kootore moana, kotore moana >  [Noun]    sea anemone (Actinia tenebrosa), star fish (Coscinasterias clamaria).  Rite ano te reka o te paua ki to te kotore moana. The flavour of the sea anamone is like that of the paua. [NKU]   

köuma [1]{BWL} < koouma, kouma > [Noun]  breastbonerib cage    

köwhä[1] (köwhängia, köwhänga) < koowhaa, kowha >  [Verb]  split open, remove from a shell or husk, so to shell shellfish, or husk corn (remove kernels from cob), pluck, harvest, peel. Mä koutou e koowhä mai he pipi hei kai mä tätou. You can shell some pipi for our meal. [TWK/MHR] Ki te mutu koutou i te koowhä i ngä tuatua, ana me timata i ngä kanga. When you ones finish shelling the tuatua, start on the corn. [TTU] Haere mai tätou ki konei ki te koowhä tio e hoa mä. Come here and shell oysters friends. [KRA]  I te wä i koowhängia te känga a Toi ka puta tëtahi äwha nui. At the time the corn was picked a great storm struck. [NKU]  No te koowhänga o ngä kina, ka kitea te tuuoi. When the kina were shelled, they were in poor condition. [TWK/MHR] Noo te koowhänga o ngä kuutai, puta noa mai te tangata ki te kai. When the mussels were shelled people just appeared to eat. [KRA] I te koowhanga o te äporo ka kai te kötiro. When the apple was peeled the girl ate. [TWK/MHR]    koha

köwhero [1] {COL} < koowhero, kowhero > [stative] orange  [?]       

köwhio [1]{NKT} < koowhio, kowhio > [Verb]  whistle  Ka koowhio mai ki a au. He whistled at me. [NKU/TA]    korowhiti, köwhiti

köwhiti [1] {WL4} (kowhitia) < koowhiti, kowhiti > [Verb] whistle. Ka koowhiti mai ki au. She whistled to me. [NKU/TA]  I koowhititia nga kuri kia hoki mai. The dogs were whistled up to return. [NKU]  Kaua e korowhiti mai, körero mai. Don't whistle at me, speak to me.[NGH3]  korowhiti, köwhio

köwiri [1]  {BWL} < koowiri, kowiri > [Verb]    to twist the ear

kopa [1]  {TTU}   [Stative] dent, cripple  Kopa katoa tona motoka. His car was all dented. [MWA] Whänau mai ia he kopa tëtahi wae. He was born with one leg crippled. [TTU]  

kopa [2]  {TTU} [Noun] traditional oven, hängi [Te Rarawa]   

kopa [3]  {TTU}    edge  Hei i a koe ki te kopa o te moenga. You can be at the edge of the bed. [MWA] Ka peia te ngeru ki te kopa o te moenga. The cat was pushed to the outside edge of the bed. [NGH3]   

kopa, ...kopa [4]  {WAI}   [Stative]  creased, to fold  E ko, ko kopakopa katoa o kakahu! Girl, your clothes are all creased! [NGH3] Kei roto a Mama e kopakopa ana i nga kakahu. Mum is inside folding up the clothes. [NGH3]   

kopae [1]    adv.  circular  Ka ahu kopae tana kuri. Her dog was going around in circles. [NGH3]   

kopaki [1]    [Universal]  to fold, envelope  E moko, mau e kopaki nga kakahu. Grandchild, fold up the clothes. [TTU] Mäu e koopaki mai te peke reta na? Can you fold the envelope? [TWK] Kihai te iwi i whakaae ki te kopaki putea. The tribes did not agree to the fiscal envelope. [NGH3]   

kopaki [1]  {CL1}   [Universal]  to fold  Me kopaki nga kakahu maroke. Fold up the dry clothes. [NWE]   

Kopaki [2] Ngati Kopaki [Name] Six voters, all affiliated with Ngapuhi, used this hapü name in 1918: 2 at Te Kopuru and the others at Maungarangi, Orauta, Otiria and Pokapu.

Kopako [1] Ngati Kopako [Name] This hapü name was recorded for one voter affiliated with Ngapuhi at Kokohuia in 1918.

kopakopa [1]  {WAI}   [Noun] a medicinal plant  Ko te kopakopa tëtahi o nga tupu rongo Mäori. The kopakopa is a medicinal plant to the Mäori. [NGH3]   

kopani [1]    [Stative]  dry season  Ëtahi rohe o Aotearoa, pa mai nga marama kopani. Some areas of New Zealand have dry seasons. [TTU]   

kopanu, ...tia [1]    [Universal]  to cut off  I kopanutia nga körero o te kaumätua, na to rätou kuare. Because of their ignorance, they cut off the elder's speech. [TTU]   

kopare, ...hia [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to shade one's eyes  Ina kaha rawa nga hihi o te ra, koparehia o kanohi. When the suns rays are really strong, you should shield your eyes. [NGH3]   

kopatapata [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  showers  He ua kopatapata te körero mo tënei ra. The forecast for today is for showers. [NGH3]   

kopehu [1]    [Stative]   Titiro kopehu mai nei ki au. **** [TWK]   

kopehu [1]  {TTU}       

kopeke    [Stative]  cold  He kopeke rawa te wai horoi mo te pëpi. The water is too cold for washing the baby. [NKU]   

kopenu [1]    [Universal]  to mash, or to squeeze  Kua oti te kopenu o nga riwai. The potatoes were mashed. [TTU]  Na Hone i kopenu te taringa o tana tamaiti. John squeezed his son's ear. [TTU] Kopenu katoa nga haiona o te whare i te awha. All the roofing iron was squashed/crumpled by the storm. [TTU]   

kopepe [1]  {NG3}    abuse  He mahi kopepe tënei. This is a case of abuse. [NGH3]    mahi kino, tukino

kopi [2]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to ride bareback  He tauhou ahau ki te kake kopi. I'm not used to (unaccustomed to) riding bareback. [NGH3]   

kopi, ...a [1]    [Universal]  to roll up  Kopia ake nga wae, o tou tarau, kei mäku. Roll up the legs of your pants so they won't get wet.[TTU]   

kopikopi [1]    [Universal]  dodge, zigzag, dance  He kopikopi tana oma kia kore ai ia e puhia. He zigzaged as he ran to avoid being shot. [NGH3]    karo

kopiro, ...hia [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to dunk a person   Ka kopirohia ahau e toku tuakana. My brother dunked me. [NGH3] 

köpü [1] < koopuu, kopu > [Noun] (1) womb. Tuku iho kotahi te kopu i whänau ai tätou. We have all been born  from a single womb (that is, ultimately, we all have the same ancestor).[TTU]. *(2) belly. Ka kï te köpü, te puku me pä te matetiko. If the belly and the stomach are filled to capacity, constipation may result. [NWE]   kua kï te köpü# having a full stomach, completely satisfied with food. 

Köpü [2] < koopuu, kopu > [Name] The planet Venus, as Morning Star. Anö ko Köpü ka puta ake i te pae nga karu o te mäipi. Venus once more comes over the horizon, the eye of the taiaha. [WMD]  

köpua [1]  {TTU} < koopua, kopua > [Noun] a deep pool       

köpuapua [1] < koopuapua, kopuapua > [Noun]  puddle, temporary pool of water (e.g. after heavy rain) He kopuapua wai i waho ra. There are puddles of water outside. [TWK] (diminutive form of köpua)   

Kopura [1] Ngati Kopura [Name] One voter affiliated with Ngapuhi used this hapü name at Waipapakauri in 1918.

kopuwai [1]    [Stative]  set in fresh water, watery  He känga kopuwai mau? Will you have corn steeped in fresh water? [NKU] He kino ënä riwai he kopuwai. Those potatoes are no good they are too watery. [KP/MHR]   

kora [1]     firewood   

kora, ...kora [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  spark  Ka peke mai he kora, ka mura te whare. A spark from the fire set the house alight. [NGH3]  Rawa i roa, korakora katoa ana. **** [NGH3]   

koraha [1]    [Noun]  wilderness  He reo no tëtahi i te koraha. A voice cried out of the wilderness. [NGH3]   

koraha [2]    [Universal]  defecate    

korangaranga [1]  {NG3}    ache  E korangaranga tonu ana tana hinengaro. Her heart is still aching. [NGH3]   

korapa [1]  {NG3}    alarmed  Ka korapa nga rakiraki. The ducks became alarmed. [NGH3]   

korara [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to disperse  I reira, ka korara rätou. From there they dispersed. [NGH3] I haere ope atu, kihai i hoki korara. They went as a group, not returning in dribs and drabs. **** [NGH3]    whakatitari

korari [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  Flax  Kaua e tapahia pena nga korari. Don't cut the flax like that. [NGH3]    harakeke

korau    [Noun]  a type of fern tree  Ko te korau, e pai ana, kaha ona rongoa. The black fern tree is a good source of medicinal remedies. [TTU] Tapahia nga korau, hei whakapaipai i te hooro. Cut some Fern fronds to decorate the hall. [NWE]   

kore, ...nga [1]  {WL3}   [Universal]  not, never Often preceded by the verbal particle e. not, will not, never  E kore rätou e whakarongo ki ngä tikanga a Iwi. They won't adhere to the customs of the people. [NWH] Te matemate o taku kau miraka, e kore ahau e wareware ki a ia. When my milking cow passed away I will never forget her. [MHR] E kore koe e tae ki reira he tawhiti rawa. You will not get there it is too far. [KAPO] E kore rawa koe e tika ki te tuu ki te körero. You will never be permitted to stand up and speak. [KT/PTK] E kore mätou e whakaae ki te körero i te ture. We will never agree with what the law says. [KAPO] E kore ahau e whakaae. I will never agree. [NKU]    E kore te tangi e mutu. Sorrow never ends. [TTU] E kore au e whakaae. I will never agree. [MWA] E kore taku aroha e mutu. My love will never end. [TWK] Kore pai ano te ngautuara. Backbiting is not good. [NWE]  I te korenga e rite nga hiahia riri tonu atu taku mokopuna. When he didn't get his own way, my grandson became stroppy/upset. [TWK] Mokemoke kau i te korenga o nga kaumatua. The loss of the elders leaves a lonely feeling. [NWE]    whakakore

korea [1]  {R8L}    small canoe    

koreirei [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  the root of the flax  Ko te koreirei te putake o te korari. [NGH3]   

Korekore-pipi-ki-nga-Tangaroa [1] {MDT} [Name] The twenty-third night of the lunar month, before the first of the “Tangaroa” nights

Korekore-turua [1] {MDT} [Name] The twenty-second night of the lunar month

Korekore-tutahi [1] {MDT} [Name] The twenty-first night of the lunar month

koreto  {WAI}   v. cry  Kaua e noho koreto mai i kona. Don't cry there [NGH3]    aue, tangi

kori, ...kori [1]    [Universal]  to move, wriggle, exercise  I kite ahau i a ia e kori ana. I saw him moving. [MWA]  I kite ahau i a ia e kori ana. I saw him moving. [MWA] Me korikori mai ra. Shake a leg people. [NWE] Korikori te tinana katoa kätahi ka pai. The whole body should be shaken to be beneficial. [TWK] Korikori katoa te whare e te awha. The whole house was shaken by the storm. [TWK] E tu mai i kona, kaua e korikori! [NGH3] Kei konei nga tuna e korikori ana. The eels are wriggling around over here. [NGH3] Ma te kanikani, e korikori te tinana. By dancing the body is exercised. [TTU]    nekeneke

korihi [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  singing of birds, birds chorus  Korihi mai ra, nga manu tioriori. **** [NGH3]   

korihirihi [1]  {R8L}    the tide    

koripa, koriparipa [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to sidestep  He tino toa a Teroi ki te koripa. Teroi is really good at sidestepping. [NGH3] Ka koripa ia kia kore ai e tutuki. He swerved so that he was not tackled. [NGH3]  Koriparipa atu ia i te tima o Hamoa. **** [NGH3]   

koriti [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  to be wary  E hanga koriti ana te iwi i te kopaki putea. The people are a bit wary of this fiscal envelope. [NGH3] Kia koriti tonu koe, ahakoa ko mutu te whawhai. Be wary at all times even though the fight is finished. [NGH3]      

koro [1]  {WL3}   [Noun]  term of endearment for male  E koro, hoki mai. Son, come back! [TTU]   

koroamo [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  the silverbelly eel  He reka te koroamo mehemea me tunu. The silverbelly eel is sweet when baked over coals. [NGH3] He pai ke atu ki ahau te koroamo ki te kuwharu. I like the silverbelly eel better than the yellowbelly eel. [NGH3]    kuwharu, oke|

koroheke [1]    [Universal]  an old man  He tino koroheke kaumätua ia. He is indeed a very old person. [NKU/TA] Kei hea te koroheke? Where is the old man? [NKU/TA] Kua koroheke taku tupuna e koe e taea e haere tawhiti. My grandfather is an old man and unable to walk very far. [KP/MHR] Ä te wä kua koroheke täua. In time we will become elders. [NWH] Kua tino koroheke ia mo ënä tuumomo mahi. He has become too old to perform those kinds of tasks. [TWK/MHR]   

Korohue [1] Ngati Korohue [Name] This hapü name was used by 4 voters affiliated with Ngapuhi in 1918, 2 at Te Ahuahu and the others at Kerikeri and Ngatoki.

korohunga [1] [Stative] reduced to shreds, tattered   

korohunga [2] [Noun] a cloak with an ornamental border      

koroii [1]    [Noun]  the name for the young of plants, plant shoots  Ko te koroii te ingoa o te otaota te wa e nonohi ana te koroii me te karioi. The koroii and the karioi are names of plants when they are young before they become young adult plants. [TWK]   

koroiroi [1]  {WAI}   [Stative] to be neglectful, to trifle with  Kaua e pokanoa ki te koroiroi i to iwi. Don't be neglectful of your people. [NGH3]   

koroke [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  chap, fellow  Ko wai te koroke nei? Who is this fellow? [NGH3] I honi te koroke ra i roto i a mätou körero. The man was defeated, he couldn't add anymore to our discussion. [NGH4]   

koroki [1]    [Stative]  brave, bold  He koroki o tätou tüpuna. Our ancestors were brave people. [TTU]  

korokoro [1]  {WL3} [Noun] throat  E tino maroke ana töku korokoro. My throat is really dry. [TTU] E mamae ana töku korokoro. My throat is sore. [TTU] I te kore horongi tika i te kai, i te mauiui o taku korokoro. If I don't swallow my food properly, then I get a sore throat. [NWE]   

korokoro [2]    [Stative]  to be loose  Kua korokoro te taura inaianei. The rope is loose now. [NGH3]  (Cf. makere)

Korokoro [3] Ngati Korokoro [Name] This hapü name was used by 21 voters affiliated with Ngapuhi in 1918: 4 at Omapere, 3 at Whirinaki, and the others at Pakanae, Kaihu, Waimamaku, Te Aratapu, Kaikohe, Te Kawakawa, Matauri Bay, Tautoro, Wainui, Waipoua and Waiwhatawhata. It was also used by 6 Te Rarawa voters, at Kaihu, Matamata, Ripia, Tangowahine and Waimamaku.


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The compilers welcome comments, suggestions and new material which will enhance the value of the dictionary to its users. Please send these to kupu at rakiora.org.

Hoki atu ki runga


E-mail kupu at rakiora.org