K |
(K, k) Ko K te tuarima, te tuawhitu ränei, o nga reta o nga pü tuhi Mäori. K is the fifth letter of the Mäori alphabet, or the seventh if you start with the five vowels. |
Sources: JHMRC Master File for letter ‘K’ 10 October 2001 as amended and re-formatted, plus new entries 2003/4/5/6-9 from a variety of sources. |
Web page last revised 04-v-2009 [650 headwords, including combinations with kai-] This is Page 2 of 8 web pages for this letter (there are too many entries to fit them all onto one page).
© The contributors to Te Papakupu o te Taitokerau. All rights reserved. |
This is a working draft which therefore will contain errors and omissions of varying degrees of significance. Comments, including suggestions for new entries and material, are welcome. These can be sent by e-mail to kupu at rakiora.org |
FORMATTING NOTE The dictionary files are set to display in Arial Mäori or Times New Roman Mäori truetype fonts. If you do not have these fonts, you can download them from the macronized fonts page. Work on the basic formatting (bolding of head words, italics for English translations, putting in information about parts of speech, and so on) is dependent on the efforts volunteer workers -- eventually it will be complete but for the moment it is still very much "work in progress". See the General Overview for more information. |
kaitä [1] {WL6} [Noun] recorder, secretary, typist, signatory, an editor of a newspaper, scribe Ko ahau tëtahi o ngä kaitä o ta maua pukapuka haki. I am one of the signatories to our cheque book. [KRA] Ko ia te kaitä. He is a painter. [NKU/TA] Koia anö te kaitä i te perehi. It was he who published the work. [NKU/TA] He tohunga te kaitä i ahau. The person who worked on my tatoo was a specialist. [NKU] Ko Eru te kaitä o te nupepa. Eru is the editor of the newspaper. [KP/MHR] Ko ia te kaitä i ngä kupu mo te papa kupu. She is the scribe for the writing of our dictionary. [NWH] kaitä [2] {KMF} large superior quality He aruhe kaitä he aruhe pai rawa. A delicious fern root. [KP/MHR] kaitakawaenga [1] {WAI} [Noun] mediator, go between. Ko Matenga te kaitakawaenga mo nga taha e rua. Marsden was the mediator between the two sides. [NGH3] (From kai- and takawaenga.) [050215] kaitangata [Noun] [1] cannibal (kai eat + tangata) kaitangata [2] Te Kaitangata [Name] Four voters at Matangirau, affiliated with Ngapuhi, gave this as their hapü name in 1918. kaitango [1] {CL1} [Derived Noun] a means or agent of removing something He kuku te kaitango niho. A clamp will remove teeth. [NGH2] Te kaitango mai nga kino o nga awa haere he tuna. The eel removes all the waste from creeks. [NGH2] Ko ia te kaihomai, ko ia ano te kaitango, kia whakapaitia tona ingoa. It is he who gives and he who takes away, glory to his name. [TTU] Ko wai te kaitango i tona turanga? Who was it that took his place? [NGH4] Ko te heketari te kaitango i nga meneti. Recording the minutes is the role of the secretary. [NWE] (kai- + tango] [041126] kaitaraiwa [1] {WAI} [Derived Noun] driver Ko Wally te kaitaraiwa o taua pahi. Wally was the driver of that bus. [NGH3] I ui mai te kaitaraiwa o te pahi he aha te taima haere. The bus driver asked for the time of departure. [TWK] [041126] kaitätaki [1] < kaitataaki, kaitataki > [Noun] conductor, leader, speechmaker. (From agentive prefix kai-, plus reduplication of taki [2], make speeches; cf. also taki [1] challenge). kaitautoko [1] {WL6} [Noun] supporter, a seconder at a meeting Ko te roopuu rangatahi ngä kaitautoko i ngä take ä ngä kaumätua. The youth group are supporters of the elders initiatives. [KRA] He kaitautoko ia. She acts in the role of affirmation or agreement (for certain things). [NKU/TA] Ko ia te kaitautoko mo nga take. She acts in the role of support on certain issues that require sanctions. [NKU/TA] Ko te kaitautoko i te kaupapa, ko te mahita kura. The backbone and chief supporter of the programme is the teacher. [NKU] Mana te motini hei a koe te kaitautoko. He’ll propose the motion and you can second it. [KP/MHR] Ka mutu te mihi tuatahi ka tuu mai te kaitautoko. When the first speaker finished, the supporting speaker rose in support. [NWH] Nga kaitautoko o te take ko Ewa me Tone. The seconders of the motion were Eva and Tony. [TTU] [041126] kaitawari [1] {CL1} [Noun] one who wrings/twists something, or unravels something Ko koe te kaitawari mai i nga kakahu. You will wring the clothes. [NGH2] Te kaitawari he koroheke. The person doing the twist was an old fellow. [NGH2] Ko te kaitawari, hei whakatika nga tika o te whänau. The peacemaker is one who will help set the family on the right path again. [TTU] Ko teera kotiro te kaitawari i nga taora mäku. That girl will wring out the wet towels. [NGH4] Ko wai hei kaitawari i te kake o te heihei? Who is going to kill the hens? (by wringing their necks) [NWE] [041126] kaitawari [1] {CL1} [Noun] one who wrings/twists something, or unravels something Ko koe te kaitawari mai i nga kakahu. You will wring the clothes. [NGH2] Te kaitawari he koroheke. The person doing the twist was an old fellow. [NGH2] Ko te kaitawari, hei whakatika nga tika o te whänau. The peacemaker is one who will help set the family on the right path again. [TTU] Ko teera kotiro te kaitawari i nga taora mäku. That girl will wring out the wet towels. [NGH4] Ko wai hei kaitawari i te kake o te heihei? Who is going to kill the hens? (by wringing their necks) [NWE] kaitiaki [1] {CL1} [Noun] caretakers, guardians He kaitiaki tätou. We are caretakers. [NGH2] He kaitiaki katoa tätou. We are all caretakers. [TTU] Ko mätou nga kaitiaki o to mätou awa. We are the caretakers of our river. [MWA] Ko te kaitiaki i te ahi kia ki tonu, ko moe ke. The person looking after the fire, has gone to sleep. [NGH4] He koukou te kaitiaki o tënei whänau. A morepork is the guardian of this family. [NGH3] Moohitia ana, ko te heepara te kaitiaki hipi. The keeper of the sheep is known as the shepherd. [NWE] taniwha [041126] #[Note from Te Mätäpunenga ©] Kaitiakitanga To do with being a watcher or guard; in modern usage this word has come to encapsulate an emerging ethic of guardianship or trusteeship, especially over natural resources. A combination of kai- “agent” (from Proto Eastern Oceanic *kai “people of a place”); tiaki “guard, keep; watch for, wait for” (from Proto Eastern Polynesian *tiaki “to guard; wait for”); and the nominalizing prefix -tanga, which denotes the place, time, circumstances or associations of the word to which it is suffixed (Proto-Polynesian *-tanga). kaititiro [1] [Universal] witness Ko nga matua nga kaititiro ki te hainatanga o te Tiriti o Waitangi. Some of the elders were witnesses to the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. [TTU] [041126] kaitito [1] {WL4} [Noun] songwriter, scribe, composer Ko Mere te kaitito waiata mo to mätou Kura. Mere is the songwriter for our school. [KRA] He kaitito waiata ia. She is a composer of songs. [NKU/TA] Ko Tuini Ngäwai me Ngoi Peewhairangi ngä tino toa kaitito waiata. Tuini Ngäwai and Ngoi Peewhairangi were really expert in the compositions of songs. [NKU/TA] Kua tae mai te kaitito waiata tamariki. The writer of children's songs has arrived. [NKU] Ko Mita te kaitito i tënä waiata. Mita was the writer of that song. [NKU] Ko te kaitito körero o tënei hapu ko Ihaka. Ihaka is the person to sort out the decision making for the people. [TTU] Ko Tuini te kaitito o te waiata E Poi E. Tuini was the composer of the song E Poi E. [NWH] He kaitito rongonui ia moo ana mahi tuhi waiata. She was a prolific songwriter. [TWK/MHR] Ko te kaitito körero o tënei hapu ko Ihaka. Ike is the person to sort out the decision-making for this family. [TTU] kaituhi [041126] kaitoa Kaitoa koe kia hia kai, he takaroa nou. Serves you right to be hungry you're so slow. [NKU] kaitono [1] {CL1} [Noun] sender, messenger Ko te kotiro te kaitono. The sender was a girl. [NGH2] Te kaitono ko tana, he hono tangata ki ko, kia u ai te noho. He was sent to bring the people together so that they would live together peacefully. [TTU] Ko te kaitono mo tërä turanga ka möhio pea. The person who applied for that position might know. [NGH4] Te kaitiaki moni te kaitono putea. The Treasurer is the one who makes application for funding. [NWE] [041126] kaitonotono [1] [Derived Agentive Noun] slave (from tono [1] command) kaituao [1] {WAI} [Universal] volunteer E hiahiatia ana ëtahi kaituao. Some volunteers are required. [NGH3] [041126] kaituhi [1] {WL2} Eng. [Noun] writer, scribe, journalist, secretary Ko Cara te wahine i tohungia hei kaituhi i ngä urongo mo te Ohonga Reo o Matauri. Cara was the lady appointed writer for the documents of the Matauri Language Centre. [KRA] He kaituhi ngä kaumatua i ngä tikanga o mua. The learned elders wrote down the customary traditions of the past. [NKU/TA] Rapuhia he kaituhi mo tënei pukapuka. Seek out a writer/journalist for this book. [NKU/TA] Ko ia te kaituhi pepa o te kura. He is the writer of the school magazine. [NKU/TA] Ko Mere te kaituhi i tënä pukapuka. Mere was the writer of that book. [KP/MHR] Te kaituhi o nga tamariki a Tame me Hemo ko Kataraina. Of Tom and Hemo's children Kathleen is the writer. [TTU] Te kaituhi i haere mai no Ingarangi. The writer came from England. [NGH2] Ko ia tëtahi o ngä kaituhi kua tiimata ki te tuhi pakiwaitara mä ngä tamariki koohungahunga. She is one of the story writers for beginners and preschool children. [TWK/MHR] Ko ta mätou kaituhi tikanga Mäori, Pakeha, he mokopuna. Our secretary, who understands both Mäori and Pakeha is our grandchild. [TTU] Ko te kaituhi i te reta kei te tatari i te whakautu. The person who wrote the letter is waiting for the reply. [NGH4] Hei ropu e ahei kaituhi take ki te kawanatanga. Certain authorities or organisations may make contact at the higher government level. [NWE] kaitito[041126] kaitukino [1]{NGH3] abuser Ko tenei te kaitukino. This is the abuser. [NGH3] tukino [041126] Kaitutae [1] Te Kaitutae [Name] In 1918, 11 voters affiliated with Te Rarawa gave this as their hapü name: 4 at Lower Waihou, 2 at Rawene, and the rest at Motukaraka, Motuti, Paeroa, Waipapakauri and Whakarapa. The name was also used by 3 voters affiliated with Ngapuhi: 2 at Whakarapa and 1 at Lower Waihou. In 1908, one Aupouri voter at Otaua was recorded with this as their hapü name. kaiwae [1] {WL4} [Universal] deck of a canoe Whakawatea e koutou te kaiwae o te waka kei hinga te kaihautu. Clear the decks in case the captain trips over. [KP/MHR] waiata kaiwai [1] {NKU} freshwater crayfish Kii ana ngä manga o Waima i te kaiwai. The streams in Waima are full of freshwater crayfish. [NKU] kaiwaiata [1] [Noun] singer He kaiwaiata ia o te whare tapere. He is a singer at the theatre. [NGH3] kaiwhakahaere [1] {WL2} [Noun] organiser, manager, one who is responsible for something Nga kaiwhakahaere o tënei kaupapa. The organisers of this foundation. [NGH2] Te kaiwhakahaere o nga mahi i te hohipere he nähi. The people responsible for the work at the hospitals are nurses. [NGH2] Ko Kara ma nga kaiwhakahaere o nga putea hei tuku ki nga Mäori mo te hauora. Kara and the others are responsible for the funds allocated for Mäori health. [NGH2] Ko Ma Peita te kaiwhakahaere i te reo irirangi. Ma Pieta is responsible for the broadcasting. [NGH2] Ko tana mahi hei kaiwhakahaere i te kaupapa i runga o tona ake paeroa. His job is to manage the proceedings in his own programme.. [TTU] Körero atu ki te kaiwhakahaere i te hui. Speak to the organiser of the meeting. [NGH4] Ko Kath te kaiwhakahaere mo tënei tau. Kath is the organiser for this year. [NGH3] Nga kaiwhakahaere i nga marae, ko te kaumatua ki nga wahanga mihimihi me tona tangata ano ki te taha o nga hunga taka i te kai. The organisers at the marae are the elders in the role of speechmaking, alongside their people preparing the meals. [NWE] kaiwhakamäori [1] {WL6} [Noun] interpreter Ko Ihaka te kaiwhakamäori mo roto i te whare kooti, kia märama ai te iwi Mäori i ngä whakatau ä te Tiati. Ihaka is the interpreter in the court-house so that judgements made by the Judge can be clearly understood by Mäori. [KRA] Ko ia te kaiwhakamäori i ngä kupu Päkehä. She translates English into Mäori. [NWH] He kaiwhakamäori tana mahi. Her work entails translating from English into Mäori. [NKU/TA] Ko ia te kaiwhakamäori i ngä pukapuka nei. He is the translator of these books. [NKU] Taku tupuna he kaiwhakamäori mo te Kooti Whenua Mäori. My grandfather was an interpretor for the Mäori Land Court. [KP/MHR] Kia tika anö te kaiwhakamäori i ngä körero kä möhio ngä kaumätua he aha te tino kaupapa a te kaikörero. When the interpreter of the speeches is really accurate the elders will understand the ultimate intention of the speaker. [TWK/MHR] kaiwhakatapu [1] {WL3} [Noun] one who places restrictions upon things, ...one who limits, blesses Ko te kaiwhakatapu, ko tana mahi, kia whakawatea, whakatapu hoki, te mea o taua wa. He is one who places or lifts tapu according to the situation at the time. [TTU] Ko wai te kaiwhakatapu i tënei takotoranga koiwi.? Who will bless this resting place of these bones? [NGH4] He minita te kaiwhakatapu me nga whänau i reira. The minister and the families there placed the restrictions. [NGH2] whakatapu, kairahui[041126] kaiwhakatapu [1] {WL3} [Noun] one who places restrictions upon things, ...one who limits, blesses Ko te kaiwhakatapu, ko tana mahi, kia whakawatea, whakatapu hoki, te mea o taua wa. He is one who places or lifts tapu according to the situation at the time. [TTU] Ko wai te kaiwhakatapu i tënei takotoranga koiwi.? Who will bless this resting place of these bones? [NGH4] He minita te kaiwhakatapu me nga whänau i reira. The minister and the families there placed the restrictions. [NGH2] whakatapu, kairahui kaiwhakatau [1] {TWK} advisor, authority I ngä rä o mua, ko te tohunga kë te kaiwhakatau i ngä ähuatanga katoa. In former times, it was the tohunga who advised and determined the path and strategies of his people. [TWK] [041126] kaiwhakaue [1] [Noun] helmsman. Ko toku whaea te kaiwhakaue i to mätou waka. My Aunty was steering the boat. [KRO] ue kaiwhakaue [1] Noun * helmsman * [NB – check this definition] Ko toku whaea te kaiwhakaue i to mätou waka. My Aunty was steering the boat. [KRO] ue kaiwhakawä, ...tanga [1] {CL1} [Stative] one who judges, interrogates Te roia he kaiwhakawa i te whare kooti. A lawyer interrogates at the court house. [NGH2] Me tiki mai mätou e nga kaiwhakawa. The judges fetched us. [NGH2] Titiro ki nga potae o nga kaiwhakawä. Look at the judges hats. [NGH2] Na te kaiwhakawä, i tika tana whakatau. The judges decision was correct. [TTU] Ehara a Timu i te kaiwhakawa i tënei tau. Timu is not the judge this year. [NGH3] Na nga kaiwhakawätanga i körero. The judges made a decision. [NGH2] I te marae nga kaiwhakawatanga mo nga tikanga. Discussions about the traditions, were carried out with the investigators at the marae. [NGH2] Ahua roa te nohonga kia mutu nga kaiwhakawatanga mo tëtahi take. The sitting took sometime to end business with the settlement. [NGH2] Ka mutu mai nga pakanga nunui nga körero a nga kaiwhakawatanga. Disputes ended after talks with mediators. [NGH2] E ki o tätou matua, e kotahi to kaiwhakawatanga, anei ki te hemo koe, ma te kaihanga. According to our elders, when you die, that is your judgement day, deemed by the creator. [TTU] kaiwhakawätea [1] {WL6} [Noun] enforcement officers, police, facilitator, mediator, person clearing away Ko nga kaumatua nga kaiwhakawätea huarahi. It is the elders who perform the incantations appropriate to clearing the pathways. [NKU/TA] Ko ia te kaiwhakawätea i ngä whare. She clears the house through the appropriate prayers. [NKU/TA] Ko ia te kaiwhakawatea i ngä tikanga o tënei kura. He is the planner organiser of the programme at this school. [NKU] Ma te kaiwhakawätea te körero mo o koutou hou mai ai ki roto. The person clearing things will let you know when to enter. [KP/MHR] Kaiwhare [1] Ngati Kaiwhare [Name] In 1918 one voter at Mitimiti, affiliated with Te Rarawa, gave this as their hapü name. It was also used by one Ngati Whatua voter at Karakanui in 1918, and two at Whakapirau in 1908. kaiwhao [1] {WL2} [Noun] a kind of shellfish. käkä [1] [Noun] native parrot Kahore he käkä o to mätou ngahere. There are no parrots in our bushlands. [MWA] käkä [1] {NG2} bird, native parrot Te manu he Kaka. The bird is a Kaka. [NGH2] He maha o te Kaka kei te Waipounamu e noho ana. The Kaka are numerous in the South Island. [TTU] Kahore he käkä o to mätou ngahere. There are no parrots in our bushlands. [MWA] kakahi [1] {WAI} [Noun] type of shellfish He momo pipi te kakahi e kitea ana i nga awa. The kakahi is a kind of river pipi. [NGH3] kakaho [1] {CL1} [Noun] fibre Me tiki ëtahi kakaho hei whakaoti i a tätou mahi tukutuku. We should fetch some fibre to complete our panel work. [NGH4] Kei reira nga kakaho tukutuku. The flax strips for weaving the decorative wall panels are over there.(that aforementioned place). [NWE] kakahu, ...ria, ...tanga [Universal] clothing Te kakahu tapu, mana, ki te Mäori, he korowai. To Mäori, the cloak is a piece of clothing that has special significance. [TTU] No wai ënei kakahu e takoto nei? Whose are these clothes lying here? [NGH4] Kahore ënä nga kakahu tika. Those are not the correct clothing. [NGH2] Me kakahu tika koe mo to haere ki te kura. Dress yourself properly for school. [NGH2] He huiti te kakahu tika mo te haere ki t whare karakia. A suit is the appropriate dress when going to church. [NWE] Mai, mai räno i kahuria te tinana o te tangata. Ever since way back when, man has adorned the body. [NGH2] A waho kua kahuria i te roa ki reira ka waikura. The outer has been covered with rust due to the length of time. [NGH2] I taku kakahutanga i taku koti ko kore ke e o. When I put on my coat, it didn't fit. [NGH4] Ka makariri, kia mahara nga kakahutanga. When it's cold remember to dress well. [NWE] kakai [1] {WAI} [Stative] gluttony E ai ki Te Rangatahi, he tama kakai a Tamahae. According to the Te Rangatahi Book Tamahae was gluttonous. [NGH3] kakama, kamakama [1] [Stative] quick, bright, nimble, agile He kotiro kakama, i mau wawe ai i a ia. An intelligent girl, she learned quickly. [NGH3] He kakama nona, kihai ia i mau. He was never caught because he was so nimble. [NGH3] Kia kakama tonu to hoki mai. You'd better return quickly. [NGH3] He kotiro kamakama, i mau wawe ai i a ia.[NGH3] He kamakama tau tamaiti. That boy was a quick thinker. [NGH3] kakanga [1] {WMS} [Noun] slave [Te Rarawa] (Reduplication of kanga [1], from Proto-Tahitic *kanga “to curse someone”.) käkano [1] < kaakano, kakano > [Noun] seed Me he e kore e whai kakano, e kore he uri, mo nga mea katoa. If there were no seed, there would be no issue. [TTU] Tino pai te tupu o aku kakano kukama. My marrow seeds are growing very well. [NGH4] kakano [1] {CL1} [Noun] (1) texture, grain (in wood). * (2) colour. kakano [2] {CL1} [Noun] berry, small fruit [cf. käkano] kakapa [1] {WMS} [Verb] (1) Throb, palpitate. Te tau o taku ate e kakapa tonu nei (M. 256). Ko te uma kakapa ana, ano e ru ana te whenua (Pi. 133, 11). * (2) Flutter, quiver. E rongo ana koe i te manu e kakapa mai ra ? (T. 146). E kakapa ana te rau o te taiaha, të. mau, taka ki te whenua. (Used also of the quivering of the hands in a haka.) kapakapa [Verb] throb or flutter violently or repeatedly. Ae, he kapakapa tera no te manu mate, e werohia ana e tetahi tangata (N. 123). Kia hoki mai te tau o taku manawa kapakapa (Sh.T. 170). käkäpö [1] < kaakaapoo, kakapo > [Noun] kakapo, a large flightless parrot (Strigops harboptilus) Kua tino takitahi te Kakapo, tënei manu i ënei ra. The numbers of Kakapo are very small indeed. [TTU] Ko te manu kakapo, e pai tona ahua. The native parrot is a lovely bird. käkäpoo [1] {NG2} [Noun] parrot Tino ätaahua tërä manu te kakapo. That is a beautiful bird the kakapo. [NGH2] Tino rite te kakapo ki te kiwi. The kakapo is like the kiwi. [NGH2] käkä kakara [1] {CL1} aroma, smell Rangona ana te kakara o nga hua karaka kua tika mo te kohikohi. The smell of ripe karaka berries tells one it is ready to harvest. [TTU] Ka rongo a Turoongo i te kakara o Mahinarangi. Turongo smelled (the raukawa), the scent of Mahinarangi. [NGH3] Te kakara o nga putiputi. The scent of the flowers. [NGH2] He pai te kakara o te hua karaka, ki te maoa. Karaka berries have a lovely scent when ripe. [TTU] Pai hoki te kakara o te haunga o teera putiputi kanihana. That carnation has a lovely scent. [NGH4] kakarauri, ...tanga [1] {WAI} [Universal] dusk Ka kakarauri, ka tae mai te rongo ko hinga. When night fell, we heard he'd died. [NGH3 Ko te ahiahi, te kakarauritanga, ko te po. There is the afternoon, then dusk, then evening. [NGH3] kakati {NG3} bitter taste He tino kakati te remana mo te kai. Lemons are really sour to eat. [TTU] He kakati tonu te tiamu nei. This jam has a bitter taste. [NGH3] He kakati te remana e kai matahia ana. Lemons are sour when eaten before they're ripe. [NGH3] kawa kakati [2] {WAI} [Stative] a stinging sensation E kakati ana taku mamae i to rongoa. Your medicine gave me a stinging sensation (on my wound). [NGH3] kakau [1] [Noun] handle Kia pupuri i te kakau o te perepere na kei whati. Hold onto the handle of the hoe in case it snaps. [MWA] kakau [2] [Noun] (1) A variety of kumara. Kätahi ka utaina te kämara nei, ä te kakau. Then this kumara, te kakau, was brought ashore. *(2) The “belt” part of the constellation of Orion; also called Te Kakau a Mäui# (Cf. tautoru) Ko Te Kakau, me Köpü mä, e whakaatu ana i te awatea. Orion, Venus and the others are appearing at dawn. [WMD] kakawe [1] {CL1} persist Ka kakawe tonu ia. He persisted. [NGH2] kake, ...ngia, ...ina, ...nga, …kake [1] {CL1} [Universal] climb, ascend Ka kake te paräooa. The homemade bread doubled it's size. [NKU/TA] Ana kake koe i e puke kua kitea te moana. If you climb the hill you will see the sea. [KP/MHR] Ka kake te nanekoti i ngä toka. The goat climbed the rocks. [NGH2] Na nga nanakia i kake te maunga teitei o te ao. The world's highest mountain was scaled by the adventurous climbers. [TTU] Mau e kake toku hoiho. You hop up on my horse. [MWA] Ka kae atu ia i te motoka, ka haere. He got on his car and left. [NGH3] Mo te haere tawhiti, me kake motoka e wawe ai te tae. When travelling any distance, go by car so that you arrive in a timely fashion. [NWE] Kakengia te räkau mo ngä hua, kaua e ruiruia. Climb and pick the fruit off the tree don't shake it! [TWK/MHR] Kakengia e koe tërä kahiwi. You climb that slope. [KP/MHR] Kakeina atu tënä hoiho. Mount that horse. [MWA] Ka kakenga te puke nei e rätou. They were the ones who climbed this hill. [NKU/TA] I te kakenga o ta Edmond Hillary te maunga ikeike i te ao tangata ka rongonuihia. When Sir Edmond Hillary climbed the highest mountain in the world he became famous. [NGH2] I te kakenga mai o te tai uru, ru ana te papaki mai o nga kare ki uta. The rising tide created waves that lapped the shoreline. [TTU] I toku kakenga atu ki runga i te pahi, ka körero mai te taraiwa. When I climbed aboard the bus, the driver spoke to me. [NGH4] He kakenga mataku tërä. That's a steep grade that is quite scary. [NWE] He mahi pai ki ngä tamariki te kakekake räkau. Climbing trees is a great pastime of children. [NKU/TA] Kakekake mai ki runga. Climb onboard. [NKU/TA] Kakekake mai tätou ki konei. All of us climb up here. [KP/MHR] piki kakï [1] {CL1} < kakii, kaki > [Noun] neck Tino roa te kakï o tërä manu, te matuku. That bird, the swamp hen has a very long neck. [NGH4] Kei runga te kakï i nga pokohiwi. The neck is above the shoulders. [NGH3] kakï märö [1] {BWL} [Idiom] stubborn Kakï märö te koroke na, mahi noa atu. He's a redneck that one, he disregards everyone else. [TTU] kakunga [1] {CL1} kamaka [NGH3] {WAI} [Noun] a stone memorial Me whakatapu te kamaka ki nga matua. The memorial to their parents should be blessed. [NGH3] kamo [1] {BWL} eyelashes, eyes Roaroa o kamo. Your eyelashes are long. [NGH2] Kua tetere katoa nga kamo i te tanginga. [Their] eyes were swollen from crying. [TTU] Titiro ki te kamo a teera tangata. Look at that one's eyelashes. [NGH4] O kamo mate wahere. Your flithy roving eyes (glances). [NWE] kamokamo [1] hui [Noun] type of marrow He kamokamo mäota ërä. These are fresh marrow. [TWK/MHR] kamupene ENG. [Noun] company, business organisation He maha nga kamupene i tënei wa kua hemo, e kore mahi aua hunga. Many companies have closed leaving their workers jobless. [TTU] Ma taku kamupene e mau ënä mahi nui. My company will fix those big jobs. [NGH4] Ko nga kamupene nunui i tënei rä whakaparuparu nei i o tätou awäwa ki nga paihana, e matemate nei te tuna, te ika. The big companies are today poisoning the waterways and killing the eels and fish. [TTU] Ma te kohikohi tahi, ka puta, ka ora, te tu o te kamupene. A company's success can be acheived through working as a team. [NWE] Te whakamaoa i te ika kanae, me kohue kia hawhe matamata. Mullet is best eaten whenboiled till it is half cooked. [NWE] kämura [1] {TMF} Eng. [Noun] carpenter, builder He pai ngä mahi a te kämura i hangaia ai taua whare. The carpenter was an expert builder of the house. [TWK/MHR] Tonoa atu he kämura hei hanga i tö whare. Send for a carpenter to build your house. [KRA] Ko täna nei mahi he kämura. Her job is that of a builder. [NKU/TA] He kämura ia. He is a carpenter. [NKU/TA] Tä maua tamaiti a Arena he mahi kamura. Our son Allan his job is a carpenter. [TTU] He tino koretake te kämura o taku whare. The carpenter to my house was useless. [NWH] kämura [2] {NKU} Eng. [Universal] gamble Noho mai ki te kämura ki te mahi momi mo te kapa haka. Stay and gamble with us and make money for the haka club. [NKU] kana, ...kana [1] {BWL} [Noun] pupil of eye Taka mai he kana. The eyeball fell out. [NGH2] kanae [1] {IKA} [Noun] Aldrichetta forsteri, yelloweye mullet, Mugil cephalus, grey mullet; a species of fish Kei Te Tii nga kanae. The mullet are at Te Tii. [NGH2] Nga marama Hanuere ki Maehe, e momona ana te kanae, ko tënei te wa e kau mai ai ki nga awa ki te whänau. The months of January through to March, the mullet are fat as they swim upstream to spawn. [TTU] Tikina te kupenga hei hao kanae. Go and fetch the mullet net. [NKU] Kii katoa te kupenga i te kanae. The net is full of mullet. [MWA] He kanae a mätou parakuihi i tënei ata. Our breakfast this morning was mullet. [NGH4] kanae raukura [1] kanaku [1] {R8L} [Noun] fire. Ka kongange te kanaku. The fire is burning. [WMS Te Rarawa].
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