(K, k) Ko K te tuarima, te tuawhitu ränei, o nga reta o nga pü tuhi Mäori. K is the fifth letter of the Mäori alphabet, or the seventh if you start with the five vowels.
Sources: JHMRC Master File for letter ‘K’ 10 October 2001 as amended and re-formatted, plus new entries 2003/4/5/6-9 from a variety of sources. [720 headwords under this letter at 13 May 2009, including combinations with kai-]

Entries on this w eb page last revised 03-v-2009

This is Page 1 of 8 web pages for this letter (there are too many entries to fit them all onto one page).
The entries are divided up as follows (you can get to the other pages by clicking on the highlighted words):

ka to kairuri
kaitä to kanuku
kanapa to karaunu

karawa to kauwhau
kawa to kipa
kiri to konewha
kongakona to korokoro
koromatua to kuwharu

© The contributors to Te Papakupu o te Taitokerau. All rights reserved.


This is a working draft which therefore will contain errors and omissions of varying degrees of significance. Comments, including suggestions for new entries and material, are welcome. These can be sent by e-mail to kupu at rakiora.org
The dictionary files are set to display in Arial Mäori or Times New Roman Mäori truetype fonts. If you do not have these fonts, you can download them from the macronized fonts page. Work on the basic formatting (bolding of head words, italics for English translations, putting in information about parts of speech, and so on) is dependent on the efforts volunteer workers -- eventually it will be complete but for the moment it is still very much "work in progress". See the General Overview for more information.


ka [1]  {CL1}   [Pre-verbal particle] ka marks the start of a new action or state: Kätahi a Puti ka titiro ki tana wati. Then Puti looked at her watch. I haere ka tü. It went then stopped. [NGH2] Tätou ka haere. Let’s go.

ka [2] [Enumerator] This is a special use of the pre-verbal particle ka with the base numerals from tahi to iwa in counting out things: Ka tahi, ka rua, ka toru, ka whä. One, two, three, four. (Cf. kia [2])

, ...nga, ...ka [1] < kaa, ka > {CL1}   [Universal]  burn, alight, switch on - as with electricity  Kä pai te ahi i te mura o te mäti. The struck match ignited the fire. [NWE] Kä pai nga kai i te wera rewa o te to. The food was burnt by the heat of the stove. [NWE] E ka ana te ahi. The fire is alight. [NGH3] E kä mai ra te whare o whaea. The lights at mothers house were on. [NGH2] Me tahu kia kä mai. It was burnt so it would light up. [NGH2] Kä mura te ahi ana puhia o te hau. The fire will be set aflame if the wind blows on it. [KP/MHR] E ka mai ra te kapura, kia tupato kei toro te ngahere. There's a fire burning over there, take care lest it set the bush alight. [TTU] E ka ana nga raiti. The lights are on. [NGH3]  Mahana katoa te ruma i te känga o te ahi. The whole room was warmed by the fire. [NWE]  Kaka pai te mura o te ahi. The fire burned red hot. [NGH2]  Te kä o te uma. Heartburn. [HUI]   tahu, toro

kaha, ...kaha [1]  {CL1}   [Stative]  strong, strength, committed, endurance, persevere  Tino kaha ia ki te häpai i ngä kaupapa o tana whänau. He was committed to uphold the principles of his family. [TTU] Na toona kaha anö ka puta ia ki te taumata o te matauranga. It was through his own inner strength that he reached the goals he desired. [TWK/MHR] Kia kaha ki te whakapakari i a koe e hine ki te körero i to reo Mäori. Be strong and develop your ability to speak in the Mäori language. [KRA] He wahine tino kaha koe. You are a woman of great strength. [NKU/TA] He tino kaha te hau. The wind is very strong. [NKU/TA] Kaha atu koe i ahau. You are much stronger than I am. [NKU/TA] He tiima tino kaha rätou ki te purei pä whutupäoro. They are a strong team at playing touch rugby. [NKU/TA] He kaha koutou ki te aru i te take. You are relentless in following through. [NKU] He kaha ia ki te pikau wahie. He is very strong to carry the wood. [KP/MHR] Tu kaha te pakanga ki nga wairua kino. Be strong in the battle against evil. [NWE] Ko tërä tangata me ona teina e hunga kaha katoa. That person and his brothers are all strong people. [TTU] Tino kaha mätou ki te mahi i a mätou mahi papa kupu i tënei rä. We worked very hard on our dictionary today. [NWH] Tino kaha koe ki te ara. You are so determined to stay awake. [NGH2] Te kaha o te pupuhi o te hau tonga. The south wind is blowing strong. [TWK]  Te whakakiki kahakaha. To be alert. [NWE] Me hanga kahakaha ake o koutou reo ki te waiata. You should raise your voices a little louder when you sing. [NGH4]  To kaha ke! You've got a nerve!  Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui. Have courage, strength and perseverance. [NKU/TA]  manawaroa

Kaha [2] Ngati Kaha [Name] In 1918 this hapü name was used by 8 voters, all affiliated with Te Rarawa. Two voted at Manakau, and the others at Herekino, Paeroa, Taemaro, Taipa, Waipapakauri and Whangape. In 1908 it was used by 3 Aupouri voters, two at Te Kao and one at Waiaua. See also Ngatikaha.

kahakaha [1]  {NWE}   [Noun]  undergarments, or inner layers  Te kahakaha he wekete, he kakahu roto, he penekoti, he pari, he tarau, tokena atu. A kahakaha would be a waistcoat and inner garments ie, petticoat, bra, underwear, socks. [NGH2] E tokowhitu te kahakaha hiako o te räkau hoihere. The bark of the Hoihere tree consists of seven layers. [TTU]   

kahaki [1]  {R8L}  [Stative]  to have passed away, gone away, vanished  Kua kahaki o tätou matua tupuna ki paerau. Our parents and grandparents have all gone to the creator. [TTU] Kua puhia katoa kia kahaki nga whare i te awha. The wind so that all the houses disappeared in the storm. [NGH2]   

kahaki [2] (kahakina) [Universal] to fail E ki ai rätou ma, ka kahakina ia whakatupuranga. According to what they said, each generation would fail. [TTU]

kahaki [3] (kahakina) [Universal] kidnap.  Ka kahakina ia e ona hoariri. She was kidnapped by her enemies. [NGH3]  

kahaki [4] {WMS} [Noun] Strap or loop to fasten a load on one's back. Tea aku kahaki? (Williams notes this word as from Te Rarawa)

kahakura [1]  {KMF}    charms used for fishing  Ka whakamahia e ia tana kahakura kia mau he ika i a ia. He used his fishing charms/talisman to help him catch fish. [KP/MHR]   

Kaharau [1] Ngati Kaharau [Name] This hapü name was used by two voters at Kamo in 1918, both affiliated with Ngapuhi.

kahawai [1]  {IKA}   [Noun]  sea trout; Arripis trutta  Me te hii kahawai. **** [MWA]   

kahi [1]        

kahikatea [1]  {M16}    Podocarpus dacrydioides 

kahikātoa [1] [Noun] <kahikatoa, kahikaatoa> A shrub (Leptospermum scoparium) with white or pink flowers, abundant in many parts of Taitokerau; sometimes called red mānuka. Ko te pere o te whare-karakia he mea whakairi ki tetahi rakau kahikatoa, i whakaturia titahatia ki te taha o te pakitara o te whare. The bell of the church hangs from a kahikatoa tree, which stands leaning at an angle alongside the wall of the house. [Te Korimako 61, 17 March 1887, p.6.] ”Hena e Tame, me haere tao ki te para kahikātoa" "Right, Tame, let's go fell some kahikātoa" {NGH4} <Link to Te Māra Reo>    

kahiwi [1]  {CL1}    slope  He kahiwi. A slope. [KP/MHR]   

kaho [1] a small coastal shrub with attractive white flowers, also called nao (q.v.) and rauhuia.

käho [1]  {CL1} < kaho, kaaho >  [Noun]  keg, cask, barrel  Te kaute o nga käho pia i haurangirangi ai te nuinga. The majority became drunk through the number of kegs of beer available. [NWE] Te käho hei pupuri mea. The keg to hold something. [NGH2] Kï te käho. The keg is full. [NGH2] I whakamahia ënei käho, hei paekaka totenga o te kiko kararehe, ëtahi atu. These barrels are used for storing home brew, salted meat and other things. [TTU]   (From English)

kähore [1]  {CL1}    no, not  Kahore aku o tau e hiahia na. I do not have the food that you desire. [NWE] Kahore ënä nga kakahu tika. Those are not the correct clothing. [NGH2] Me kakahu tika koe mo to haere ki te kura. You clothe yourself properly for school. [NGH2] Kahore tonu ka whänau he uri, me he moe täne ki te täne, a hine ki te hine, kua whakaae te kawana. The government condones same sex partnerships where there are no children. [TTU] Tënä pea kahore taku whänau e tae mai ki te marae. Then maybe my family will not come to the marae. [TWK]    whakakähore

kahu [1]  {CL1} (kahuria)  [Universal]  (A) [Noun] (1) cloak, garment.  Ko taku kahu teena mo taku haere. That's my dress for my trip. [NGH4] * (2) identity, surface, feature Te kähu o ia tangata i rereke i to tëtahi atu. Each person has their own identity instilled in them that is different to others. [TTU] * (B) [Verb] put on (clothes), cover, envelop. Mai mai rano i kahuria te tinana o te tangata. Ever since way back when, the body of a person has been adorned. [NGH2] I kahuria te tangata, te wähi ngaro, me mate ia, te wa e tika ai. Mankind is enclosed by this world, but destined to die at a predetermined time. [TTU] A waho kua kahuria i te roa ki reira ka waikura. The outer has been covered with rust due to the length of time. [NGH2] Titiro atu ahau ki te wahine ra ko kahuria ke ia taku koti. I looked at that woman, she was wearing my coat. [NGH4]

Kahu [2] Ngati Kahu [Name] This is the name of one of the major Taitokerau iwi, centered around Taipa and adjoining districts in the Far North. It is also the name of a separate but also important hapü traditionally centred in the Kamo area and surrounding districts (see Kahu [3]). However, in 1918, the Far North iwi was treated in the records as a hapü of Te Rarawa or Te Aupouri, to which its members have many links. In 1918, 34 voters were recorded as belonging to the Ngati Kahi hapü of Te Rarawa. Ten of these voted at Taipa (where they comprised the majority of voters), three at Parapara, three at Whatuwhiwhi, and one or two at each of Kaihu, Kenana, Ahipara, Peria, Pukepoto, Te Pupuke, Ahikiwi, Kapehu, Manakau, Mangonui, Naumai, Rooma, Taemaro, Whatuaipi and an unknown location. In 1908, one voter at Wanana was recorded as belonging to the Ngati Kahu hapü of Te Aupouri, and in 1918 five voters were designated that way, two at Te Kao and the others at Kenana, Waiaua and Waiharara.

Kahu [3] Ngati Kahu [Name] An important hapü associated with Ngapuhi that traditionally occupied a large area around Kamo and Glenbervie, near Whangarei, areas conquered by their ancestor Ngaro-ki-te-Uru and his associates several centuries ago. In 1918, 27 voters were recorded as from Ngati Kahu affiliated with Ngapuhi: 14 (the majority of voters there) at Kamo, 3 at Waiomio, and the others at Kiripaka, Ngapipito, Kenana, Te Towai, Kaihu, and an unrecorded locality. One Ngati Whatua voter at Parapara also gave Ngati Kahu as their hapü name.

kahu huruhuru [1]  {R9L}  [Noun] A feather cloak.     

kahu kura [1]  {AWL} [Noun] A rough flax cape coloured with red ochre.     

kahu kurï [1]  {R9L} < kahu kurii, kahu kuri > [Noun] a cape or cloak made from dog skin     

kahu mamae [1]  {R9L} [Noun]  A garment sent to relatives living far away, to remind them of someone who had been killed (traditionally to emphasise the loss). 

kahu töï [1]  {R9L} < kahu tooii, kahu tooii >  [Noun] A cape made from the leaves of the töi (mountain cabbage tree, Cordyline indivisa).  

Kahuhunu [1] Ngati Kahuhunu [Name] Three voters affiliated with Te Rarawa used this hapü name in 1918, 2 at Taipa and 1 at Te Karetu.

kahunga [1] {WMS} [Noun] slave. He kahunga koe nöku. You are my slave.

kahupapa, ...tia [1]  {NG3}    bridge (water)  Ka kahupapatia te awa ma te tuporo. A log was used to bridge the river. [NGh3]   

kahurangi [1]  {COL} blue, sky-blue       

kai- [1] [Agentive prefix] Added to the beginning of a verb to make it into a noun referring to the person or instrument to accomplish or carry out an activity, similar to English suffixes like –er and –or. A number of words incorporating this prefix are listed here as separate entries; these are also included in the same web files as the base words they are attached to.

kai, ...tia, ...kai, ...nga [1]  {WL3}    food  Ko nga pakiaka o nga rahurahu he kai aruhe. The roots of the fern are eaten. [NGH2] Kaha nga poaka ki te kai aruhe. The pigs enjoy eating fern roots. [NGH2] He kai pai te kai manu. Birds are a good food source. [NGH2] E hoa noho mai taua ka kai. Let's sit down and eat our food [my friend]. [NKU] Tino pai ënä kai. That food is delicious. [MWA]  Whakapaitia nga kai. Say grace for our food. [NGH2]  Me ata kaikai e tërä taha. That side had been eaten. [NGH2] Kaikai noa te wahine nei. This woman just picks. [NGH2]  I muri i to mätou kainga katahi ano mätou ka körero. After we've eaten, then we can talk. [MWA]  Me kaihuihui tätou a te po. We should eat together this evening. [NGH4]  Nau te kai na. You're super at it. [NGH2]   kakai, kaihoro

kaiä [1] < kaiä, kaia > {WAI}   [Universal]  to rob  Ia po, he kaia tana tangata mahi. ***** [NGH3]    kaipahua

kaiako [1]  hui   [Noun]  advisor, tutor, teacher  Ko Tame to mätou kaiako mo te reo Mäori. Tame is our teacher for the Mäori language. [KRA] He kaiako a Mira. Mira is an instructor. [NKU/TA] E haere mai nei te kaiako o Pita. Here comes Peter's tutor. [NKU/TA] Ko wai hei kaiako mo mätou? Who will teach us all? [NKU/TA] Ko wai te kaiako o tënei roopu? Who is the teacher of this group? [NKU] Na tana kaiako tënä tapau i whiri. I kii mai tana kaiako kia tika te noho i runga i te tapau ana raranga koe. Her teacher weaved that mat. Her teacher said that when you weave you should sit on the mat to weave.[KP/MHR] Ko Ira te kaiako Mäori o nga mokopuna i te Kohanga Reo. Ada is the Mäori teacher for the grandchildren at the Kohanga Reo. [TTU] Ko tö mätou whaea tö mätou kaiako o nga mahi papa kupu. Our aunt was our tutor for the work on our dictionary. [NWH]   

kaiawhina [1]    [Universal]  assistant, helper  Ko te whänau ngä kaiäwhina i ahau ki te whakatika i ngä teepu i mua atu i te taenga mai o te Manuhiri ki te kai. The family helped me to set the tables before the visitors arrived for a meal. [KRA] Ko ngä kaiäwhina i haere ki te tiaki i ngä tamariki. It was the caregivers who went along to look after the children. [NKU/TA] He kaiäwhina ia no te hunga mäuiui. She looks after and cares for those persons who are sick. [NKU/TA] Ka tatu mai kaiäwhina i a tätou a te ahiahi. Our supporters will be arriving this evening. [NKU] Ko koe hei kaiäwhina i to tupuna. You be the helper for your grandmother. [KP/MHR] Ko Heni raua ko Keita nga kaiawhina a Mei. Jane and Keita are the supporters for May. [TTU] Ka tuu tuu mai nga kaiäwhina i a tätou a te ahiahi. Our supporters will be arriving this evening. [NKU]   

kaihanga [1]  {WL6}   [Noun]  builder, creator, maker  Ko Io Matua Kore te kaihanga o ngä mea katoa o te rangi o te whenua hoki. Io the parentless one is the creator of all things in heaven and on earth as well. [KRA] Ka mate te tangata ka hoki anö ki toona kaihanga. At the advent of death a person returns to their maker. [NKU/TA] He kaihanga ia mo te katoa. He was the maker of all things. [NKU/TA] Ko te Ata to tätou kaihanga. God is our creator. [NKU] He kaihanga whare koe i roto o Waikare. You are a builder in Waikare. [KP/MHR] Te Kaihanga o te ao ko Io Matua Kore. The creator of the universe is Io. [TTU]

kaihautü [1] < kaihautuu, kaihautu > [Noun] Originally applied to the fugleman (person who gives the time to the paddlers) in a waka; leader, coordinator, person in charge of proceedings.  Ko ënei ngä kaihautü. These are the leaders. [NKU/TA] Mä te kaihautuu e whakahaere te kaupapa. The co-ordinator will lead the discussion. [TWK]  Whakawatea e koutou te kaiwae o te waka kei hinga te kaihautu. Clear the decks in case the captain trips over. [KP/MHR] (From kai- + hautü.)

kaihiki [1]    [Noun]  one who helps lift one's spirits  Ko ia to mätou kaihiki i nga mea taimaha. When things get difficult for us, he is the one who helps lift us up. [MWA]   

Kaihora [1] Ngati Kaihora [Name] One Te Rawawa voter at Waiharara used this hapü name in 1918.

kaihoro [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  glutton  He kaihoro ia mo te whawhai. He's a glutton for punishment. [NGH3] Na tona kaihoro iräwäi ia. He choked because of his gluttony. [NGH3]    kakai

kaihuihui [1]  third checklist   [Universal]  to gather to eat together  Kaihuihui katoa. All ate together. [NGH2] I te marae tona kauta kaihuihui. At the marae in the kitchen they ate together. [NGH2] Me kaihuihui tätou katoa i tënei po, i te mea apopo kua wehe atu tëtahi. Let us all share a meal together this evening as tomorrow, one of us will be leaving. [TTU]   

kaiiriiiri [1]   {WL6}    [Noun]  person who administers baptism, celebrant at a baptism.  He minita no te hahi Ratana, te kaiiriiri o taku mokpuna. A minister of the Ratana faith baptised my mokpuna. [KRA] Ko te kaiiriiri o te pëpi he äpootoro no te Hähi Ratana. An Apostle from the Rätana Church christened the baby. [NKU/TA] Ko tëtahi mahi a te minita he tu hei kaiiriiri. One of the responsibilities of Ministers of religion is to christen/baptise. [NKU/TA]  Ko wai te kaiiriiri i tënei tamaiti? Who is responsible for christening this child? [NKU] He minita te kaiiriiri i tënei tama iti. The person who baptises this child is a minister.[KP/MHR] Ko te pirihi te kaiiriiri i te pëpi. The priest was the celebrant at the baby's baptism. [TWK/MHR] Ko te minita te kaiiriiri. The Minister is the person to do the baptism. [TTU] Ko te kaiiriiri o te pëpi he äpootoro no te Hahi Ratana. An Apostle from the Ratana church christened the baby. [TTU] Ko tëtahi mahi a te minita he tuu hei kaiiriiri. One of the responsibilities of ministers of religion is to act in the role of christening. [TTU] He Minita no te hähi Ratana, te kaiiriiri o taku mokopuna. A Minister of the Ratana faith baptised my grandchild. [KRA]   

kaikä [1]    [Stative]  eager, impatient, energetic, full of will power, stubborn  Ko taku hunaonga tane he tangata kaika hikaka. My son in law is full of survival energy. [TTU] Kore rawa atu tërä tangata e whakarongo mai i ngä körero tika i tana kaikä hoki. That person will never listen to sound advice because of his stubborness. [KRA] E kaikä ana te hoiho ki te oma. The horse is eager to run. [KP/MHR] E kaika tonu tënä koroke. He's a very energetic person. [TTU] Kia tupato no te mea he kaikä teena hoiho ma. Be careful because that horse is an eager one. [NGH4] He tino kaikä ia ki te haere. She was really keen to go. [NGH3]    whakahorohoro, kekakeka

kaikai [1]  {TTU}   [Stative]  fervent desire, dearest wish  Te kaikai nui o te tangata, kia mau nga rua whakaheke o tona ake rohe. That person dearly wanted to learn the two lines of geneology of his own region. [TTU]   

kaikamo [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  eyelash  Ka tiro huna mai i ana huru kaikamo. She hid behind her eyelashes. [NGH3]   

kaikauhau [1]   {WL6}    [Noun]  preacher, orator, presenter  Ko taku tamähine te kaikauhau i ngä kaupapa e pä ana ki a Tangaroa me ana rawa. My daughter is the presenter on the topic relating to the God of the Sea and his resources. [KRA] Ko ia te kai kauwhau. It was he who delivered the sermon. [NKU/TA] He kaikauhau koe no roto o Kororareka. You are a preacher in the Russell area. [KP/MHR]   He aha kë te mahi a te kaikauwhau? What is the role of the one who delivers a sermon?. [NKU/TA] Ka puta mai te kaikauwhau. The person about to deliver the speech or sermon arrived. [NKU/TA] Ko to mätou kaikauwhau ko Piripi. Piripi is our preacher. [NKU] To tätou kaikauwhau i tënei ra ko Hamihana. Our preacher today is Samson. [TTU] Ko te Äpotoro te kaikauwhau i te rongopai a tënei Rätapu. The Ratana minister will preach the gospel this Sunday. [NGH1]    kaikauhau

kaikawe [1]  {CL1}    presenter, one who carries something  Ko Hirini te kaikawe o te karere. Syd is the presenter of the news. [NGH2] Ko nga kaikawe i nga kaupapa o te kura ko nga mahita. The people who are responsible for the school are the teachers. [NGH2] Ko ia te kaikawe körero, waenga te hapu. He's the messenger of the family. [TTU] Ko te tamaiti nui ra te kaikawe i te pikini miraka. That big boy carries the billy of milk. [NGH4] I rongo ai na te kakama o te kaikawe mai. The promptness of the delivery accounted for us knowing the news sooner. [NWE]   

kaikeri [1]  {CL1}   [Noun]  digger, drain digger  Te kaikeri i te wa keri ko Matua. Matua is the one who digs the drains. [NGH2] Ko wai nga kaikeri i te poka? Who are the grave diggers. [NGH4] Me tatari tätou kia tae mai rano nga kaikeripoka. We have to wait for the gravediggers. [NGH3] Kei te hunga käinga nga kaikeri poka. It is normally the locals who are the grave diggers. [NWE]   

kaikohikohi [1]  {CL1}   [Noun]  collector, one who gathers things together  Tënä mahi, mau te kaikohikohi. Gathering that is your job. [NGH2] He kaikohikohi te mahi pai a taku mokopuna. My grandchild loves to collect bits and pieces. [NGH2] He kaikohikohi matauranga te rangatahi. Young people are gatherers of knowledge. [TTU] Koia ërä ko nga kaikohikohi i nga riwai. They are the ones who gather the potatoes. [NGH4]  

kaikoohuru [1]    [Noun]  murderer  I te koohurutanga o te tangata ra ka mau te kaikoohuru i te ture. When the person was murdered the murderer was apprehended by the police. [NWH]   

kaikörero [1]  {CL1}   [Noun]  speaker, orator, spokesperson  Ko toku hoa rangatira te kaikörero mo te hapu o Ngati Kura. My husband is the spokesperson for the sub-tribe of Ngati Kura. [KRA] Ko Herewini te kaikörero mooku. Selwyn will speak for me (on my behalf). [NKU/TA] Ko wai mä o koutou nei kaikörero? Who are all your speakers? [NKU/TA] Tuu mai koe hei kaikörero mo mätou. You have been appointed as our speaker, or to speak on our behalf. [NKU/TA] Koutou ngä kaikörero noho mai i konä. You, the speakers sit there. [NKU] Ko te rangatira te kaikörero mo tana hapu. The chief is the speaker for his tribe. [KP/MHR] Ko Rawiri te kaikörero o te whänau. David is the spokesperson for the family and the marae. [TTU] Ko ngä kaumätua ngä kaikörero o runga i o mätou marae. Our elders are the speakers on our marae. [NGH1] Te kaikörero i to mätou kainga ko to mätou matua. Our leader at home was our father. [NGH2] I tënei wa to mätou kaikörero ko nga mahita kura. Our spokespersons at this present time are our teachers. [NGH2] Ko te tuakana anö te kaikörero o te whänau. The oldest in the family is the speaker for them. [TWK/MHR] Ko te potiki te kaikörero o taua whänau. The youngest one is the speaker for that family. [TTU] He kaikörero anö o nga marae ake. Each courtyard does have it's own speakers. [NWE]   

kaimahi [1]  {NG3}   [Noun]  worker  Kei roto nei nga kaimahi e okioki ana. The workers are inside resting. [NGH3] Tätou katoa he kaimahi a te Kawanatanga. We are all workers for the Government. [MHR]   He kaimahi noa iho ahau no oku rangatira. I am a worker for my employers. [KRA] He kaimahi ia no te hoohipera. He is a worker for the hospital or a hospital worker. [NKU/TA] He kaimahi ia na mätou. She works for us. [NKU/TA] Anei te tepu mo koutou ngä kaimahi. Here is the table for you, the cooks. [NKU] He kaimahi ia na te kawanatanga. He works for the government. [KP/MHR] Te whänau o Henare he kaimahi katoa. Henry's family are all workers. [TTU] Ko a mätou tamariki ngä kaimahi i roto i te kiihini i ëtahi wä. Our children sometimes work in the kitchen. [NWH] Nä nga kaimahi o muri i whai mana ai te hui. It was the workers in the kitchen who really gave status to the meeting. [TWK/MHR] Kei roto nei nga kaimahi e okioki ana. The workers are inside resting. [NGH3]    ringawera

Kaimaroke [1] Ngati Kaimaroke [Name] Five Te Rarawa voters used this hapü name in 1918, three at Ripia, 2 at Te Kowhai and one at Naumai. It was also used by three voters affiliated with Te Aupouri at Waiharara.

kaimata [1]   {WL4}    [Stative]  raw food, uncooked  Tino pai te tamure mo te kaimata. Snapper is very good eaten raw. [KRA] Na mätou i kaimata ngä paua. We all ate the paua raw. [NKU/TA] He pai ki au te ika me kaimata. I really enjoyed eating my fish raw. [NKU/TA] Ko tëtahi kai reka me kaimata, he ika tämure. A delicacy eaten raw is snapper. [TWK/MHR] He tino pai ke te ika me kaimata. Fish is much better eaten raw. [NKU] Ka reka te kuutai me kaimata. Eat raw or uncooked mussels they taste delicious eaten raw. [KP/MHR] Me kaimata nga ika ka tino reka. Raw fish is considered a delicacy. [NGH1] Ka waihotia ëtahi hei kai mata. Some were left aside to be eaten raw. [NGH3]    kaiota

kaimätakitaki [1]   {WL6}    [Noun]  one who watches, observer, audience, spectator  He maha ngä kaimätakitaki i ngä waka tauä e reehi ana. There were many spectators watching the war canoes racing. [KRA] He kaimätakitaki ia i te hooiho reehi. He is an ardent watcher of horse racing. [NKU/TA] Ko ia he kaimätakitaki i te pouaka whakaata. He is one who watches television a lot. [NKU/TA] Ko ngä tino kaimätakitaki hoiho he iwi pangapanga moni noa iho. The main followers of horses are those people who lose their money without care. [NKU] He kaimätakitaki hutupaoro koe. You are a spectator of football. [KP/MHR] I tonoa atu ëtahi o mätou hei kaimätakitaki i a mätou tamariki. We were sent to watch over our children. [TTU] Ka haere mätou hei kaimätakitaki i te täkaro whutupaoro. We went to watch the football match. [NWH] Kii pai rätou, ngä kaimätakitaki i ngä whakataetae kapa haka. There were many spectators at the performing arts competitions. [TWK/MHR]   

kaimoana [1]    [Noun]  seafood  Me haere tätou ki te tiki kaimoana mo te hui. Let's go and fetch some seafood for the gathering. [NGH3]   

käinga [1]  {CL1} [Noun]   Toku kainga kei nga wahi katoa o Aotearoa. My home is everywhere in the Land of the Long White Cloud. [NGH2] He aha toku kainga? What is my home? [NGH2] Ko tërä to mätou käinga tuuturu. That is our real home. [MWA] Me hoki mai koe ki te kainga. You should come home. [NGH4] Ko te käinga i whakatupuria te putakenga o te tangata. The roots of one's beginnings rests and belongs to the nurturing home sweet home. [NWE]    (See also papakainga). #[Note from Te Mätäpunenga ©] Käinga A term covering notions of home, and the place where home is located, that is, residence, village, encampment, region or homeland. A related term is papakäinga, denoting a home base, a “true home” (the element papa refers to a house-site or the earthen floor of a traditional house). The term wäkäinga refers to “home” recalled from a distant place, and the phrase käinga tautohe (“quarrelled-over homeland”) refers to areas where different hapü or other groups have or claim conflicting rights of use or access. (The word comes from Proto-Polynesian *käinga “place of residence, home; people of the place”.)

Kaingamata [1] Te Kaingamata [Name] This hapü name was used by 12 voters affiliated with Te Rarawa in 1918, 6 at Ripia, 2 at Whangape, and the others at Manginahere, Naumai, and an unrecorded location. One Ngati Whatua voter at Te Haranui also used this as the name of their hapü.

kaiota [1]    [Stative]  to be eaten raw  Ka waihotia ëtahi hei kai ota. Some was set aside to be eaten raw. [NGH3]    kaimata

kaipahua [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  a robber, thief  Ka rapua nga kaipahua o te poutapeta. **** [NGH3]   

Kaipara [1] [Place name] The largest harbour in Aotearoa, north of the Manukau harbour on the West Coast of Te Tai Tokerau, and home to Ngati Whätua and Te Uri o Hau.

kaipatu [1]  {WL3}   [Noun]  assailant, one who beats/attacks, makers of loud music  I meatia ko te kaipatu he wahine. They identified the assailant as being a woman. [NGH2] Ko wai nga kaipatu whakatangitangi. Who are the band players. [NGH2] I kitea mai te kaipatu he kuri. They found that the slaughterer was a dog. [NGH2] Ko tërä te tangata kaipatu i te kau. That's the slaughterman who kills the cows. [MWA] Kua haere nga kaipatu i te kau hei miiti mo te hui. The butchers have gone to kill acow for meat for the gathering. [NGH4] Ki te mahi he te tamariki, ko te kaipatu tika. It is the father's privilege to chastise his own children's defaulting over and over again. [NWE]   

kaipo [1]  {WL3}   [Noun]  a variety of kumara  He kaipo ënä momo kumara. That is a type of kumara kaipo. [NGH2]  

kaiponu [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  to be stingy, to withold  Te raru raru o tënä, he kaiponu ia. The trouble with that one is that he's stingy. [NGH3] Ahakoa nga mahi kaiponu a te Tari, ka whawhai tonu mätou. In spite of the Department's stinginess, we'll carry on the fight. [NGH3]    matapiko, meko

kaipuke  {WL3}   [Noun]  large ship  Kei Ingarangi tënä mea te kaipuke. England has so many ships. [NGH2] Ko nga kaipuke, ko ënä nga waka i haere mai te pakeha. The sailing ships brought the pakeha here. [TTU] Tino nui te kaipuke kei te wäpu i Opua e here ana. There are many sailing ships tied at the wharf at Opua. [NGH4] I pa pouri i te hoko a te kawana i te kaipuke mai i Ahitereiria i tona noa na tona utu. A past purchase of a ship from Australia, found displeasure amongst the members of the government because it's price was so high. [NWE]   

kaipupuri [1]  {CL1}   [Noun]  holder, or possessor, trustee  Ko Ma Peita te kaipupuri tënä taonga mo tana iwi o Ngati Hine. Ma Peita has possession of that gift for her people of Ngati Hine. [NGH2] Te kaipupuri te kapu he toa ki nga mahi pouto räkau. The person holding that cup is a champion wood chopper. [NGH2] He kaipupuri ia i nga mahi tirotiro haere. He holds the postion of inspector. [NGH2] Ko wai nga kaipupuri o ënei wahi? Who are the holders (landlords) of these places? [NGH2] Ko tätou i tënei ra, nga kaipupuri, nga tika o nga uri. We are entrusted to uphold the rights of our children. [TTU] Ko wai te kaipupuri i nga ture o tënei wahi tapu? Who is the trustee of this cemetery? [NGH4] Ko nga pirihimana nga kaipupuri i te ture. The Police are the upholders of the law. [NWE]   

kairahui [1]  {WL3}   [Noun]  one who imposes restrictions  Ko rätou ma nga kairahui. They are the people who placed the curfew. [NGH3] Nga kaumatua nga kairahui i tërä wa. The elders of the past made the restrictions. [NGH2] Ko nga kairahui he tangata körero kia tika to haere kia tika to mahi me whai whakaaro. The people who make restrictions, want others to pay heed and respect these restrictions. [NGH2] Ko ia te tohunga kairahui, te ngahere, papa, awa, moana, mehe ka hiahiatia. He is the caretaker, gaurdian who ensures respect is paid to the bush, the earth, the river, the sea as is required. [TTU] Ko te kairahui i tënei awa kua tae mai. The person who places restrictions on the river, has arrived. [NGH4] Ko ia te kairahui i te noho. He is the chief organiser. [NWE]    kaiwhakatapu

kairämua [1] < kairaamua, kairamua > [Noun] A serious deliberate breach of a rähui. Ki te whakatüria e au he rähui; ka haere mai tëtahi tangata kë noa atu, ka whanako i nga kai o taua whenua i rähuitia ake, käore i haere mai ki te tangata näna te rähui, kia whakanoatia, koina te kairämua, ko taua tangata. Ka patua taua tangata, tao rawa, kai rawa, näna i kairämua. If I impose a rähui, and someone else comes along and poaches food from the land protected by the rähui, and doesn’t come to be released from his obligations by the person who imposed the rähui, that person has committed a kairämua. He will be killed, well cooked and eaten up, because of his offense. [WMD]

kairarawa [1] [Stative] Kairarawa is an ancient practice of acquiring mana from the vanquished by consuming parts of their bodies. It was an act of defiance and humiliation towards the conquered in a conflict and served to assert the mana of the victors. It was not an act of nourishment for the victor but rather a method of gaining the mana that lay within the flesh of their enemy. According to Maori Marsden, kairarawa was a rite used to replenish one's mana from a defeated enemy. Rarawa in this context means with violence or force and is a term used to denote the forces that underlie the whole range of divine powers implied in the terms “ihi”, “mauri”, “tapu” and “mana”. Kairarawa denoted the consumption of the life force and the psychic and spiritual forces of the enemy, which replenished one's own powers. By eating the enemy's flesh the victors were consuming the defeated person's mana and ihi, thereby replenishing their own. In one sense the gods were deserting those who had been defeated and aligning themselves with the victors.” [This is an extract from a research project undertaken by Hector Matthews of Te Rarawa. A full version of his report is available from Te Runanga o Te Rarawa.]

kairau    [Universal]  prostitute  He maha nga mahi a te tangata, he kairau te mea tawhito. Mankind has had many occupations, prostitution is the oldest. [TTU]   

Kairewa [1] Te Kairewa [Name] One voter at Whirinaki, affiliated with Te Rarawa, used this hapü name in 1918.

kairuri [1]  {WL3}   [Noun]  surveyor, composer, one who makes a legal decision  He kairuri toku mahi mena ka pehea ranei. I compose whenever the mood takes me. [NGH2] Na te kairuri i te whare kooti i pënei mätou. It was the ruling of the court that made us like this. [NGH2] Ko nga kairuri i te ko Pane ma. The singers at the meeting were Pane and others. [NGH2] Ko nga kairuri o tätou papakainga, i hanga kia whiwhi ai o rätou matua, anei ko te kawanatanga. Those who surveyed our homelands managed it so that their masters, namely the government, made gains. [TTU] He tangata möhio te kairuri i tënei whenua. The surveyor of this land is a knowledgeable person. [NGH4] He kairuri whenua te tangata ra. That person is the surveyor. [NWE]   


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The compilers welcome comments, suggestions and new material which will enhance the value of the dictionary to its users. Please send these to kupu at rakiora.org.

Hoki atu ki runga


E-mail kupu at rakiora.org