(K, k) Ko K te tuarima, te tuawhitu ränei, o nga reta o nga pü tuhi Mäori. K is the fifth letter of the Mäori alphabet, or the seventh if you start with the five vowels.
Sources: JHMRC Master File for letter ‘K’ 10 October 2001 as amended and re-formatted, plus new entries 2003/4/5/6-9 from a variety of sources.

Web page last revised 11-iv-2015

This is Page 4 of 8 web pages for this letter (there are too many entries to fit them all onto one page).
The entries are divided up as follows (you can get to the other pages by clicking on the highlighted words):

ka to kairuri
kaitä to kanuku
kanapa to karaunu

karawa to kauwhau
kawa to kipa
kiri to konewha
kongakona to korokoro
koromatua to kuwharu

© The contributors to Te Papakupu o te Taitokerau. All rights reserved.


This is a working draft which therefore will contain errors and omissions of varying degrees of significance. Comments, including suggestions for new entries and material, are welcome. These can be sent by e-mail to kupu at rakiora.org
The dictionary files are set to display in Arial Mäori or Times New Roman Mäori truetype fonts. If you do not have these fonts, you can download them from the macronized fonts page. Work on the basic formatting (bolding of head words, italics for English translations, putting in information about parts of speech, and so on) is dependent on the efforts volunteer workers -- eventually it will be complete but for the moment it is still very much "work in progress". See the General Overview for more information.


karawa [1]  {WAI}   [Noun] mother , of an animal  Ko Tewha te karawa o tënei hoiho. Tewha is the mother of this horse. [NGH3]   

karawaka    [Noun]  smelt, small fresh water fish about 3 to 4 inches long.  Kua haere nga tamariki me a rätou toke ki te hi karawaka. The kids have gone to fish for karawaka with their worms. [NKU] He momo ika waimaori te karawaka. The karawaka is a type of freshwater fish. [NGH3]    

karawhiu, ...a    [Universal]  to toss, throw  Me karawhiu! Let it go! [NKU]  I reira e karawhiua ana te waiata. Songs were sung there with great gusto. [NKU] Ka karawhuia nga hoariri e Hamuera. Samuels enemies were flung aside. [NGH3] Ka karawhuia nga otaota. The weeds were tossed aside. [NGH3]    taia, akiri

kare [2]     didn't  Kare kau ahau i haere ki te kainga o Wiremu. I didn't go to William's place. [NKU/TA]    

kare, ...kare [1]    [Noun]  waves, ripple  Titiro ki ngä kare o te moana. Look at the waves of the sea. [KRA] E kite ana koe i ngä kare o te wai. You can see the ripples of the water. [NKU/TA] Papaki mai ngä kare o te moana. One can hear the waves of the ocean (slapping) [TTU] Ana pupuhi te hau ka kite koe i te kare o te wai. When the wind blows you will see the ripple on the water. [KP/MHR] I ngä rä o mua ki te pai te kare mai o te moana kua möhio koe he kanae kei reira. In former times when there was a ripple on the sea you'd know there is mullet there. [NGH1]  Karekare ana te moana i te pupuhinga e te hau. Waves on the sea was whipped up by the wind. [KRA] Ka kite atu ngä karekare o te moana. The ripples of water can be seen on the sea. [NKU/TA] Ka kaha mai te hau ka kaha te karekare o ngä wai o te roto. As a strong wind blew so the surface waters of the lake rose and rippled. [NKU] I ngä rä awhä kua kitea te kino o te karekare o te moana. During stormy weather huge waves occur. [NGH1] Pai te karekare o ngä huruhuru o te mokopuna na, rite tonu ki ngä huruhuru o toona tuupuna. How beautiful that girl’s curly hair is, just like her grandmother's. [TWK/MHR]  Ka riro i te tai karekare. Taken out by the rapid or fast tide. [KP/MHR]   

karehe [1] {WMS} [Verb] Run E karehe ra i mua ra. (Williams notes this word as from Te Rarawa)

karengo [1]  {IKA}   [Noun]  Porphyra columbina, sea lettuce ; an edible seaweed (sometimes applied loosely)  Haere ki ngä toka e tuu moana mai ra, ki te kookohi karengo. Go to the outer rocks to gather seaweed. [TWK/MHR] He kai pai te karengo. Seaweed is a healthy food. [NKU/TA] E kai ana te Häpani i te karengo. Japanese people eat seaweed. [NKU/TA] I kai karengo tuatahi ahau i Porangahau. I first ate seaweed at Porangahau. [KP/MHR] Ka kitea tënei momo kai te karengo i te taha moana o Maunganui i Kaipara. This type of edible seaweed can be found at Maunganui, Kaipara. [NWH] He kinaki tënei mo te miti tote. This seaweed is very nice as a relish with salted meat. [NKU]   

karerarera [1]  {WAI}   a green water plant  I te mahana haere o te wai matemate ana nga karerarera. The karerarera are dying off because of the warming of the water. [NGH3]    

karere [1]  {WL3}   [Noun]  messenger, news  Kua tae mai te karere kua hinga a Huri. The news arrived that Huri had died. [TWK] Ko ia te karere o tënei marae. He's the news person of this marae. [TTU] Tukuna te karere he hui kei te marae. Send out the message to say there is a meeting at the marae. [NGH4] Ka tonoa he karere ki te iwi kia hui mai. A messenger was sent for all the tribes to assemble. [NGH3] Tonoa te karere. Send out the message. [NGH2] Ko nga karere whakaatu rongo a Tauiwi, ko te pouaka whakaata. Television is an instrument used for communications to all. [NWE]   

karetai [1] [WMD] [Noun] ripple; surface of a body of water. [Comment from Melynda Karetai, 25 June 2003] [Noun] crest of the wave.

karetai [2] [WMD] [Noun] the black petrel (Procellaria parkinsonii).

käreti [1]  {NG2}    college  Kei Pewhairangi te kareti. The college is at the Bay of Islands. [NGH2]   

käreti [2]    [Universal]  small snapper  Ko nga tamure nonohi e kii ana he kareti. The small snapper are called kareti. [TTU]   

käreti [3]    [Universal]  carrots  Kua pau aku kareti i te rapeti. The rabbits have eaten all my carrots. [NGH4] Kai kareti katoa ana te rapeti. Rabbits eat all the carrots. [NWE]   

käreti [4] [WMD] [Universal] noose; ensnare

käri [1]   [Noun]  cards    <Eng

käri [1]  {WAI} Eng.  [Noun]  garden  Kei roto to karani i tana käri. Your granny is in her garden. [NGH3]    mahinga

karihi taka [1]        

kariri [1]  {NG3}   [Noun]  cartridge  E wha aku kariri e toe ana. I've got four cartridges left. [NGH3]   

karo, ...hia [1]  {WL3}   [Universal]  dodge, sidestep  Me karo te meke. Side step the punch. [NGH2] Te tao o te hoariri ka taea te karo, te tao o te wahi ngaro e kore. The spear of the enemy can be dodged, the spear of death cannot. [TTU]  E karohia ana e te nuinga o te tangata i ënei ra, te taha wairua, te whakapono. Most people these days avoid church. [TTU] Me karo tätou i te mate. We should avoid trouble. [NGH4] Tae pai te wa o te mate rawa e taea te karo. When one's time here is done, one can never dodge. [NWE]  Karohia nga körero. Avoid the talks. [NGH2] I a ia e oma ana, ka karohia e ia taua tangata. As he ran, he dodged that man. [MWA] Teena, karohia teena kaiaru. Then, dodge that person following you. [NGH4] Karohia nga wero a te hoariri. Parry the thrusts of the enemy. [NGH3] Ka kite kei te whara koe, karohia. Watch out in case you get hurt, dodge. [NWE]  

karo [2] [Universal] pick out of a hole (From Proto-Fijiic *kalo, “pick something out of a hole, excavate, dig out”).

karokaro [1] [Noun] (1) marauding party; (2) slave; (3) [Verb] pick out. Karokaro i te taturi o to taringa kia areare ai. Pick the wax out of your ear so it’s clear. [WMS S. 10]. (Reduplication of karo [2]).

karu [1]  {WL3}    eye  Tino nunui oku karu. My eyeballs are really large. [NGH2] He möhio te karu o te tangata na. That man's head (eye) is full of knowledge. [TTU] Kua pura toku karu. There's dust in my eye. [NGH4] To karu whakahawea pai ano. Your outward appearance is deceptive. [NWE]   He karu rewha te kuri Clarence. Clarence is a cross-eyed dog [NGH3]  kamo, kanohi

karu parera [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  Mäori potato, (black skin white eyes)  I haere mai te kairangahau ki te tiki karu parera. The researcher came to get some karu parera. [NGH3]   peruperu, pokohinu, ure nika

kärure [1]  {R9L}   [Universal]  to spin  Ka roa e karure ana ka oti te taura. After a long time spinning, the rope was completed. [NGH3] Ka karure mai nga kotiro, ano he taura. **** [NGH3]    whiri, kowari

kata, ...ina, ...tanga, ...kata, kakata [1]  {WL3}   [Universal]  chuckle, laugh, laughed, laughter  Ka kata mai ngä tamariki i ngä kupu a tö rätou whaea. The children smiled at their aunt's words. [NWH] Ki te kata te tangata he oranga, he rongoa ënei, ki te kore e kata he mauiui te mutunga. When one can laugh, one is alive, laughter is medicine. If you can't laugh, then the end is illness. [TTU] Kata ana nga tamariki i te rawe o te mahi a te kaiako. The grandchildren laughed at the antics of the teacher. [KRA] E kata ana te kootiro. The girl is laughing. [NKU/TA] I te rawe ka kata. It was so funny, laughter broke out. [NGH2] He reo harihari kia rongo atu te kata. Laughter is a sign of joy. [TTU] Taihoa e kata, kia kite koe e kanikani ana. Don't laugh, we haven't seen you dance yet. [NKU] Kei te kata teena tamaiti. That child is laughing. [NGH4] Pai ana te kata mai a ngä tamariki, kua kii hoki oo rätou koopu i te kai. There was a change in the children's attitude after they had eaten. [TWK/MHR] To kata whakangari tonu. You have an engaging, encouraging demeanour. [NWE] Kia tika tö körero päkeha hei kataina koe. Aim for correctness when speaking English, otherwise you may be laughed at. [TWK/MHR] Ka kataina Hakopa e ëtahi o ana hoa mo toona hingatanga ki roto i te hoopua wai. Jacob was laughed at by some of his friends when he fell into the pool of water. [KRA] Ka kataina tö mätou tupuna i te kuare ki te körero päkeha. Our grandparent was laughed at because he couldn't speak English properly. [NWH] He aha tau e kata na? What are you laughing at? [KP/MHR] Kaua ahau e kataina e koutou. Don't you all laugh at me. [KP/MHR]  I tana katanga ka riri a Maro. When she laughed Maro became angry. [NKU/TA] Na te katanga o Tame ka hari tona hoa wahine, ka roa ka huri kë te hari ki te riri. Tom laughed, it made his wife happy but the laughter later turned to anger. [TTU] Noo te katanga o te roopu taitamariki, ka moohiotia kua moe kë tö rätou kaiako kuia raranga kete. It was when the group of children laughed it became evident that their elderly kit-making tutor had fallen asleep. [KRA] I te katanga o taua matua katahi ia ka kataina e ana hoa. When his father laughed his friends turned and laughed at him. [NKU] Te katanga o nga iwi o te huihuinga, warewaretia ake nga wehewehe i roto, i waenga, o te noho. Troubles faded away because of the humourous atmosphere emanated by the laughter overflowing was an unbelieveable turnaround. [NWE] Noo te katanga o ngä tamariki kätahi anö ahau kä möhio i hee aku körero. It wasn't until the children laughed that I realised I had said the wrong thing. [NWH] I te katanga o te iwi katahi ka rere ngä manu. When the people laughed the birds flew away. [TWK] Ko ahau hei katanga ma koutou. Let me be a laughing stock for you all. [KP/MHR] Te katanga o te kotiro ka riri te tamiti. When the girl laughed the boy became angry. [NGH2]  Ka katakata ngä wahine nei ki aua körero. These women laughed at those stories. [TWK]  Ka kakata nga Puuriri o Taiamai. The Puriri trees of Taiamai are chuckling. [TWK]   

kätahi, kätahi ano [1]  {WL3}    then, at once, just now  Katahi e hoa ma. And then my friends.[TWK] I waho katahi ka haere. outside then away it went. [NGH2] Katahi, ko koe, ka rua ko wai ranei. Firstly it is you, second who knows? [TTU] Katahi ano ahau ka tutaki ki a ia. Then, I shall meet him. [MWA] Katahi ano ahau ka rongo. I have just now heard. [NGH4] Katahi ano, nga manuhiri ka tae mai. The visitors have arrived just now. [NGH3] Kätahi tätou ka hora tahi. At long last we have found each other. [NWE]   

katakata [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  toes  E ngaoko ana aku katakata. My toes are itchy. [NGH3]    matimati

kätao [1]     water    

katau [1]  {NKT}    [Stative]  right hand side  I te taha katau ia e haere ana. She was walking on the right side of the road/path. [NKU/TA] E kii ana te körero, kia möhio te ringa matau, e aha ana te ringa mauiui. It is said, that it is good that the right hand knows what the left hand is doing. [TWK/MHR] Hou mai ngä manuhiri i te whare tupuna, ka noho ki te taha katau. The visitors entered the meeting house, and sat on the right hand side. [KRA] Whiua te poi ki to taha katau. Swing the poi to your right hand side. [KP/MHR] Kei te taha katau o te huarahi te whare whero e tuu ana. The red house is standing on the right hand side of the road. [NWH] "Nga pakeke ki te taha katau". "Adults to the right." [NGH3]    matau

kate, ...a [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  to whiten  Me waiho nga wheua kau kia katea rano. Leave the beef bones to dry out and whiten. (blanched by the sun) [NGH3]   

kateatea [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to scatter  Ko kateatea katoa nga kakahu i te kaha o te hau. The wind was so strong it scattered the clothes everywhere. [NGH3]    akirikiri

katekita [1]    [Noun]  He katekita ia no te hähi katorika. He is a catechist in the Catholic Church. [TWK/MHR]    

kätete, ...hia [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to lengthen by joining  Me katete kia roa ai ta taua taura. Lengthen our rope by joining it to another. [NGH3]   

käti [1]  {WL3}    just a minute or so, cease  Kati tënä. Stop that. [TWK] Käti te amuamu whakamaua te rangimarie. Stop complaining remain calm. [NWE] Käti to mahi peenä. That is enough of that. [NGH2] Kati te mahi takaware. Enough fooling around. [NGH2] Kati te whakaomaoma i nga huarahi. Stop speeding on the roads. [NGH2] Käti ënä körero o au mo to tuahine. That's enough of your talk about your sister. [TTU] Käti te mahi mo tënei ra. That's enough work for today. [TTU] Te körero mai a te mahitea, käti te noho o nga tamariki kura i te kainga. The teacher said the school children should not stay home. [TWK] Käti ki tënei. Let's cease this now. (on good terms) [NWE]  Kati ra. However. [NGH2] Kati ake i konei tënei take. Let this matter end here. Enough. [NKU]  

kati, ...a, …ngia, ...nga [2]  {WL3}    close, squash, squeeze  Ka puta mai koe i te whare kia mahara ki te kati i te kuaha. When you come out of the house remember to close the door. [NWH]  Katia mai te tatau! Close or shut the door immediately! [NKU/TA] Katia te tatau. Close the door. [TWK] I katia te ringa i te kuaha. The hand was jammed in the door. [NGH2] I katia tona waewae. His leg was squashed. [MWA] Te makariri o te pupuhi o te hau, katia te kuaha. Close the door the draught is too cold. [NWE]  Katingia te wini o te whare. Close the window of the house. [NGH4]  Mau atu te ringa o te tamaiti i te katinga o te kuuaha. The fingers of the children were caught in the door when it was closed. [NKU/TA] Noo te katinga o te kuaha, kätahi anö ka rangona te mahana o te ahi. It wasn't until the door was closed that the warmth of the fire was enjoyed. [TWK/MHR] Noo te katinga o te ipu huka ka kitea he poopokorua kei roto. It was when the sugar jar was closed that it was noticed there were ants inside. [KRA]   

Kätimana [1]   Eng.  [Noun]  Scotsman    

kato, ...hia [1]  {WL3}   [Universal]  pick, pluck, break off, cut and gather  Me kato nga puha i te mahinga. The puha was plucked from the garden. [NGH2] Mau e kato mai tëtahi o nga aporo na maku. You grab one of those apples for me. [TTU] Me kato mai e koe ëtahi puha. You should pick some puha. [NGH4] Me kato puha pea taua. Shall we pick puha perhaps. [NWE]  Katohia ngä putiputi a Mina ka mau ki te marae. Pick the flowers from Mina's and take them to the marae. [NKU] He putiputi pai i katohia. It was a beautiful flower that was grown. [NKU/TA] Katohia te aroha ki toona wairua. The gift of love was implanted within his spirituality. [NKU/TA] Katohia mai e koe he watakirihi hei kai mä tätou. You gather some watercress for us all to eat. [KP/MHR] Katohia mai he ruruhau mo te po. Pick us some chinese cabbage for tonight. [NGH3]    tapahi

katoa, ...tia, ...tanga [1]  {WL3}   [Stative]  altogether, all, every (with plural noun)  He whänau kotahi tätou katoa e mahi nei i tä tätou papa kupu. We are all working as one family on our dictionary. [NWH] Kapi katoa te whenua i te tangata. The land was covered in it's entirety with people. [NKU/TA] Haere mai koutou katoa ki tënei taha o te teepu nohonoho ai. You can all be seated on this side of the table. [KRA] Haere mai koutou katoa te rahi te iti. I welcome you all the great and the small. [NKU] Koutou katoa haere mai. All of you come here. [KP/MHR] Te katoa me haere mai. All must come. [NGH2] Koutou katoa, tomo mai ki te okioki. All of you, come and have a rest. [TTU] Mätou katoa i haere. We all went. [MWA] Kii katoa te whare. The house was full up. [MWA]  Ka huihui katoatia ngä whakaaro. Gather all your your thoughts. [TWK/MHR] I katoatia kia pau. The lot was picked up. [NGH2] I katoatia hei kai. It was all picked for food. [NGH2] Ahakoa katoatia hei whakapiri. Even so, use it for wound dressings. [NGH2] Te katoatia o te iwi i rangona te mamae, te pouri, te matenga o taua kaumatua. Everyone was saddened by the passing of the old man. [TTU]  Ko te katoatanga i heke mai Waiheke. The majority of the group came on to Waiheke. [NKU/TA] Noo te haerenga katoatanga o te uri. It was then when the family went en masse that the extent of the wider family became evident. [TWK/MHR] Ko te katoatanga tënei o tätou. This is everyone of us. [KP/MHR] Nä te huihui katoatanga o te iwi, ka tatuu pai ngä take. It wasn't until all the people gathered together that satisfactory decisions were made. [NWH] Whakahuihuitia te katoatanga o ngä käkano ki runga i te teepu. Gather all the seeds onto the table. [KRA]   

katoitoi [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to respond  Kahore ano kia katoitoi, ka aha raini. ****   

katorika [1]   Eng.  [Stative]  catholic  Ko Pompalier te katorika tuatahi i Aotearoa. Pompalier was the first catholic in New Zealand. [NGH2] Ki ëtahi, te waka wairua, ko katorika. For some are of the Catholic faith. [TTU] Ma te hahi katorika te karakia. The service will be taken by the Catholics. [NGH4] Ko te Katorika tëtahi o nga hahi o te ao, kaha ora. The Roman Catholic Church has a strong following in the world. [NWE]   

katoro [1]  {NG3}  Eng.  [Noun]  castor oil  I mua i whangaia mätou ki te katoro. When young we were fed castor oil. [NGH3]   

katua [1]  {NG3}   [Noun]  adult animal  He pai atu te katua, i te punua. The adult animal is better than the young. [NGH3]   

kau [2]  {WL3}  Eng.  [Noun]  cow  Whiuhia te kau. Drive the cows. [NGH2] Kua whiua mai nga kau kia whakatetetia. The cows were driven in to be milked. [TTU] E rua tekau ana kau i roto i te patiki. He's got twenty cows in the paddock. [MWA] Ki te iwi o Inia, he tapu te kau kararehe hore e kainga. To the Indian people, the cow is sacred and is never eaten. [NWE]   

kau [3]    adv.  to be alone, solo, alone, only.  I puta te whaea ki waho, noho kau ai. The mother went outside and stayed there alone. [NGH3] Ko tana hoa kau he kiwi. Her only friend was a Kiwi. [NGH3]    anahe, anake 

kau, ...tia, ...a, ...tanga, ...kau [1]    [Universal]  swim, wade  Kau tähoe, kau hoe, kau poroaka, kau kuri, kau hoiho. Back-stroke or on back, free style overhead paddle canoe fashion, breast stroke one observes actions same, dog paddle, hang on to horses tail. (Need to be brave or dumb to do this as they'd wash out soon as feet touched ground. This used to be the worry here breaking them in, the river was quite deep and wide then. [TTU] I kaha te poraka ki te kau wai. The frog is a strong swimmer. [NGH2] Mana e kau taua awa, pai noa iho. He will swim that river easily. [MWA]  Kautia atu. See if you can swim across. [TWK/MHR] I kautia te roto o Rotorua e Hinemoa. Hinemoa swam Lake Rotorua. [TTU] Kautia te kupenga kua tere ki teera taha o te awa. Swim to the net, it's floated to the other side of the river. [NGH4]  I kaua ai taua awa, na tona hiakai kutai. He was so hungry for mussels that he swam that river. [MWA]  I tana kautanga atu ki taua wähi. As he swam ashore. [TWK/MHR]  Kua haere ke rätou ki te kaukau i te pepi. They've gone to bathe the baby. [NGH3] Kua haere nga mokopuna ki te awa ki te kaukau. The granchildren have gone to the river for a swim. [MWA] [NGH4] Kaukau haere mai nga tohora. [NGH2] Tupato to kaukau, ngaro atu i te tirohanga. Be careful that you swim in sight of people, lest you get in trouble in the water and no-on sees to help. [NWE] I ea te kautanga o Hinemoa, te roto o Rotorua ki Mokoia, hono ana ki a Tutanekai. Hinemoa's swim across Lake Rotorua to Mokoia, was rewarded by meeting up with Tutanekai. [TTU] Ëtahi toa taea rawa nga kautanga o nga wahanga o te Moana nui a Kiwa. Some parts of the Pacific Ocean have been swum by brave people. [NWE]   

kaua, ...ka [1]  {WL3}   adv.  do not, refusal  Kaua e turituri. Don't be noisy. [NGH2] Kaua rawa koe e haere. Don't ever leave. [NGH2] Kaua koe e ma kona mai, he ohonga pii kei kona, kei werohia koe. Don't come by that route, there's a bees nest there and you may get stung. [TTU] Kaua e mahi i ënä mahi koretake. Don't do those useless jobs. [MWA] Kaua e pokanoa. Don't ever transgress [NWE]  Kauaka koe e haere me rätou! Don't you go with them. [TTU] E koa au e whakaae ki toku kauaka. I'm pleased you accept my refusal. [TTU] Kauaka korua e haere ki waho, no te mea kei te ua. Don't you two go outside because it's raining. [NGH4] Hikoia te huarahi o te ora tonu, kauaka tëtahi atu. Walk the path of the righteous, don't stray upon any other. [NWE]  Kaua rawa koe e wareware. Don't you ever forget. [NKU]  

kauae [1]  {NG3}   [Noun]  jaw, chin  He moko i te kauae o te kuia. The old lady had a tatoo on her chin. [NGH3] Ko te kauae o te kaihe, i mura te maha e Hamiona. It was with the jawbone of an ass that Samson slew the many foe. [TTU] Kua whati te kauae o te kau. The cow's jaw was broken. [NGH4] Na te whai körero me te kape o te arero me te kauae. It is by the flapping of the tongue and the jaw that speech is made. [NWE]   

kauae [2]  {NG3}   [Noun]  main pole for punga  Kia kiki ano te here ki te kauae. Fasten it securely to the pole. [NGH3]   

kauae märoo [1]     jaw set    

kauamo [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  litter  Ka hapaitia te tangata whara ki runga i te kauamo. The injured person was lifted on to the litter. [NGH3]   

käuaua [1] {WMS} < kaauaua, kauaua > [Noun]  Falco novaeseelandiae, bush hawk. = kärearea.

käuaua [2] {WMS} < kaauaua, kauaua > [Noun] Ridge of a hill. (Williams notes this word as from Te Rarawa).

Kaue [1] Ngati Kaue [Name] One Ngati Whatua voter at Oruawharo used this hapü name in 1918.

kauhau, ...tia, ...ngia [1]  {WL3}   [Universal]  lecture, sermon, preach, state  Nä te Äpotoro te kauhau i tërä Rätapu. The Ratana Minister preached the gospel last Sunday. [NWH] I roa kë te karakia i te roa o te kauhau ä te minita. The service was prolonged because of the length of the minister's sermon. [TWK/MHR] Mere, haere koe ki te kauhau i te Rongopai ki te Hiku o te Ika. Mary you go and preach the gospel to the people of the Far North. (the tail of the fish). [KRA] Ka mutu te kauhau a te minita, ka waiatatia he hiimene. After the minister delivered his sermon a hymn was sung. [NKU/TA] Ka kauhau te minita ki a tätou. The minister will preach to us. [KP/MHR] Tino pai ki te whakarongo ki te kauwhau a teera minita. It is good to listen to the minister's sermon. [NGH4] Me kauwhau te rongopai. Spread the good news (gospel). [NWE]  Haere koe kauhautia te rongopai ki te iwi. Go and preach the gospel to the people. [NWH] Ka kauwhautia ngä karaipiture o te Paipera. The scriptures from the bible were explained. [NKU/TA] I kauhautia e ngä äpotoro te paipera i te wä o te Karaiti. The apostles preached the lessons of the bible in the days of christ. [KP/MHR] Kauhautia te Rongo Pai. Preach the Gospel. [TWK/MHR]  Kauhaungia ngä mahi pai i oti i a Matiu Rata mo toona iwi Mäori. Spread the word of the good works Matiu Rata did for his Mäori people. [KRA] I kauhaungia tënä take nui i te kooti e ngä roopu Mäori o te motu. That important matter was declared at the court by Mäori groups from throughout the country. [NKU]    kauwhau , kaikauwhau

kauhoa, ...tia [1]  {WL3}   [Universal]  to carry, a coffin/casket, a stretcher  Mä tätou e kauhoa mai te tangata e whara ra. We will carry the one who's been hurt. [TWK] Kua tae mai te kauhoa mona kua hemo. The coffin has arrived for the deceased. [TTU] Na nga apiha i kauhoa mai ki te hohipere. The officers carried him to the hospital. [NGH2] Nga tangata kauhoa tupapaku tua ono. There were six pallbearers. [NWE]  Kauhoatia mai tënä. Carry that. [TWK] Kauhoatia mai te marae ki te urupa. [the deceased] was carried from the marae to the cemetery. [TTU] Ka taria mai he kauhoa hei tari i a Torongare. (They) brought a stretcher to carry Torongare. [NGH3] Me hapai ka kauhoatia. [NGH2] Kauhoatia tae noa ki te urupa. The coffin was carried right to the graveside. [NWE]   

kauhoe    [Universal]  to swim  Me kauhoe koutou ki tawahi. You can swim across the water. [NKU]   

Kauimua [1] [Personal Name] Te Kauimua. A hapü based in Pokapü (1908, 1918).

kaumätua [1] < kaumaatua, kaumatua > {WL3} ~tanga  [Stative]  old person; aged; elder  Kei hea taua kaumätua tino kaupoi? Where's that old man, the cowboy one? [KRA] Ko nga kaumatua ënei o tënei marae. These are the elders of this marae. [TTU] Ko tërä kaumatua he tangata tino möhio. That old man is a very knowledgeable/learned man. [MWA] Kua tino kaumätua toku Papa. My father is very old. [MWA] Kei te mihi teera kaumatua. That old man is delivering a speech of welcome. [NGH4] Ina kaumatua nga tau me nga ahua aro hoki. Maturity to adulthood, should coincide with age. [NWE] Kaumatua pai to mokopuna i a koe, te tiaki. Your grandchild has grown since childhood. [NWE] Ka tae ki te kaumätuatanga aroha ana no te mea kua kore taea ngä mahi. As you age you can not perform tasks like before. [TWK] I te kaumatuatanga o te tangata, kua kite ia anga atu ki te koroheketanga. As one becomes older, comes the realisation that he also is becoming a liability. [TTU] No taku kaumatuatanga ka rongo ahau i ënä körero. It wasn't until I was older that I heard that talk. [NGH4] Kua kitea te kaumatuatanga ona. As he grew older, his maturity showed. [NGH2] I roto i te kaumätuatanga ka pakari nga hikoi a, me mau körero. Upon reaching adulthood, strengthen your walk and your talk. (Act responsibly) [NWE]  #[Note from Te Mätäpunenga ©] Kaumätua. A word with connotations of attaining or having attained adult status. Often used to refer specifically to elderly people, both men and women, and especially to those with the mana to have an influence in community decision-making. From Proto Central Eastern Polynesian *kaumätua, probably meaning “elderly adults” (its cognate in Hawaiian refers to personal or family gods, and in Tuamotuan to a very old man).     

kaunihera [1]  {WL3}  Eng.  [Noun]  council  Kaunihera tahae whenua. The Council that steals land. [TWK] I poti ahaumo te kaunihera iti o Whangaroa. I voted for the Whangaroa Community Council. [TTU] Ka puta te panui a te kaunihera. The Council's letter came out. [NGH4] Te kaunihera o te takiwa ki te Norta. The Far North District Council. [NWE]   

kaupane [1]    [Universal]  forehead  He tino tapu rawa, te kaupane o te tangata. A person's forehead is very sacred. [TTU]   

kaupapa [1]    [Noun]  foundation, plan, matter for discussion, agenda.  Ko te kaupapa o tënei marae, kaua e tukua mai te rama. The laws of this marae do not allow intoxicating liquor. [TTU] Ko oti te kaupapa te whakatakoto. The plan is laid out and finished. [NGH4] He kaupapa taku, hei whiriwhiri mau. I have a matter for you to sort out. [NGH3] Ki te waka wairua o te tupapaku te karakia o te po tuatahi, he kaupapa o te marae o Te Kotahitanga ki Kaikohe. At Kaikohe, Te Kotahitanga Marae, the privilege of conducting the first night's service on the marae goes to the church to which the deceased belonged. Ka tae ki the whakamutunga o te kaupapa, ka tu mai te rangatira ki te mihi ki nga kaimahi. At the conclusion of the project, the chief paid homage to the workers. [TWK2] [NWE] # [Note from Te Mätäpunenga ©] Kaupapa. A metaphorical extension of a word denoting a level surface, platform or floor, indicating a plan, agenda, framework or topic for consideration, set of principles, or proposal.  Fom Nuclear Polynesian *kaupapa “rock platform or shelf”; the connotations of planning etc. seem to be unique to Aotearoa

kaupare, ...a [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to parry  Kauparea nga mea kino. Parry off the bad things. [NGH3]  

kauri [1]  {M16}   [Noun]  a type of tree, Agathis australis  Ko Täne Mähuta te räkau kauri. Täne Mähuta is the name of the kauri tree. [TWK/MHR] Ko te kauri te raku nui rawa i roto i te waonui o Tane. The kauri tree is the largest in Tane's forest. [TTU] He Kauri tënä räkau. That tree is a Kauri. [MWA] Me whakato he räkau kauri hei tohu whakamaharatanga. A Kauri tree should be planted as a reminder. [NGH4] He rau tau atu e tupu ai te räkau kauri. A kauri tree can take a hundred years or more to reach maturity. [NWE]   

kauri [2]  {NKT}    [Noun]  chewing gum  He kauri ngaungau. Some chewing gum. [NKU/TA] Me mutu ta koutou ngaungau kauri.  

kaute, ...hia [1]  {WL3}  Eng.  [Universal]  count  Ko te tataungia te kaute. *** [TWK] Ka mutu te kaute ka moohiotia he toru tekau mä rima wähine he whä tekau täne, he rua tekau ma tahi tamariki. When counting of heads was completed the count revealed thirty five women and forty men and twenty one children. [NKU/TA] Kaute mai i te tahi ki te tekau. Count from one to ten. [KP/MHR] Nä wai ënei mea i kaute? Who counted those things? [NKU] Me timata te kaute. An account should be started. [NGH4] Te kaute mo te pahi te hunga whai nohonga. The numbers for the bus are the number that can be seated. [NWE]  Kautehia mai ngä tamariki! Count the Mäori children! [NKU/TA] Kautehia mai e hia ngä poaka kei roto i tërä iari. Count the number of pigs in that yard. [TWK/MHR]   

kauwhau [1]    [Universal]  to lecture, sermonise  Ma to tätou tuahine te kauwhau i tënei karakia. Our sister will the sermon for this church service. [TTU]    kauhau


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Hoki atu ki runga


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