(K, k) Ko K te tuarima, te tuawhitu ränei, o nga reta o nga pü tuhi Mäori. K is the fifth letter of the Mäori alphabet, or the seventh if you start with the five vowels.
Sources: JHMRC Master File for letter ‘K’ 10 October 2001 as amended and re-formatted, plus new entries 2003/4/5/6-9 from a variety of sources.

Web page last revised 06-v-2009 [650 headwords, including combinations with kai-]

This is Page 6 of 8 web pages for this letter (there are too many entries to fit them all onto one page).
The entries are divided up as follows (you can get to the other pages by clicking on the highlighted words):

ka to kairuri
kaitä to kanuku
kanapa to karaunu

karawa to kauwhau
kawa to kipa
kiri to konewha
kongakona to korokoro
koromatua to kuwharu

© The contributors to Te Papakupu o te Taitokerau. All rights reserved.


This is a working draft which therefore will contain errors and omissions of varying degrees of significance. Comments, including suggestions for new entries and material, are welcome. These can be sent by e-mail to kupu at rakiora.org
The dictionary files are set to display in Arial Mäori or Times New Roman Mäori truetype fonts. If you do not have these fonts, you can download them from the macronized fonts page. Work on the basic formatting (bolding of head words, italics for English translations, putting in information about parts of speech, and so on) is dependent on the efforts volunteer workers -- eventually it will be complete but for the moment it is still very much "work in progress". See the General Overview for more information.


kiri [1]    [Noun]  skin; bark (of a tree); epidermis He mä te kiri o taua wahine ra engari ko toku he kiri parauri. Her skin is white but mine is brown. [TWK/MHR] Ko te hiako, te kiri o te hoihere e tokowhitu. The hoihere tree bark, has seven layers of skin. [TTU] Kähore he pai o tona kiri. His skin is not nice. [MWA] Kömä pai töna kiri. Her skin is so pale. [NGH2]  

Kiri [2] Ngai Te Kiri [Name] One voter affiliated with Te Rarawa used this hapü name in 1918.  

Kiri [3] Ngati Kiri [Name] One Ngapuhi voter at Te Pupuke used this hapü name in 1918.

Kiriahi [1] Ngati Kiriahi [Name] This hapu name was used by 6 voters affiliated with Ngapuhi in 1918: 4 at Te Ngawha and the others at Ohaeawai and Te Pupuke.

kirihimete [1]  hui  Eng.      

kirikä [1]  {TTU}    fever  Ma te mauiui kino ka puta te kirikä. A bad dose sickness causes a fever. [TTU] Te hanga nei he kirika tona. It looks as if he has a high fever. [NGH3]   

kirikiri [1]  {WL3}     sand, gravel  Hanga te tangata, rite ki te kirikiri, te one tohea, te maha hore taea tangata te tatau. Mankind are like the grains of sand on the beach, too numerous to count. [TTU] Tikina he kirikiri mo te huarahi. Fetch some gravel for the road. [MWA] Nga kirikiri nga mea pai. Pebbles are the good things. [NGH2] Horahia nga kirikiri ki mua o te whare. Spread the gravel in front of the house. [NGH2]   

kirimana [1]  {TWK}    [Noun]  agreement  Ko te kirimana i waenganui i te Kawanatanga me ngä Mäori mo te Tiriti o Waitangi. The agreement between the government and the Mäori was for the Treaty of Waitangi. [TWK] He kirimina ta te iwi ki te kawanatanga. There is an agreement that has gone from the people to the government. [NWE]   

kiripaka [1]  {WL3}   [Universal]  white rock, hard flint rock  He kiripaka kei Omapere tënei toka. This rock is a white rock at Omapere. [TWK] Me tahu mai i te kiripaka. It was ignited by the flint. [NGH2]   

kiripaka [2]  {WL3}   [Stative]  hard, flint  I kiripaka i raro nga wae o oku matua, hore hu i aua wa. aua wa. [The ground] was hard under my parents feet as they had no shoes in those days. [TTU] Kei kona nga räkau mo te kiripaka. Here are the trees with the hard bark. [NGH2]   

Kiripakapaka [1] Ngati Kiripakapaka [Name] Three Ngapuhi voters used this hapü name in 1918, two at Te Ahuahu and one at Waiharara.

kirirua [1]  {NG3}    big-headed eel  Ko nga kirirua nahe ano te momo tuna o tënei roto. Only big-headed eels are caught in this lake. [NGH3] He momo tuna te kirirua. The kirirua is a type of eel. [NGH3]   

kiritea [1]  {COL}       

kiritona [1]  {BWL}    [Noun]  wart  Whänau mai me ënei ahauatanganga o te kiritona te nuinga. For most of you were born with warts. [TTU] He kiritona ona. He's got warts. [NGH3]   

kiriweti [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  grizzly, by nature  He tangata kiriweti te ahua tënä. That man has a grizzly nature. [NGH3]   

kitä [1]   Eng.   guitar    

kite, ...a, ...atanga, ...nga [1]  {WL3}   [Universal]  see, find  E kite ana koe te taenga mai o te manuhiri? Did you see the visitors arrive? [TWK/MHR] I kite au oku matua e mahi kai ana. I saw my parents preparing food. [TTU] E wa ano e kite ai. Given to most their sight, eyes to see. [TTU] I rangona kua hemo, ka tae, ka kite a ka whakapono. Upon hearing he had died, they came and saw before they could believe it. [TTU] Ka titiro atu au, ka kite atu i a ia. I looked and I saw him. [MWA]  Kua kitea to taonga? Have you found your treasure? [TWK] I kitea ake, ehara ke ko ia. It was discovered that it was not he.(he was not the guilty party) [TTU] Na te whakamaramatanga, i kitea ai te pai. After the explanation, the benefits could be seen. [MWA]  I te kiteatanga o taku taonga tino hari ahau hoino ki au kua ngaro kë. When I discovered my treasure I was really happy. [TWK] I te kiteatanga ano, he huarahi mama. After the discovery of an easier route, the former was abandoned. [TTU] Na te kiteatanga ka hoki. When it was found, they left. [NGH2] I te kiteatanga o te hoiho, ko puihi kë. When the horse was found it was wild. [NGH2]  I te kitenga tuatahi o te tuporo e teretere ana i o Omapere ka möhio ngä kaumatua o mua kua mate tëtahi tohunga. In the old days, when they first saw the log floating on Lake Omapere, then they knew that a spiritual leader had passed away. [TWK] Na te kanikani te tohu, hei kitenga mo raua. It was through the dance that they met. [TTU] Pai tonu atu ahau i toku kitenga i a ia. I felt better after I'd seen him. [MWA]   

Kiwa [1] Ngati Kiwa [Name] One Te Rarawa voter at Taemaro used this hapü name in 1918

kiwi [1]  {WL3}   [Noun]  a native flightless bird, native to NZ  Ko te kiwi korowai he tohu rangatira o mua. A Kiwi feather cloak was the mark of a chief in days gone by. [TTU] Ko ta tätou tino manu o Aotearoa, he kiwi. The kiwi is New Zealand's most famous bird. [TWK]   

Kiwi [2] Ngati Kiwi [Name] Two Aupouri votes, one at Parengarenga and the other at Waiharara, used this hapü name in 1918.

ko [1] [Focus particle] This word marks a key word or phrase which is the focus of attention, especially (a) preceding a noun or phrase centering on a noun. Ko taku mahi he kohi hua karaka. My job was to collect karaka berries. [NGH3], Ki a Ngapuhi ko te koha, he täkoha kë. Ngapuhi's term for gift or koha is really täkoha. [NKU/TA] (b) Among Te Aupouri and in other parts of Tai Tokerau, it is also commonly used with personal pronouns, to emphasise the connection of the person spoken to or about with what is being said: Ko koe, me kapi to mängai! You be quiet! [TTU]

ko [2] [Verbal particle] As a verbal particle, ko is used to emphasise the feeling or action being focused on; very often it is also a substitute for kua. Ko rongo koe i te hau koangiangi. Can you feel the cool breeze?. [NGH3]

ko [3]  {WL3}   [Term of address] A term of endearment to a girl.  E ko, e ahu ana koe ki hea? Where are you going, girl? [TTU] 

kö [1] [Locative] over there, yonder (away from people talking)

[2] ~ngia, ~ia [Universal] a digging stick; to dig with a kö

koa [1]  {WL3}   [Stative]  happy, glad  He koa te hunga whakapono. Happy are they who accept his word. [TTU] Tino koa mätou i te otinga o a mätou mahi. We were very happy when our work was completed. [TWK]   

Köanga <#> planting time, Spring [WMD] Takë köanga; whakapiri ngahuru. “On leave in Spring, close by in the Autumn” (said of someone who’s never there when work needs to be done, but always turns up in time for a handout).

koangiangi [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  cool breeze  Ko rongo koe i te hau koangiangi. Can you feel the cool breeze? [NGH3]   

koara [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  omen  Katahi ka kitea he koara. Then it was realised that it was an omen. [NGH3]   

koara [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to split open  Kihai i roa, ka koara te tuporo. It wasn't long before the log was split open. [NGH3]   

koare [1]  {WL3}   [Stative]  to be split, separated  Kua koare te tokorua na. That couple have parted. [TTU]    koara|

koare [2]    [Noun]  quarry - metal  Ko te koare mahi kohatu i mua o Omapere. The metal and gravel quarry was at the back of Omapere. [TWK] Nga kohatu metara mo nga rori i te koare. The metal for the roads comes from the quarry. [NWE]  

Koau [1] Ngati Koau [Name] This hapü name was used by one Ngapuhi voter at Matangirau in 1918.  

koe [1]  {WL3}   pronoun.  you, (singular)  Ko koe, me kapi to mangai! You be quiet! [TTU] Kei hea koe e noho ana? Where are you staying? [MWA]   

koea [1]  {WL3}   [Noun]  choir  Ätaahua nga reo o te koea himene. The voices of the church choir were beautiful. [NWE]   

koetoeto  {R8L}    sun-dry branches of a tree    

koha [1]  {NKT}    [Noun]  donation, gift  Ki a Ngapuhi ko te koha, he täkoha kë. Ngapuhi's term for gift or koha is really täkoha. [NKU/TA] He koha te hau e whakarea nei e täua. Breath is a gift that allows for life given for us. [NKU/TA] Me tuku te koha a te whänau i te marae. The family gift was delivered on the marae. [NKU] Te koha a te Kapotai he kaimoana ma te hui i Waitangi. The Kapotai donation was seafood for the gathering at Waitangi. [KP/MHR] Ka haere koe ki te marae kia mahara ki te mau koha. When you go to a marae remember to take a donation. [NWH] He koha tënei mai i a mätou. This is a gift from us. [NGH3] He mere pounamu te koha ki te manuhiri tuuärangi. A Greenstone club was gifted to the distinguished guest. [TWK/MHR]  (Cf. perehana) #[Note from Te Mätäpunenga ©] Koha Present, gift, gratuity. Williams lists these senses third, following (1) “parting or final instructions” and (2) “respect, regard”, and before (4) “an article sent to a neighbouring tribe or clan as an invitation to join in a warlike expedition”, (5) “property cast ashore, and claimed by the owner of the land” and (6) “surplus. (This term appears to have originated in Aotearoa.)  

koha [2]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to shell seafood  Ka noho atu mätou ki te koha kutai. We stayed to shell mussels. [NGH3]    kowha

Kohäkï [1] < kohaakii, kohaki > Also öhäkï [Noun] Final instructions given before death, especially in a deathbed speech (koha or oha). The expression appears to be unique to Aotearoa. (The final element, “say, saying” is combined with the first by the linking particle -ä- to form the compound word.) [Extract from Te Mätäpunenga]

kohamo [1]    [Noun]  back of head  Na wai i pao tana kohamo? Who hit the back of his head? [NGH3]   

kohari [1]    [Universal]  to squash  I a koe e komiri ana i nga kutai, kia tupato kei kohari nga kuka. When you are sorting through the mussels, take care lest you squash the baby mussells. [MWA] Kohari pai te motoka. The car was well and truly squashed. [NGH3]    konatu

kohatu [1]    [Noun]  a stone, rock  He kohatu noaiho, no te koraha, he tohu aroha mo te kaumatua. A rock from the valley was chosen as a memorial for their elder. [TTU] Ata tukua nga kohatu ki te hangi. Let the stones down carefully into the hangi. [NKU] Kätahi mätou nga Mäori peipeia ki roto i nga kohatu o te Waimate. **** [TWK] Kia tupato te opaopa kohatu, kei wharawhara. Be careful when throwing stones that you do not get hurt. [NWE]   

Kohatutaka [1] [Name] One voter at Mangamuka affiliated with Ngapuhi gave this as their hapü name in 1918.

koheke, ...heke [NGH3]  {WAI}   [Stative]  slippery underfoot  He koheke rawa tënä huarahi mo te waka. The road was too slippery for the car. [NGH3]  Kohekeheke tana haere. The pathway (that he travelled) was very slippery. [NGH3]    paheke

kohere [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to pound, hammer E kohere roi ana a Mati ma. Mati and the others are ponding the fernroot. [NGH3]    hamahama

kohete, ...tia [1]    [Universal]  to chide  Kei kohetetia koe aianei e to teina, mou i tomuri. Your younger brother will scold you soon for being late. [TTU]   

kohi, ...a, ...kohi, ...kohia, ...nga, kokohi [1]  {WL3}   [Universal]  gather  Ma tätou kohi koe e tuku atu. You hand over our gift. (gathered from us all) [TTU] Mäu e kohi mai he pipi. You go and gather us some pipis. [TWK] Ko taku mahi he kohi hua karaka. My job was to collect karaka berries. [NGH3] Kohia te riwai nei ki roto i te kete. Gather together the potatoes into the kit. [TWK] Ka kohia nga kota ma te kapuranga. Shells were collected by handful. Tënä, kohia ëtahi wahia mo te ahi. Then collect some wood for the fire. [NGH2] Kohia te moni ki te peeke, kei taka, ka ngaro. Put the moni in your bag in case you drop it and it gets lost. [NWE]  Hoatu koutou ki te kohikohi pipi. Go ahead and gather some pipis. [TTU] Mäu e kohikohi haere mai. Gather them as you go along. [TWK] Kohikohi moni pai kia ea ai nga nama o te nohonga. Collecting money to cover the costs of our stay is good. [NWE]  Kohikohia kia watea, kia ma. Make sure that everything is gathered up is clear and clean. [TTU] Kohikohia katoa mai. Gather it all up. [TWK] Kohikohia o mapere ki roto i te pounamu. Gather your marbles into the bottle. [NGH2]  He huarahi tënä ki te kohinga mataitai. That's the pathway down to the place for gathering seafood. [TTU] I te kohinga o nga taonga ki roto i te peke puhanga ana te takoto. When all the stuff was put in the bag, the place was left tidy. [TWK] Te kohinga kupu, kii pai te kete. Gathering words to fill the basket. (refers to the basket of knowledge). [NWE]  Ka tonoa nga tamariki ki te kokohi otaota. The children were sent to collect (gather up) the litter. [NGH3]   

kohine [1]  {WL3}   [Noun] young girl  He kohine tërä e haere mai ana ki konei. That's a young girl coming this way. [TTU]  

Kohiwi [1] Ngati Kohiwi [Name] This hapü name was used by one Ngapuhi voter at Takahiwai in 1918. 

kohu [1]    [Universal]  fog, mist  Tino taimaha te kohu i tënei ra. Today there's a very heavy fog. [TTU] Matatoru ana te noho a te kohu i te whenua. The fog lay heavy on the ground. [NKU] Ka heke te kohu, ka puta te kopeke. When the fog descended, the cold came. [NKU] Ko tëtahi wähi kohu, ko Moerewa, ko Waihou. Moerewa and Waihou are both misty places. [TWK] I te kohu o te ata, tata kore ana e kitea te huarahi tika. There was so much fog the road wasn't visible. [TWK/MHR] E hiipoki ana te kohu i runga i nga maunga. The fog is covering the hills. [KP/MHR] E takoto ana te kohu i ngä pukepuke. The mist and fog lies about the hilly regions. [NKU/TA] Ka puta te kohu i te moana. The sea mist emerged over the sea. [NKU/TA] He tupuna wahine a Hinepukohurangi. Hinepukohurangi is a female ancestor. [NKU/TA] I ëtahi wä e kitea ana te kohu i runga i te awa o Wairoa i Täkiwira. Sometimes mist can be seen on the Wairoa river at Dargaville. [NWH]   

kohu [2]  {WL3}    curse    

kohua, ...ngia [1]    [Universal]  to cook, a pot  Kua kohua nga kai i roto i nga kohua/kohue. The food was cooked in the cooking pots. [TTU] Me kohua te kanae me te aniana. Boil the onions with the mullet. [NKU] Koia tënä te taupoki tika mo teena koohue. That's the right lid for that pot. [MWA] Kei roto i te kapata na te kohue. The big pot is in that cupboard. [NGH3] Me kohue nga rau kawakawa. The kawakawa leaves should be boiled. [NGH3]  He rongoa tino pai mo te maremare, te kume, ko nga putake e kohuangia ana mo te tamaiti kume. **** [KOM]    kohue

kohukohu [2]  {WAI}   [Universal]  swear  Ka rongo a Kupe i nga taitama e kohukohu ana. Kupe heard the young men swearing. [NGH3]    kanga

kohukohu, ...tia [1]    [Universal]  safe keeping, guarding  I tau, ko to rätou tuakana te kai kohukohu, nga taonga. Their eldest was nominated as caretaker of the gifts. [TTU]  Kohukohutia ko ia anake kia möhio ki nga tatai. Only he knew of their geneology. [TTU]   

Kohukohu [3] Ngati Kohukohu [Name] One Ngapuhi voter at Te Hapua gave this as their hapü name in 1918

kohuku [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to sneak  I mau i a au e kohuku ana ki te marae. I was caught sneaking into the marae. [NGH3]    konihi, kupapa

kohungahunga [1]    [Universal]  very young children  Ko nga kohungahunga ënä o te kohanga reo. Those are the children from the Kohanga Reo. [TTU] Nga tamariki nohinohi, nga kohungahunga. The young children are the kohungahunga. [NWE] Ka kaha haere ngä koohungahunga, kua hiahia ki te kakekake räkau, hoianoo ki tëtahi mea e taea e rätou te kakae. As the young grow stronger, they want to climb trees, or other things they can find to climb, to help strengthen their arms and their legs. [TWK/MHR] E haere ana ngä koohungahunga ki te kohanga reo. The infants go to the Language Nests Kohanga Reo. [TWK/MHR]    tamariki

kohungahunga [2]    [Universal]  crushed  E homa, kohungahunga katoa nga hanawiti. Oh dear, the sandwiches are all crushed. [NGH2] Ko kohungahunga katoa aku rewai kohue. My boiled potatoes are all mushy. [NGH2]   

kohure [1]     firewood    

kohurehure [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to sort underneath  I mai i a au e kohurehure ana i raro i te turu. I was caught sorting things out under the chair. [NGH3]    komiri, kowhiri

koi, ...koi [1]  {NKT}    [Stative]  sharp, pointed  He tangata koi toona hinengaro. He is a person with a sharp wit or intellect. [NKU/TA] Kanui te tino koi o te maripi. The knife is extremely sharp. [NKU/TA] He koi rawa tënä maripi. That knife is too sharp. [NKU] E koi ana teënei perehuka. This slasher is sharp. [KP/MHR] E koi ana te toki hei pouto wahia. The wood chopping axe is sharp. [TTU] He koi rawa tënä puha. That butcher knife is really sharp. [NKU] He tino koi tana hinengaro. He possessed a sharp intellect. [TWK/MHR] Kia koi nga kani papa. The wood saws need to be kept sharp. [NWE]  He mea koikoi te räkau. The stick was sharpened to a point. [NKU/TA] He koikoi rawa tënei hei whängai i a Piri. That spoon is too pointed to feed Piri with. [NKU] E koikoi ana ngä wheua unahi o te tamure. The snappers backbone fins are prickly. [KP/MHR] Kia koikoi anö te näihi kätahi anö ka pai tënä mahi. A sharp implement is best for this job. [TWK/MHR]   

koia, ...koina [1]  {WL3}   prep. it is that one, that's it  Koia ki a koe i whai whakaaro kia tika tou whänau. Good on you for having the foresight to try and better your family's direction. [TTU] Koia na mätou i haere ai. And so it was that we went there. [MWA] Koia taua wahi i huaina ai. And so that place was named thus. [MWA]  Koia! Koia! So be it. [NKU] Koia kei a koe. That's alright for now, but one day... [NKU] Na, kua tae ki taua mea, koina. Now it has come to that, no wonder. [NGH2] Koiana te ruturutu o te mihiini. No wonder the machine has been jerking. [NGH2]  Ä, koina! Yes, that's it! [NKU]   

koiana [1]  {WL3}       

koiara [1]     that way  Koiara ngä tikanga o tënei wähi. Those are the conditions of this place. [NWH]   

koingo [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  fervent desire, wish  Ko toku koingo, kia mutu tënei pakanga. It is my fervent wish that this war would end. [NGH3]   

koiora [1] [Noun] life. Hoki ake ki te koiora Come forth to life. This word is used in many modern combinations as the equivalent of the English (originally Greek) prefix bio-, for example hangarau koiora biotechnology; also by itself to mean biological.

koiti [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  little finger  Ka whati to koiti ina pena tonu to whakatoi. If you keep on getting cheeky like that, your little finger will break. [NGH3]   

kömä [1]  {COL} < koomaa, koma > [Stative] pale, palid, whitish      

köhaki [1]  {NKU} < koohaki, kohaki > [Verb]   pluck  Me pënei te koohaki. Pluck it like this. [NKU] 

köhao [1]  {WL3} < koohao, koohao > [Noun]  hole  Purua atu te kohau kei puta te heihei. Block up the hole so that hens can't get out. [TTU] Na nga haurangi me kohao te pätu i te mutunga. In the end, it is the drunks who punch holes in the walls. [NWE] He nui nga kohao kei roto i teera awa. There are big holes in that river. [NGH2]  Ngapuhi kohao rau. Ngapuhi of a hundred holes.  rua

köhue [1]  {NG3} < koohue, kohue > ~tia [Universal]  big pot, boil  Kei roto i te kapata na te kohue. The big pot is in that cupboard. [NGH3] Me kohue nga rau kawakawa. Boil the kawakawa leaves. [NGH3] Ki te kaumätua, he pai te pero ika me koohue. To the elderly, fish heads are a delicacy when boiled. [TWK/MHR]  Me tapahi mai te mätenga o te ika kia koohuetia mä te tuuroro. Cut off the fish heads so they can be boiled up for the ones who are unwell. [TWK/MHR]    kohua

köhure [1] {WMS} < koohure, kohure > [Stative] Full, overflowing Takihakohako te kete ka kohure. (Williams notes this word as from Te Rarawa)

köhure [2] {WMS} < koohure, kohure > [Noun] (1) A pointed piece of wood for rubbing on another to produce fire (= kauhure). * (2.) Firewood. (Williams notes this meaning of the word as from Te Rarawa)

köhuru [1] < koohuru, kohuru > ~tia, ~tanga {WL3}   [Universal]  murder, to kill  Näna te kootiro i koohuru. It was he who murdered the girl [NKU/TA] Me koohuru te tangata e wai? Who murdered the man? [NKU] He aha te take i koohuru ai te tangata na, e whakapae ana ahau nä te wahine, nä te whenua ränei. For what reason did that person commit murder, I suspect it was over a woman or land. [NGH1] Na Hongi i koohuru ngä tängata o teera pä mo te tähae i a rätou kai. Hongi murdered those people for stealing. [KP/MHR] Ehara tënä mahi i te mahi pai te kohuru tangata. Slaying people is not acceptable. [TWK] I te mahi koohuru a te tangata ra, ka mau ki te whareherehere. Through the unacceptable action of murder, the man was jailed. [TWK/MHR]  Ka koohurutia te wahine rä, ka mauhereheretia ia. He murdered that woman and was imprisoned. [NKU/TA] Kähore rätou i koohurutia. I mate i te hiakai. They were not murdered. They died of starvation. [NKU] I koohurutia a Taneatua e Minginui mo te moe i täna teina. Minginui murdered Taneatua for sleeping with her younger sister. [KP/MHR] I koohurutia te wahine i te kaha hae o te täne. The woman was murdered through the intense jealousy of her husband. [TWK/MHR]  Ko te koohurutanga o te tamaiti ka puta katoa te whänau i te whai utu. After the murder of the child the whole family sought retribution. [NKU/TA] Kahore he koohurutanga kino atu i tënei. There is no murderous form greater than this. [NKU] Ko te koohurutanga tënei o Taneatua. Taneatua was murdered here. [KP/MHR] Noo te koohurutanga o te wahine, kätahi anö ka kitea he tino mate kë anö tö taua tangata ra. It wasn't until murder was committed that it was reccognised he had a particular health weakness. [TWK/MHR] #[Note from Te Mätäpunenga ©] Köhuru This word was used to denote the infliction of injury (usually physical and fatal) without just cause, thus to assassinate or murder; the elements of lack of justification and stealth distinguish this term from patu, which also means to kill or ill-treat. The term may be derived from Proto Polynesian *sulu “to insert or pierce”, but if so all the cognate terms in other Polynesian languages refer to peaceful activities, mostly related to weaving and thatching.   

 köiwi [1]  {WL3} < kooiwi, koiwi > ~tanga [Noun]  human skeleton, human bones  I ënei toka kohatu, he takotoranga koiwi. Within the rocks lay the bones, the human remains.. [TTU] Kei raro, i nga ana, nga toka kowhatu, ko ënei nga whare o mua hei takotoranga koiwi. In the underground caves were the places where human bones were laid to rest in days gone by. [TTU] Ko wai ma nga kaiwhakatika i nga koiwi? Who are the people who take care of the human remains? [NGH2]  Ko nga koiwitanga o te tangata, e kitea ana e takotokoto ana i roto te ngahere, nga tahataha moana. Some human remains are found in bush sites and along the shoreline after storms. [TTU]   

kökohua [1] < kookohua, kokohua >  [Universal]   Kookohua mai te tarete nei. **** [TWK]  

kökoputuna [1]   < kookoputuna, kokoputuna > [Noun]  a very large species of eel caught in swamps at Waima    

kökota [1]  {IKA} < kookota, kookota > [Noun]   Paphies australis    

kömata [1]   < koomata, komata]  female nipples (a word used in Te Aupouri)    

kömiri [1] < koomiri, komiri > {R9L}   [Universal]  to sort out.  Na mäua i koomiri nga kumara. We (she and I) sorted out the kumara. [MWA]   

köneke [1] < kooneke, koneke > {Ngati Whatua file}  [Noun]  sledge    

kokeke [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  winding  Kokeke atu, kokeke mai ana te awa. The river weaved back and forth. [NGH3]   

kokiri, ...tia, ...tanga [1]  {WL3}   [Universal]  to rush in, to charge in  Kokiri tënei ata, anei, he ra tino kopeke. As the day begins, it brings a very cold day. [TTU] Mau e kokiri atu te reo ki te manuhiri. You put the position forward to the visitors. [TWK] I kokiri mai. It rushed through. [NGH2] Me kokiri e koe, to take ki nga kaumatua. You should take your concern to the elders. [NGH2]  Tënä kokiritia mai ta tätou take. Then our position will be presented. [TWK]  I te kokiritanga o nga whakaaro, o tënä, o tënä, i rangimarie ai te kaupapa. With the airing of all the ideas, the task became more acceptable. [TTU] No te kokiritanga, ka ngaro. When it was suddenly changed, it was lost. [NGH2] I te kokiritanga a tana take ki mua i te ture, ka kitea ko he ia. When her concern was placed before the law, she was found to be wrong. [NGH2] Whaia haere te kookiritanga. Add pressure to drive the business strongly forward. [NWE]   

koko, ...a [2]    [Universal]  to scoop up, ladle, shovel  E koko wai mai ra rätou, hei horoi i nga kakahu. They are scooping up water with which to wash their clothes. [TTU] Me koko mai ngä waro hei tunutunu känga. Shovel some embers to cook the corn on. [NGH1] Me koko mai ngä waro hei tunutunu känga. Shovel some embers to cook the corn on. [NWH] Mäu e koko mai ngä waro i roto i te tö nei tahu i ngä käkoa e puupuu ra i te taha o te mahinga. You shovel some fire embers from the open fire to light the dried rubbish shaped up on the edge of the garden. Whakamahia mai te koko hoou a te kuia nei hei koko i ngä otaota e haupuu mai ra i roto i te karäti. Use the old lady's shovel to shovel the rubbish heaped up in the garage. [TWK/MHR] Mäu e koko he kirikiri mo ta täua täpapa. You shovel some sand for our kuumara bed. [KP/MHR] I koko ai na te kore atu. It was scooped because there was nothing else. [NGH2] A hea koko ai? When is the scoop? [NGH2]  Kokoa mai he paru hei tanu i te hängi. Shovel some earth to cover the earthoven. [NWH] Kokoa mai he onepuu ki roto i taku pootae. Scoop some sand into my hat. [NKU] Ka kokoa mai te huka e Tuui ka kohia ki ngä peeke huka. Tuui would scoop the sugar and put it into sugar bags. [NKU] Kokoa mai he kai mä taku mokopuna. Scoop some food for my grandchild. [KP/MHR] Kokoa he waro mo te ahi. Shovel some coal into the fire. [TWK/MHR]  I te kokonga mai o te huka ka patene. In scooping up the sugar it was spilt. [NKU]   

kokonga [1]    [Stative]  corner  Ka waiho ki te kokonga o te whare. The kits were left in the corner of the house. [NKU/TA] Ka haere te wahine ki te noho i te kokonga o te whare. The woman went and sat in te corner of the house. [NKU/TA] Ko ahau anake e tu ana i te kokonga. I was the only one standing in the corner. [NKU] He kokonga tënei mo aku putiputi. This is a corner for my flowers. [KP/MHR] I tëtahi kokonga o Te Kaipara, e kitea atu ana a Pouto. At one corner of Kaipara, Pouto can be seen. [NGH1]   He kokonga whare e kitea ana, engari,anö te kokonga ngäkau, e kore  e kitea. THe corners of the house are visible, but inner feelings are not seen. [TWK/MHR] 

kokoo [1]    [Universal]  to gurgle  E kokoo ana te pëpi, e au ana tana takoto. The baby is gurgling, she is contented. [TWK/MHR]   

kokopi  {WAI}   [Universal]  to double up  Me kokopi mai ki roto nga taha. Double the sides into the middle. [NGH3]   

kokopu [1] [Noun] (1) a small, tube-shaped fresh water fish (Galaxias sp.) {Ata-1} I mua, he maha nga kokopu i roto i nga manga, takatahi i tënei wä. In days gone by, the kokopu were plentiful in the streams, today there are very few . [TTU] (2) cockabully (Gobiomorphus sp.) {Ata-2} He kokopu anake nga mea i mau i au. I only caught cockabullies . [NKU] Kei te awa o Taheke nga kokopu. There are cockabullies in the Taheke river .[NGH2] I roto i nga awaawa o Kaihu e kitea ana tënei momo ika, te kokopu. In some of the small creeks of Kaihu, cockabully can be found. [NWH] 

kokorutanga [1]  {WL3}   [Noun]  bend, in a river  Kei nga kokorutanga o te awa, he taniwha. Where there is a bend in the river, there lives a chief. (metaphorical use of the term taniwha) [TWK] Te kokorutanga o nga taha moana. The inlets of the coastal seaside. [NGH2]   

kokoti [1]    [Universal]  to cut, to mow, to cut lawn/hay  Mau e kokoti aku tarutaru, hei kai mo aku kararehe. You can cut my hay for stock food for the cattle. [TTU] Me kokoti mai e koe tëtahi miiti maku. You should cut me a piece of meat. [NGH2] Me kokoti ki te kutikuti. Cut it with the scissors. [NGH2] Kokoti pai to huiti! Your suit sure impresses with a fine cut! [NWE] 

kokowai [1]  {WL3}   [Universal]  red clay used for adornment.  Me tiki atu nga kokowai mai Kaipara. The red clay was collected from Kaipara. [NGH2]   

kokuhu [1]    [Universal]  to thread, a needle  Mäu e kookuhu mai te ngira nei? Will you thread this needle? [TWK]   

koma [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  pale, pallid  E koma ana to kiri. Your skin is pale [NGH3]   

komaru [1]  {WAI}   [Noun] mist, fog  Na te kaha o te komaru, e kore kitea te rori. The mist was so thick, that the road wsa not visible. [NGH3]   

kome [1]  {WAI}   [Universal] to mouth  E kome ana kia whangaitia ano. Mouthing for more food. [NGH3]    tamitami

komi, ...komi [1]  {BWL}     individual actions of person in the act of sexual motions  Toku moe na po e komikomi ana au i a koe. I had a dream we were making love last night. [TTU]   

komihana [1]  {WL3}   [Noun]  commission, sometimes describes a Board or Committee  No te pänuitanga o te hui kätahi anö te nuinga o te iwi kä möhio e haere mai ana te komihana ki tö rätou rohe. It wasn't until the meeting was advertised that the people were aware of the commission's visit to their region. [TWK/MHR] I mua e pämu kau ana, mau i raro i te Komihana Mäori. In the past, Mäori who farmed milking cattle, were governed by the Mäori Dairy Board. [TTU] Te KOmihana Mäori. The Mäori Commission. [NGH2]   

komiri [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to sort  Ka noho mätou ki te komiri i nga kumara. We stayed to sort through the kumara. [NGH3]    kowhiri, kohurehure

komiti [1]  {WL3}   [Noun]  committee  Ia marae he komiti tona, hei whakahaere. Each marae has a committee of its own to manage its affairs. [TTU]  

komuhumuhu [1]    [Universal]  stealth, quiet creeping  Ki a komuhumuhu te hikoi atu, kei oho te kukupa e kai mai nga miro. Stealth is the essence, so the pigeon won't fly away. [TTU]   

komuru [1]  {WAI}   [Universal]  to rub off  E kore e taea te komuru te moko tuturu. A real facial tattoo cannot be rubbed off. [NGH3]    ukui

komuru [1] [cross-referenced from uku [1] but no entry in database]

kona [1]  {WL3}   positional particle  that place there, (nearest to the listener)  Kei kona nga kai, e hia kai ana koutou. Ther food is there if you want something to eat. [TTU] Kei kona nga tamariki e noho ana. The children are sitting over there. [MWA] Kei kona te pai o teena mahi. That is the rewarding part of this work. [TWK]   

konakitanga [1]  {R8L}       kokonga

konakona [1]    [Universal]  crumbs  I mahua i a ia nga konakona i runga i te tepu. The crumbs were left behind on the table.[MWA]    kongakonga

konatu, ...natu [1]  {TTU}   [Stative]  squashed  I konatu tona koromatua waewae. His big toe was squashed. [TTU] I te ngahorotanga iho o nga toka, konatunatu ana te taraka. The truck was crushed under a landslide. [NGH3] Ma Mere e konatu te taraka ra. Mere will smash that truck. [NGH3]    kohari

konei [1]  {WL3}   positional particle  here, right beside the speaker  Kei konei nga whakaahua o ou koutou matua. Here are the photographs of your parents. [TTU] Ma konei tätou. We'll do it this way. [MWA] Hei konei tätou noho ai. We'll all stay here. [MWA] Kei koonei tëtahi körero mäku. This is a story for me. [TWK]  Koonei tonu. Right here. [TWK]  

konekone [1]    [Stative]  weak  Konekone te haere o te motoka. The car was going along very weakly. [NGH2]   

konene [1]  {WAI}   [Stative] without direction, outcast  I muri i te pakanga, ka haere konene te hapu. The subtribe wandered aimlessly after the war. [NGH3] Mai i taua wa, ka noho hei konene. Since then, he remained an outcast. [NGH3]  I whänau mai ia he kopa tëtahi wae. He was born with one leg crippled. [TTU]  

konewa [1]  {WAI}   [Noun]  dream song  I a ia e moe ana, ka puta mai te konewa o öna tüpuna. While he was sleeping, the dream song of his ancestors came to him. [NGH3]   

konewha [1]  {WAI}   [Stative]  drowsiness  Te kaha pumahu, ka waia e te konewha. Because of the humidity, we were overcome with drowsiness. [NGH3]   


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The compilers welcome comments, suggestions and new material which will enhance the value of the dictionary to its users. Please send these to kupu at rakiora.org.

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