Index to Proto-Polynesian, Māori and Botanical Names

Introductory Note
[Skip to list of names] or [Skip to list of Māori plant names in Te Paipera Tapu]

The table on this page lists the plant names known to have been brought to Aotearoa from Polynesia by the first explorers and settlers. The modern standard [Māori Language Commission] orthography is used for the Māori words - see the Introduction to the "Genealogy of Names" page (under the "ORIGINS" tab) for more information about how modern words in other Polynesian languages and reconstructed words are written.

The number in square brackets indicates the ultimate origin of the name, from Proto-Austronesian ([1]) to Proto-Rarotongan/Maori ([12]) - these stages in the development of Māori are also outlined in the introduction to this set of pages. They are, briefly (and of course skipping a lot of intermediate stages in the first few thousand years):

[1] Proto-Austronesian (At least 5,000 years ago)
[2] Proto-Malayo-Polynesian (Centred on the Philippines & Sulawesi)
[3] Proto-Oceanic (Dispersal along the New Guinea coast into the Pacific - "Near Oceania")
[4] Proto-Eastern Oceanic (Entry into "Remote Oceania")
[5] Proto-Central Pacific (Common source of Rotuman, some Micronesian, Fijian and Polynesian languages)
[6] Proto-South Central Pacific (Common source of Eastern Fijian and Polynesian languages)
[7] Proto-Polynesian (Centred on Tonga & Samoa & Tuvalu jointly)
[8] Proto-Nuclear Polynesian> (Centred on Samoa, Tuvalu and vicinity)
[8a] Proto-Far Western Polynesian (the possible precursor to Proto-Eastern Polynesian; see the page for *Pakilangi)
[9] Proto-Eastern Polynesian ("Remote Polynesia", including Rapanui, but possibly much more complicated than that: -- see the "Language Introduction" page)
[10] Proto-Central Eastern Polynesian (Centred on Tahiti, after the separation of Marquesan, Mangarevan and Rapanui)
[11] Proto-Tahitic (Centred on Tahiti, after separation of Hawaiian, effectively the last stage, supplemented by)
[12] Words shared exclusively by Rarotongan and Maori (These are a group of words originating in the Cook Islands which were also carried to Aotearoa in the early days of settlement)

Any arrangement of the words would create difficulties, so we just settled on "oldest" to ÿoungest" for this list (the original sequence is revised from time to time in the light of new evidence, such as the material in The Lexicon of Proto Oceanic, Volume 3) -- use the ^F (find) command on your browser if you are searching for a particular word (including the botanical binomials [scientific names]). Also note that the Proto-Polynesian name (or the equivalent from the earliest stage after that, for more recent words) is the one listed in the first column; this is actually stage 7 in our scheme, so the original form of words in stages 1-6 might have been different; you will find information about that in the entry for the Proto-Polynesian reconstruction.

Names that seem to have been inherited in a modified form incorporating an older element have been listed separately at the level the new form seems to have appeared, so, for example, pōhutukawa, which incorporates the ancient element *futu (Stage 1), seems to have originated as a separate name in Rarotonga, so in the list below it is included with the words from the final stage (12) before Aotearoa's linguistic isolation.

Some of the plants in addition to their generic names had a large number of terms relating to varieties and uses. Chief among these are the breadfruit (Proto-Polynesian *kulu), taro (Proto Polynesian *talo), bamboo (Proto-Polynesian *kofe, from which Maori kohe originated), and kumara (Proto Eastern Polynesian *kumala). The history of many such words which are plant-related but not always plant names is recorded on those and other pages.

As the pages are written, the corresponding words in the list will be hyperlinked to them. Those items in first two columns in the list below which are written in bold type have entries on line; some of these hyperlinked pages with have only basic information at present, others will be quite substantial. Names represented by species which are currently growing in the physical language garden but for which pages have not yet been written are listed in bold black type in the third column. For kumara and taro varieties, the linked names will be in italics -- this means that although some plants of this species are in the garden, that particular variety (as far as we know) is not. As the relevant pages are written, more Maori names containing elements inherited from earlier Polynesian plant names will be added to the list (we are still coming across previously overlooked examples!). Botanical names also require revision, as new research sometimes requires changes in the way plants are grouped in genera and families, and occasionally new names for species as well.

A suggested formula for citing these pages is given at the end of this page.

[Back to Introduction]

Proto-Polynesian Name
Māori Name
Species bearing Māori name
1. P. Austronesian origin    
*aka [1,3] aka The original meaning of "a root" later partly became merged with another word that came to denote "a vine".
*fara [1] whara



Astelia spp.
Phormium tenax
Astelia banksii

Astelia hastatum
Astelia banksii
Astelia solandri
Phormium cookianum
Phormium tenax

Astelia banksii

*futu [1]

Ascarina lucida
Fuscospora fusca
Fuscospora truncata
Metrosideros excelsa
*lama [1]
*lama [Derivatives]


"fish at night with torches" [a word once associated with the coconut (niu)]

Lophomyrtus bullata [Ramarama]
Pseudiwintera colorata [~ Horopito]
*tūtae [1,8] tūtae Derived from the Proto-Austronesian term for "excrement", a component of plant names in several Eastern Polynesian languages.
2. P. Malayo-Polynesian  
*kanawa [2] kanawa [Variety of] Ipomoea batatas
*limu [2]~[3] rimu

Dacrydium cupressinum
Pseudolycopodium densum
Zostera novaezelandica
Durvillaea antarctica; Gigartina spp.
*qufi [2] uwhi, uhi Dioscorea alata
*talo [2] taro Colocasia antiquora
*toa [2] toatoa Phyllocladus trichomanoides
*faqa whā "stalk, stem" [a word once associated with the coconut (niu)]
*fau [2] whau
Entelea arborescens
Pseudopanax arboreum
*futi [2] hutihuti [Variety of] Ipomoea batatas
*kanen kano, kakano "seed" [a word once associated with the coconut (niu)]
*kie [2] kiekie Freycinetia banksii
*malo [2] maro [A girdle, kilt or skirt, from aute and other fibre]
*niu [2] niu [Cocos nucifera -- The name was remembered but acquired a different meaning in Aotearoa]
*kulu [2] kuru [Artocarpus altilis; in Aotearoa, a tree in Hawaiki remembered in oral histories]
*piu [2] piupiu Pakau pennigera
Lomaria discolor
Parablechnum procerum

Parablechnum novaezelandiae
*tī [2] tī (tii) Cordyline australis [tī kouka]
Cordyline pumilo [tī koraha]

Cordyline banksii [tī ngahere, tī parae]
Cordyline fruticosa

[Cordyline rubra]
[Back to Introduction]
3. P. Oceanic
*fue [3]~[8] hue Lagenaria siceraria
*kafika [3]





[see links opposite]

Metrosideros excelsa
Leptospermum hoipolloi
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
[kahika, kahikatea]
Metrosideros fulgens [kahikahika]
Metrosideros robusta [rātā (flower)]
Libocedrus plumosa [kahikawaka]
*kawaRi [3] kawa, kawakawa Macropiper excelsum
*fenu whenu "strand of a garment " [a word once associated with the coconut (niu)]
*kafa kaha "rope made from harakeke fibre" [a word once associated with the coconut (niu)]
*kalaka [3] karaka Corynocarpus laevigata
Streblus heterophyllus [karakariki]
*tawa [3] tawa
Beilschmiedia tawa
Planchonella costata
*pau [3] pau Nestegis cunninghamii
*pele [3] pere Alseuosmia macrophylla
Alseuosmia banksii v. linariifolia
*rama [3] ramarama Lophomyrtus bullata
Pseudowintera colorata
*rega [3] rengarenga Arthropodium cirratum
*pala [3] para Psitana salicina
Also tubers of various orchid, fern & tī spp.
*aka [3] aka, aka- Metrosideros albiflora
Metrosideros perforata
[also many species with aka as the initial element in the name, e.g. akapuka, Griselinia lucida]
*kaka [3] kaka "fibre, garment" [a word once associated with the coconut (niu)]
*mako [3] mako, makomako Aristotelia serrata
*maqota [3] māota Dysoxylum spectabile
*pua [3]~[5] pua [Now a word for flowers generally]
Clematis paniculata [Puapua]
*tawahi [3] tawai, tawhai Lophozonia menziesii
Fuscospora fusca [Tawhairaunui]
Fuscospora solandri [Tawhairauriki]
Fuscospora truncata [Tawhairaunui]
Phyllocladus trichomanoides [Tāwaiwai]
4. P. Eastern Oceanic
*koka [4] koka [Listed in dictionaries as "an edible plant"; also, old, dried leaves of Phormium tenax]
*milo [4] miro Prumnopitys ferruginea
*sinu [4] tauhinu Pomaderris phylicaefolia
Ozothamnus leptophylla
5. P. Central Pacific
*polo [5] pōporo, poroporo

Solanum aviculare
Solanum laciniatum
Solanum nodiflorum
Hedycarya arborea
*puapua [5] puapua Clematis paniculata
*lewa [5] rewa, rewarewa Knightia excelsa
[Back to Introduction]
6. P. South Central Pacific Wayan, Rotuma, West Polynesia
*falafala [6] wharawhara Astelia banksii
*hongohongo [6] ongaonga Urtica ferox
Plagianthus regius [houi ongaonga]
*kaute [6] aute Broussonettia papyrifera
*ngenge [6] ngenge [Listed in Williams' dictionary as "a shrub"; no further information]
*kalo [6] karo Pittosporum crassifolium
Pittosporum ralphii
*kofe [6] kohe, kohekohe Dysoxylum spectabile
*kuta [6] kuta
Eleocharis sphacelata
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
*lata [6] rātā Metrosideros robusta
Metrosideros umbellata
*luna [6] runa Rumex flexuosus
Plagianthus divaricatus
*nefe [6] nehenehe [Now a general word for "forest"]
*pōniu [6] poniu Rorippa islandica
*nuka [7] mānuka Leptospermum hoipolloi [Kahikātoa]
Leptospermum scoparium
Leptospermum tairawhitense
Leptospermum repo
Kunzea ericoides [Kānuka]
Leucopogon ericoides [Mānuka rauriki]
*takataka [6] takatakapō [Variety of] Colocasia antiquora
7. P. Polynesian
*ake [7] ake, akeake

Dodonaea viscosa
Olearia traversii
Olearia avecenniaefolia

*fausele [7] houhere Hoheria populnea
*falafala [7]



Astelia banksii
Astelia banksii
Collospermum hastatum
Astelia banksii
Astelia solandri

*fāpuku [7] Te Hāpuku Progenitor of Cetacians and Tree Ferns:
Cyathea (Sphaeropteris) medullaris

Cyathea (Alsophila) dealbata

Cyathea (Alsophila) smithii
*fauuqi [7] houi Hoheria glabrata
Plagianthus regius [houi ongaonga]
*fue [7] hue;
Lagenaria siceraria;
Calystegia spp. etc.
*hulufe, sulufe [7] aruhe, rauaruhe Pteridium esculentum
*kava [7] kawa, kawakawa Macropiper excelsim
*kisi, *kisikisi [7] kōkihi Tetragona tetragonioides
*koli [7] korikori Ranunculus insignis
*kōfufu [7] kōhuhu Pittosporum tenuifolium
*mahuku [7] mauku, mouku Cordyline pumilo
Asplenium bulbiferum

Asplenium gracillimum
Hymenophyllum spp.
*mangeho [7] mangeao Litsea calicaris
*maile [7] maire Nestegis cunninghamii
Leionema nudum [mairehau]
Nestegis lanceolata [maire raunui]
Nestegis montana [maire kotae, maire rōroro]
Mida salicifolia [maire taiki]
Syzygium maire [maire tawake]
*mamangi [7] māmāngi Coprosma repens
Coprosma arborea
*manapau [7] manapau [Tree name mentioned in oral histories.]
*manono [7] manono Coprosma grandifolia
*mati [7] māti [Fruit of] Fuchsia excorticata
*mutie [7] mātie Poa billardierei [ex Autrofescuta littoralis]
*nonu [7] nonorangi, nonokia Pomaderris apetala
*palatao [7] paretao Asplenium obtusatum
Asplenium oblongifolium
*pilita [7] pirita Ripogonum scandens
Peraxilla tetrapetala
Peraxilla colensoi
Alepis flavida
Tupeia antarctica
Ileostylus micranthus
*poa poapoa Parsonsia heterophylla
*ponga [7] ponga Cyathea dealbata (Alsophila tricolor)
*pongi [7] pongi [Variety of] Colocasia antiquora
*puka [7] puka,

Meryta sinclairii [puka]
Syzygium maire [puka]
Griselinia lucida [puka, akapuka, kōpuka]
Brachyglottis repanda [pukapuka]
Griselinia littoralis [kāpuka]
*pukatea [7] pukatea Laurelia novaezelandiae
*saumi [7] Haumia [The deity associated with wild edible plants, e.g. the root of Pteridium esculentum]
*siapo [7] Matahiapo [The Proto-Polynesian root denotes the paper mulberry, Broussonettia papyfera]
*talaqamoa [7] taramoa, tātaraamoa Rubus cissoides
Rubus schmidelioides
Rubus australis
*taputoki [7] tītoki Alectryon exelsum
*tawali [7] tawari Ixerbia brexioides
*tewe [7] tewe [Fermented juice of] Coriaria arborea
*tō [7] [Stem of] Typha angustifolia
*toi [7] ? tōī Cordyline indivisa
*tutu [7] tutu Coriaria arborea
[Back to Introduction]
8. P. Nuclear Polynesian
*fune [8] hune "Pappus of raupō, Typha orientalis"
*kaualiki [8] kawariki Coprosma grandifolia
*kauli [8] kauri Agathis australis
*kiekie [8]~[2] kiekie Freycinetia banksii
*māfaqi [8] māwhai Sicyos angulata
Cassytha paniculata
*maika [8] māika, māikaika, māmāika Arthropodium cirrhatum [Māika kā]
Orthoceras strictum
Orthoceras novaeseelandiae
Microtis unifolia
Thelymitra pulchella
Thelymitra longifolia
Thelymitra pauciflora
*nau [8] nau Lepidium oleraceum
Coprosma foetidissima [naupiro]
Angelica montana [naupiro]
*malili [8] māriri Unripe fruit of Beilschmielia tawa [tawa]
*pa(la)pala [8] parapara [1]
parapara [2]
Ceodes brunoniana
Pseudopanax lessonii
8a. P. Far Western Polynesian
*masele [8a] maere

[Listed in Williams'dictionary as "a fern", no further information.]

*pakilangi [8a] pakirangi [Listed in Williams'dictionary as "a tree", no further information.] This page also has an outline of the history of the development of Proto Eastern Polynesian from its Austronesian origins.
*soroeka [8a] horoeka Pseudopanax crassifolius
*kolopuka [8a] koropuka Gaultheria antipoda
9. P. Eastern Polynesian [Incl. Marquesas]
*aute [9] aute Broussonetia papyrifera
Hebe diosmifolia
Pimelia longifolia [Aute tāranga]
*fekī [9 whekī Dicksonia squarrosa
Dicksonia fibrosa [whēkī ponga]
*hue [9] hue Lagenaria siceraria
*kākaso [9] *kākaho [Culm of] Chionochloa conspicua conspicua, Austroderia toetoe &
Austroderia splendens
*kāretu [9] kāretu Hierochloe antarctica
*katoto [9] katoto [Variety of] Ipomoea batatas
*kiwa [9 kiwakiwa Cranfillia fluvatile
*kofe [9] kohekohe Dysoxylum spectabile
*kōfai [9] kōwhai

Sophora tetraptera
Sophora microphylla
Clianthus puniceus
[kōwhai ngutu kākā]
Clianthus maximus [kōwhai ngutu kākā]

*kōnini [9] kōnini [Edible fruit of] Fuchsia excortica
*kumala [9] kūmara Ipomoea batatas
*mamaku [9] mamaku Cyathea (Sphaeropteris) medullaris
*nīkau [9] nīkau Rhopalostylis sapida
*ngaio [9] ngaio Myoporum laetum
*pōhue [9] pōhue; pōhuehue, pōpōhue

Muhlenbeckia complexa
Muhlenbeckia axillaris
Calystegia sepium [pōhue]
Calystegia tuguriorum
Calystegia soldanella
Clematis paniculata
Clematis cunninghamii
Clematis foetida
Clematis hookeriana
Passiflora [Tetrapathaea] tetrandra

*reto [9] retoreto Azolla filiculoides
*tainoka [9] tainoka Carmichaelia australis
*toromiro [9] toromiro Prumnopitys ferruginea
10. P. Central Eastern Polynesian [Excl. Marquesas]
*hapuku [10] Hapuku [Deity associated with Tree Ferns and marine mammals]
*kōfaikura [10] kōwhai kura Geum urbanum
Pontentilla anserinoides
*māfoe [10] māhoe Melicytus ramiflorus
Melicytus lanceolatus [Māhoe wao]
*mānawa [10] mānawa Avicennia marina v. australasica
*moī [10] moī [Variety of] Ipomoea batatas
*naupata [10] naupata
Coprosma repens
*pai [10] pai Aciphylla squarrosa
*piripiri [10] piripiri

Acaena anserinifolia
Bulbophyllum pigmaeum
Gonocarpus incana
Gonocarpus micrantha
Hymenophyllum demissimum
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum
Chiloscyphus novae-zelandiae

*samo [10] hamohamo [Variety of] Ipomoea batatas
*sinasina [10] hinahina Melicytus ramiflorus
*tāfero [10] tāwhero Pterophylla racemosa
*tōtara [10] tōtara Podocarpus totara
Podocarpus cunninghamii

Leptecophylla juniperina
Leupogon fraseri
Polytrichum juniperinum
Libocedrus plumosa [tōtara kiri kōtukutuku]
11. P. Tahitic [Excl. Marquesas & Hawaii]
*kānuka [11] kānuka Kunzea ericoides
*kōkaha [11] kōkaha Astelia solandri
*lemu [11] remuremu Selliera radicans
*mairehau [11] mairehau Leionema nudum
*neinei [11] neinei
Dracophyllum latifolium
Carmichaelia grandiflora [Neineikura]
Carmichaelia odorata [Neineikura]
*tausinu [11] tauhinu Ozothamnus leptophyllus
Pomaderris phylicaefolia
Podocarpus nivalis
*raupo [11] raupō
raupō taranga
Typha orientalis
Xeronema callistemon
*tafifi [11] tawhiwhi Pittosporum tenuifolium
Parsonsia heterophylla
*taraire [11] taraire Beilschmiedia tarairi
12. Words shared exclusively by Rarotongan & Māori
*angiangi [12] angiangi Coprosma repens
*kauere [12] kauere Vitex lucens (a.k.a. pūriri)
*kōkihi [12] kōkihi Tetragonia tetragonioides
*kōpī [12] kōpī Corynocapus laevigatus
*kōtuku [12] kōtukutuku Fuchsia excorticata
Gleichenia microphylla [kōtuku]
*pōfutukava [12] pōhutukawa Metrosideros excelsa;
variety of Ipomoea batatas.
*pūfā [12] pūhā, pūwhā Sonchus littoralis
Sonchus asper
*hange [12] hangehange Geniostoma ligustrifolium
Elaeocarpus dentatus [a.k.a. hīnau]
13 Endemic
  koromiko Hebe stricta & other Hebe spp.
  hīnau Elaeocarpus dentatus
horopito Pseudowintera colorata
kōhia Passiflora tetragona
mingimingi Leucopogon fasciculatis
  manoao Manoao colensoi
Halocarpus kirkii
mārū Kuznea robusta
mauri Epiphytic Astelia species
pikopiko Polystichum novaezelandiae s. zerophyllum
pūriri Vitex lucens
rangiora Brachyglottis repanda
rauwiri Kunzea linearis & Leptospermum scoparium
taramea Aciphylla squarrosa
tūmatakuru Discaria toumatou
tūrepo Streblus heterophyllus
  wī, wīwī A group of grasses and rushes
--- ["māereere"] Psilotum nudum & Cyclosorus interruptus
14 Acquired
[Fr Indo-European] Ōriwa Olea europea
[Fr English] Piki Ficus carica

[Back to top of list]
[Back to Introduction]


There are at least 20 Māori plant names, as well as a few other words directly associated with plants, included in the Māori translation of the Bible. This is a marked contrast to translations into other Polynesian languages, which often simply adapt the Hebrew or Greek original to Polynesian phonology rather than substitute a local name referring to a plant with some physical or symbolic correspondence to the Hebrew or Greek word. Many of the Māori plant names have been inherited from earlier stages in the development of Te Reo, and we have included information about the Biblical use of these and a few locally sourced names on the relevant pages, with links here to the pages concerned. These are (bolded and hyperlinked), the pages featuring: aka; ake; hue; kakaho; karamū; kauri; korari; kōwhai; māhuri; maire [Cook Islands Māori]; manoao; mati [Samoan]; nīkau; ongaonga; pua; puāwai; pūwhā; rākau, ramarama; otaota; raupō; rengarenga; rimu; taro; taru; tatarāmoa; tumatakuru, wahie and wīwī.


New pages with at least some photographs are listed in the first monthly news item after they appear, and included in the "Index of Names", above. Because of the time it takes to prepare an informative page, we also occasionally make available some with the basic etymological and botanical information, sometimes no photographs, and minimal text, along with a note to the effect that there is more to come, ā te wā. If you would like priority to be given to adding more information to any of these pages you happen to come across please let us know, and we will do our best to push it further along in the queue!


Some pages have citation information included at the bottom of the page immediately below the acknowledgement of the photographs. Unless otherwise stated, other pages may be cited using this formula (based on that used by the NZPCN):

R.A. Benton, (Year at time of access), “Page main heading” (web page periodically updated), Te Māra Reo, (Date website was queried).
For example:
R. A. Benton (2019) “*Fara” (web page periodically updated), Te Māra Reo. (17 October 2019).

[Page updated 23 October 2024]

Te Mära Reo, c/o Benton Family Trust, "Tumanako", RD 1, Taupiri, Waikato 3791, Aotearoa / New Zealand. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 New Zealand License