Bibliography (Published Works)
General references (Plants)
Linguistic History & Plant Names: General and specific references
General references (Other)
Specific plant, botanical, and human settlement references
--- Special tree fern references (not included elsewhere)
Web references not noted elsewhere
Sources of scriptural quotations
Isabella Aiona Abbott, Lā'au Hawai'i: Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants (Honolulu, Bishop Museum Press, 1992)
H.H. Allan, Flora of New Zealand, Volume 1. (Wellington: Government Printer, 1961)
Consuelo V. Asis et al., Plants of the Philippines, Quezon City, University of the Philippines Press, 1971.
Jessica Beever, K.W. Allison and John Child, The Mosses of New Zealand Second Edition (Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 1992).
Elsdon Best, Forest Lore of the Māori (Wellington: Government Printer, 1977).
S.G. Brooker, R.C. Cambie & R.C. Cooper, New Zealand Medicinal Plants. Auckland: Heinemann, 1987.
Patrick J. Brownsey & John C. Smith-Dodsworth, New Zealand Ferns and Allied Plants (Auckland: David Bateman, 2000).
Bruce A Bohm, Hawai'i's Native Plants (Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 2004).
Alan Clarke, The Great Sacred Forest of Tane: Te Wao Tapu Nui a Tane: A Natural Pre-History of Aotearoa New Zealand (Auckland: Reed, 2007).
W.C. Clarke & R.R. Thaman (eds), Agroforestry in the Pacific Islands: Systems for sustainability. Tokyo, United Nations University Press, 1993.
Bruce Clarkson, Merilyn Merrett & Theresa Downs, Botany of the Waikato (Hamilton: Waikato Botanical Society, 2002).
Erling Christophersen, Flowering Plants of Samoa. (Honolulu: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1935 / New York: Kraus Reprints, 1971)
H.E. Connor, The Poisonous Plants in New Zealand. (Wellington: Government Printer, 1977)
H. E. Connor & F. Edgar, Name changes in the indigenous New Zealand Flora, 1960-1986 and Nomina Nova IV, 1983-1986, in New Zealand Journal of Botany, Vol 25, 1987, pp. 115-70.
Andrew Crowe, A Field Guide to Native Edible Plants of New Zealand, North Shore: Penguin, 2004
John Dawson, Forest Vines to Snow Tussocks: The Story of New Zealand Plants (Wellington, Victoria University Press, 1988).
John Dawson & Rob Lucas, Nature Guide to the New Zealand Forest (Auckland: Random House, 2000).
John Dawson & Rob Lucas, New Zealand's Native Trees (Nelson: Craig Potton Publishing, 2011).
H.B. Dobbie & Marguerite Crookes, New Zealand Ferns (Christchurch: Whitcombe & Tombs, [1952]).
Ken Fern, Tropical Plants Database,
Tony Foster, Plant Heritage New Zealand: Te Whakapapa o nga Rākau, North Shore: Penguin, 2008.
Louise Furey, Maori gardening: An archaeological perspective. Wellington: Department of Conservation, 2006.
Isobel Gabites & Rob Lucas, The Native Garden: Design themes from wild New Zealand, Revised Edition (Auckland: Random House, 2007).
D.J. Galloway, Flora of New Zealand Lichens, Revised Second Edition (Manaaki Whenua Press, 2007).
George Gibbs, Ghosts of Gondwana (Nelson: Craig Potton, 2006).
R. Govaerts, E. Nic Lughadha, N. Black, R. Turner, & A. Paton (2021). The World Checklist of Vascular Plants, a continuously updated resource for exploring global plant diversity.
Angela Kay Kepler, Hawaiian Heritage Plants (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1998).
Beatrice H. Krauss, Plants in Hawaiian Medicine (Honolulu: The Bess Press, 2001).
R.M. Laing & E.W. Blackwell, Plants of New Zealand (Christchurch: Whitcombe & Tombs).
Mark F. Large and John E. Braggins, The Tree Ferns. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing, 2004.
Helen Leach,
1,000 years of gardening in New Zealand. (Wellington: Reed)
Noa Kekuewa Lincoln, Amy Greenwell Garden Ethnobotanical Guide to Native Hawaiian Plants, Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 2009
David H. Lorence and Warren L. Wagner, Flora of the Marquesas. Volume 1, Lycophytes, Ferns and Monocots. Kalaheo, Kauai, Hawai'i, National Tropical Botanical Garden, 2019.
David H. Lorence and Warren L. Wagner, Flora of the Marquesas. Volume 2, Dicots. Kalaheo, Kauai, Hawai'i, National Tropical Botanical Garden, 2020.
Christina Macdonald, Medicines of the Maori from their Trees, Shrubs and other Plants. (Auckland, Collins, 1974).
William Martin & John Child, New Zealand Lichens, Wellington, AH & AW Reed, 1972
L.J. Metcalf, The Cultivation of New Zealand Trees and Shrubs (Wellington: Reed, 1972).
L.B. Moore & E. Edgar, Flora of New Zealand, Volume 2. (Wellington: Government Printer, 1970)
Muriel E. Fisher, E. Satchell & Janet M. Watkins, Gardening with New Zealand Plants, Shrubs & Trees (Auckland: Collins, 1970).
L.J. Metcalf, The Cultivation of New Zealand Trees and Shrubs (Wellington: Reed, 1972).
Lewis S. Nelson & Michael J. Ballick, Handbook of Poisonous and Injurious Plants (Third Edition), (New York: Springer, 2020).
B.E.V. Parham & A.J. Healy, Common Weeds in New Zealand (Wellington, Government Printer, 1976).
Daniel D. Palmer, Hawai'i's Ferns and Fern Allies (Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 2002).
Murdoch Riley, Māori Healing and Herbal (Paraparaumu: Viking Seven Seas, 1994).
Bruce Roy, Ian Popay, Paul Champion, Trevor James & Anis Rhaman, An Illustrated Guide to Common Weeds of New Zealand, Second Edition (Lincoln, Canterbury: NZ Plant Protection Society, 2004.
J. T. Salmon, The Native Trees of New Zealand (Auckland: Reed, 1996).
Albert C. Smith, Flora Vitiensis Nova, (Lawai, Kauai, Hawai'i: National Tropical Garden, 1979-91 [Five volumes]).
S.H. Sohmer & R. Gustafson, Plants and Flowers of Hawai'i (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2004).
W. R. Sykes, Flora of the Cook Islands. Kalaheo, Kauai, Hawai'i: National Tropical Botanical Garden, 2016.
US Department of Agriculture, Natural Conservation Resources Service's Plants Database (
Kathy Valier, Ferns of Hawaii (Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1995).
Robert Vennell, The Meaning of Trees (Auckland: Harper Collins, 2019).
Warren L. Wagner, Derryl Herbst & S.H. Sohmer, Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawaii (Revised Edition, 2 volumes) (Honolulu: Bishop Museum, 1999).
W Arthur Whistler, Ethnobotany of the Cook Islands: The Plants, their Maori names, and their Uses (Allertonia, Vol. 5 No 4), Lawai, Kaua'i: National Tropical Botanical Garden, 1990
W. Arthur Whistler, The Ethnobotany of Tonga: The Plants, Their Tongan Names and Their Uses, Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press, 1991.
W Arthur Whistler, Tongan Herbal Medicine, Honolulu: Isle Botanica, 1992
W. Arthur Whistler, Botanical Inventory of the Proposed Ta'u Unit of the National Park of American Samoa. Honolulu: Cooperative National Park Resources Studies Unit, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, 1992.
W Arthur Whistler, Plants in Samoan Culture, Honolulu: Isle Botanica, 2000
W Arthur Whistler, The Samoan Rainforest: A Guide to the Vegetation of the Samoan Archipelago, Honolulu: Isle Botanica, 2002
W Arthur Whistler, Rainforest Trees of Samoa, Honolulu: Isle Botanica, 2004
W. Arthur Whistler, Plants of the Canoe People: An Ethnobotanical Voyage through Polynesia, Lawai, Kauai'i: National Tropical Botanical Garden, 2009.
W. Arthur Whistler, Flora of Samoa, Flowering Plants. Kalaheo, Kauai, Hawai'i, National Tropical Botanical Garden, 2022.
T. G. Yuncker, Plants of Tonga, Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 220. Honolulu, BP Bishop Museum, 1959.
Michael Zohary, Plants of the Bible (London: Cambridge University Press, 1982).
Hoki atu ki runga ~ Go back to the top of the page.
Lorrin Andrews, A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language (New Edition) (Honolulu: Island Heritage, 2003).
James Beever, A Dictionary of Maori Plant Names (Auckland: Auckland Botanical Society, 1991).
Bruce Biggs, Complete English-Maori Dictionary (Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1981).
Richard A. Benton, Pangasinan Dictionary (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1971).
Richard A. Benton (General editor), Te Papakupu o te Tai Tokerau / Tai Tokerau Dictionary [2007]. (Web based publication, also deposited in the NZ National Library.)
Bruce Biggs & Ross Clark, The Pollex Database (Held at the University of Auckland; also accessible on line).
Jasper Buse & Raututi Taringa. Cook Islands Māori Dictionary (Rarotonga: Ministry of Education, Government of the Cook Islands, 1995).
F. W. Christian,"Vocabulary of the Mangaian Language", Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin 11, 1924, pp. 1-31.
C.M. Churchward, Tongan Dictionary. (London: Oxford University Press, 1959).
H.J. Davies, A Tahitian and English Dictionary. (Tahiti: London Missionary Society, 1851).
Rene I. Dordillon, Dictionnaire de la Langue des Iles Marquises (Paris: Institut d’Ethnologie, 1931).
Samuel H. Elbert, Dictionary of the language of Rennell and Bellona (Copenhagen: National Museum of Denmark,1975).
Jordi Fuentes, Diccionario y Gramatica de la Lengua de las Isla Pascua. (Sanitago: Editorial Andres Bello, 1960).
[A Morris Jones (Compiler)], "Maori Names of Plants", in H.H. Allan (Ed.), Flora of New Zealand, Volume 1, pp. 998-1007.
Domingo A. Madulid, A Dictionary of Philippine Plant Names (Two Volumes, Manila: Bookmark, 2001).
Les Missionnaires Catholiques [des Isles Gambier], Grammaire et Dictionnaire Mangaréviens. (Braine-Le-Comte: Zech et Fils, 1908).
J.M. McEwen, Niue Dictionary (Wellington: Department of Māori and Island Affairs, 1970).
G.B. Milner, Samoan Dictionary (London: Oxford University Press, 1966).
J.R. Porter, Hawaiian Names for Vascular Plants (Honolulu, College of Tropical Agriculture, University of Hawaii, 1972).
Rev. George Pratt, A Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language, with English and Samoan Vocabulary (3rd Edition), London: London Missionary Society, 1893 (Web Version in NZ Electronic Text Centre collection:
Mary Kawena Pukui, & Samuel H. Elbert, Hawaiian Dictionary (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1971).
Karl H. Rensch, Dictionnaire français-wallisien (Mawson, ACT: Archipelago Press, 2002).
Karl H. Rensch & Arthur W. Whistler, Dictionary of Polynesian Plant Names (Canberra, Archipelago Press, 2009).
Malcolm Ross, Andrew Pawley & Meredith Osmond, The Lexicon of Proto Oceanic 3: Plants (Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, 2008).
Carl R. G. Rubino, Ilocano Dictionary and Grammar (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2000).
Stephen Savage, A Dictionary of the Māori Language of Rarotonga (Wellington: Department of Island Territories, 1962).
Ropati Simona, Tokelau Dictionary (Apia: Office of Tokelau Affairs, 1986).
J. Frank Stimson & D.S. Marshall, A Dictionary of Some Tuamotuan Dialects of the Polynesian Language (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1964).
Karaitiana N. Taiuru, Word List and Analysis of Te Reo Moriori, Published by Author (ISBN: 978-0-9582597-0-5), 2016.
Sven Wahlroos, English-Tahitian Tahitian-English Dictionary, ([Papeete: Éva Wahlroos & Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press], 2002).
W. Arthur Whistler, Annotated List of Tahitian Plant Names (Allertonia, Volume 14). Kalaheo, Kauai, Hawai'i: National Tropical Botanical Garden, October 2015.
H.W. Williams, A Dictionary of the Maori Language (Seventh Edition), (Wellington: Government Printer, 1971).
Hoki atu ki runga ~ Go back to the top of the page.
NOTE - on some pages this abbreviation is used to refer to one of the works in this section:
* R&W - K.H. Rensch & A.W. Whistler Dictionary of Polynesian Plant Names (Page No. indicated)
Alexander Adellar and Andrew Pawley (eds.), Austronesian Historical Linguistics and Culture History (Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, ANU, 2009).
Richard Benton, “The history and development of the Māori language”, in Graham McGregor & Mark Williams (eds.) Dirty Silence: Aspects of Language and Literature in New Zealand. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Richard Benton, "Mauri, tupu and the secret life of plant names", in John Bowden et al., eds, 2010, pp. 515-523.
Bruce Biggs, "A Linguist Revisits the New Zealand Bush", in Andrew Pawley (ed.) Man and a Half: Essays in Pacific Anthropology and Ethnobiology in Honour of Ralph Bulmer (Auckland: The Polynesian Society, 1991).
Roger Blench, "Remapping the Austronesian expansion", in Discovering History through Language, ed. Bethwyn Evans (Canberra, Pacific Linguistics, ANU, 2009).
Robert Blust, The Austronesian Languages (Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, 2009).
Robert Blust, "The Austronesian Homeland and Dispersal", in Annual Review of Linguistics 2019, pp. 417-34.
John Bowden, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann & Malcolm Ross, eds, A Journey through Austronesian and Papuan Linguistic and Cultural Space (Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, ANU, 2010).
Albert Dalvetshin, "Possible clues to the East Polynesian homeland: Paper mulberry, sweet potato and red-flowered hibiscus", Waka Kuaka: The Journal of the Polynesian Society, 132.4, 2023, pp. 431-462.
Mark Donohue and Tim Denham, Banana (Musa spp.) domestication in the Asia-Pacific region: Linguistic and archaeobotanical perspectives. Ethnobotany Research & Applications, Vol. 7, pp. 293-332 (2009).
Paul Geraghty, "Borrowed plants in Fiji and Polynesia: some linguistic evidence", in Borrowing: A Pacific Perspective, ed. Jan Tent and Paul Geraghty (Canberra, Pacific Linguistics, 2004), pp. 65-98.
Paul Geraghty, "Words of Eastern Polynesia: is there lexical evidence for the origin of the East Polynesians?" in Alexander Adellar and Andrew Pawley (eds.) 2009, pp. 445-460.
David Glenny & Murray Dawson, "The second Linnean revolution: DNA sequencing and its impact on taxonomy [with additional name changes for the NZ flora]", in New Zealand Garden Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2008, pp. 11-13.
Simon J. Greenhill & R. D. Gray, "Testing Population Dispersal Hypotheses: Pacific Settlement, Phylogenetic Trees, and Austronesian Languages", in The Evolution of Cultural Diversity: Phylogenetic Approaches. Editors: R Mace, C Holden, & S Shennan. (London: UCL Press, 2005, pp. 31-52).
Anya E. Hinkle, "Population structure of Pacific Cordyline fruticosa (Laxmanniaceae), with particular implications for human settlement of Polynesia, American Journal of Botany, 94 (5), 2007, pp. 828-839.
K. R. Howe (ed.), Vaka Moana: Voyages of the Ancestors (Auckland: David Bateman, 2006).
P. V. Kirch, On the Road of the Winds (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000)
Patrick Vinton Kirch & Roger C. Green, Hawaiki, Ancestral Polynesia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Will McClatchey, Randy Thaman, and Saula Vodonaivalu, "A preliminary checklist of the flora of Rotuma with Rotuman names", Pacific Science, 54.4, 2000, pp. 345-363.
Jeff Marck, "Proto Polynesian *kainanga" in John Bowden et al., 2010, pp. 607-620.
Mrs H. B. Richenda Parham, Fiji Native Plants with their Medicinal and Other Uses, (Memoir No. 16) Wellington: The Polynesian Society, 1943.
Andrew Pawley, "The role of the Solomon Islands in the first settlement of Remote Oceania: bringing linguistic evidence to an archaeological debate," in Alexander Adellar and Andrew Pawley (eds.) 2009, pp. 515-540.
Malcolm Ross, Andrew Pawley & Meredith Osmond, The Lexicon of Proto Oceanic 3: Plants (Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, 2008).
Walworth, Mary, "Eastern Polynesia: The linguistic evidence revisited", Oceanic Linguistics 53.2, pp. 256-272.
W. Arthur Whistler, "Annotated list of Samoan plant names", Economic Botany, 38(4), 1984, pp. 464-489.
W, Arthur Whistler, "Annotated list of Tahitian plant names", Allertonia Vol 14, October 2015, pp. 1-116.
William H. Wilson, "Evidence for an Outlier source for the Proto Eastern Polynesian pronominal system." Oceanic Linguistics, Vol. 24, Nos 1/2, 1985, pp. 85-133.
William H. Wilson, "Whence the East Polynesians? Further evidence for a Northern Outlier source." Oceanic Linguistics, Vol. 51, No 2, 2012, pp. 289-359.
William H Wilson "Pukapukan and the NO-EPN Hypothesis: Extensive Late Borrowing by Pukapukan", Oceanic Linguistics 53.2, 2014, pp. 392-442.
William H Wilson, "The Northern Outliers-East Polynesian hypothesis expanded". Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. 127, No 4, 2018, pp. 389-423.
William H Wilson, "East Polynesian Subgrouping and Homeland Implications within the Northern Outlier-East Polynesian Hypothesis. Oceanic Linguistics 60.1, 2021. pp. 36-71.
William H. Wilson, "How Borrowing Led to "Marquesic" and Obscured East Polynesian Distal". Oceanic Linguistics, 61.1, 2022, pp. 281-321.
Hoki atu ki runga ~ Go back to the top of the page.
NOTE - on many pages these abbreviations are used to refer to two sets of works in this section:
* NM - Sir Apirana Ngata's Ngā Mōteatea (Song and Volume No. indicated)
* M&G - H.M. Mead & N. Grove, Ngā Pēpeha a ngā Tïpuna (Proverb No. indicated)
Martha Warren Beckwith, The Kumulipo: A Hawaiian Creation Chant. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1972.
Peter Bellwood, First Farmers: The Origins of Agricultural Societies, Malden, MA: Blackwood, 2005.
Elsdon Best, Maori Agriculture, Wellington, Government Printer,
Elsdon Best, "Maori Medical Lore", The Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol 13, No 52, 1904, pp. 213-37, & Vol 14, No 53, 1905, pp. 1-23.
John Early, Insects and Spiders, Auckland, New Holland, 2009.
Teuira Henry, Ancient Tahiti, Honolulu: Bishop Museum Bulletin 48, 1928..
Jennifer G. Kahn, Timothy M. Rieth, Patrick V. Kirch, J. Stephen Athens, Gail Murakami, "Re-dating of the Kuli'ou'ou Rockshelter, O'ahu, Hawai'i: Location of the first radiocarbon date from the Pacific Islands". Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. 123, No. 1, March 2014, 67-90.
Leslie G. Kelly, Tainui,
Wellington, The Polynesian Society, 1949.
David Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities: Mo'olelo Hawai'i, Honolulu, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1951 (First published 1903).
Hirini Moko Mead & Neil Grove , Ngā Pēpeha a ngā Tīpuna / The Sayings of the Ancestors. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2003.
A. T. Ngata & Pei Te Hurinui Jones, Nga Mōteatea / The Songs, Part 1. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2004.
A. T. Ngata & Pei Te Hurinui Jones, Nga Mōteatea / The Songs, Part 2. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2005.
A. T. Ngata & Pei Te Hurinui Jones, Nga Mōteatea / The Songs, Part 3. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2006.
A. T. Ngata & Hirini Moko Mead, Nga Mōteatea / The Songs, Part 4. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2007.
Margaret Orbell, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Māori Myth and Legend. (Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, 1995)
Te Rangi Hiroa (Sir Peter Buck), The Coming of the Māori, Wellington, Whitcombe & Tombs, 1958.
Timothy M. Rieth, Terry L. Hunt, Carl Lipo, Janet M. Wilmshurst, "The 13th century Polynesian colonization of Hawai'i Island". Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 38, Issue 10, 2011, 2740-2749.
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S. Percy Smith, History and Traditions of the Taranaki Coast, New Plymouth, The Polynesian Society, 1910.
H.T. Whatahoro, trans. S Percy Smith, The Lore of the Whare Wananga, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1913, reprinted 2011.
Hoki atu ki runga ~ Go back to the top of the page.
This section is expanded as pages about the various plants with inherited names are added to this collection. There is a separate list of references consulted in relation to the relationships and taxonomy of tree ferns when revising the web pages for these plants and the notes in Newsletters 2 and 3, excluding those already in the bibliography, at the end of this section.
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Albert Davletshin, "Possible clues to the East Polynesian homeland: Paper Mulberry, Sweet Potato and Red-Flowered Hibiscus", Waka Kuaka: Journal of the Polynesian Society 132.4, 2023, pp.431-462.
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Hoki atu ki runga ~ Go back to the top of the page.
[This page has been prepared by Richard Benton. Last updated 19 January 2024.] |