While the web site is under reconstruction in 2013, pressing the "Home" button, or clicking on the Tui in the header to these pages will take you to the temporary home page, where you entered this site. Click HERE to return to the "real" home page.

Short-cut Logos

Plantlife Fragment

The logo above takes you to this page, which will eventually contain a few key maps and walking directions. We have removed the old content because the main part of the garden is being redesigned to provide a more compact "time travel" experience, so the information previously incorporated on this page is no longer relevant.

The old "Time Travel" walk can still be accomplished digitally, through the link below:


Finding Your Way Around the Garden

The information formerly on this page related to the garden as it was in 2008-9. Since then many changes have taken place, especially as we have not had the resources to maintain it as it was then, and have had to put our plans for further development of the garden on hold.

We are now redesigning the garden to provide a walk through six or seven thousand years of language history in a more compact area, while continuing to identify the "outliers" that augment the story but are not located on the main highways.

As these changes are implemented, information about them will be included on this page.

As noted in the general introduction, guides to different stages in the history of the names, liked to the plants both in the garden and noted elsewhere on the site (e.g. "canoe" plants that were carried from place to place by Polynesians and their Austronesian forebears as they set out to colonize new lands), will be written in due course, with directions on how to find those that are growing in Te Māra Reo. This is going to take a very long time as we first have to eliminate the moso bamboo which has become quite invasive, and at the present rate of our progress will take several more years to accomplish!


Eventually, we hope that at least one example of all the plants in the garden with Polynesian heritage names, and some of those with more recent ones, will be identified with a sign. At present [late 2019], labels are confined mostly to the key plants in the "Time Travel" tour, which are marked with "name cylinders". However, an increasing number are being given QR codes readable by your mobile phone or tablet, linked to mobile-friendly pages colour coded for the historical period when the name (or a key component of it) is first known to have been used. For a description of these labels, click here.

Te Mära Reo, c/o Benton Family Trust, "Tumanako", RD 1, Taupiri, Waikato 3791, Aotearoa / New Zealand. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 New Zealand License