Ian Tarbotton
Social Research
Unit , AgResearch, Ruakura, Hamilton, New
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Ina Te Wiata
Centre for Educational
Development and Interactive Resources, University
of Wollongong, Australia
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Irena Marinko
Vrhniska 12, 1351
Brezovica, Slovenia
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James Levick
Student, Institute
of Information and Mathematical Sciences,
Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Entry for Kay Fielden
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Jane Henry
Experiential Research
Group, Open University, IET, Crowther, Milton
Keynes MK7 6AA, UK
Fax: 44 1908 654173
Special interests:
Personal development, Change processes,
Creative management, Transformational psychology,
Intuition, Experiential learning.
Jane Henry is a
psychologist who Chaired ICEL for a number
of years in the early 1990s. She currently
Chairs the British Psychological Consciousness
and Experiential Psychology Section and
The Open University Experiential Research
Group which she founded. She is editor of
Consciousness and Experiential Psychology.
She also chairs the OU Creativity, Innovation
and Change Masters course. This experiential
course is taken by over 1000 managers worldwide
p.a and has remained the most popular MBA
elective for ten years. Her books include
Teaching through Projects, Kogan
Page 1994; Creative Management, Sage
1991 1st ed, 2000 2nd ed; Managing Innovation
and Change, Sage 2000; Creativity
and Perception in Management, Sage 2000;
A-Z Parapsychology, Routledge 2000.
View Abstract |
Janice McMillan
Centre for Higher
Education Development (CHED), University
of Cape Town [South Africa
Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa
Phone: 0027 21
have been involved in working in the field
of adult education for the last 10 years.
My particular interest has been in access,
RPL and the relationship between `formal'
and `everyday' knowledge. This has included
drawing on experiential learning approaches
as the basis for curriculum.
This current project
draws on my interests and experiences in
very real ways and enables me to work at
the boundaries of higher education and community
View Abstract |
Jenny Lawn
Regional Registrar,
Albany Campus, Massey University, Auckland,
Entry for Kay Fielden
Joanne G. Keith
Department of Family
and Child Ecology, Michigan State University,
203 Human Ecology, 1987 Yuma Trail, E. Lansing,
MI 48824–1030, Okemos, Michigan 48864
Phone: 517–353–7860
Fax: 517–347–3228
My faculty appointment
in the Department of Family and Child Ecology
at Michigan State University (1977 to the
present) has included scholarship through
research, teaching and outreach. I have
integrated these arenas and have had a wide
variety of international professional experiences.
Current areas of expertise and research
include 1) an asset-based approach to child/adolescent
development and family systems; 2) indicators
of the status and demographic trends related
to children, youth and families at national,
state, county and community levels; 3) community
collaborations on behalf of children, youth
and their families; 4) youth and families
from an international perspective; and 5)
experiential education in higher education.
In addition to
teaching responsibilities, I am presently
a principal investigator for three research/outreach
programs: 1) MSU Young Spartan Program,
a complex collaborative outreach effort
from the Office of the Provost, Michigan
State University, with the Lansing School
District, State of Michigan, and Lansing
Regional Chamber of Commerce; 2) Statewide
Community Assets-based Training and Evalution
Approach to Youth Development; 3) Human
Capacity Building in Urban Townships in
the Great Johannesburg Area, Gauteng, Republic
of South Africa. My responsibilities for
these projects include training and research/evaluation.
I have also served as a lead faculty member
for the National Network for Community Collaboration,
U.S. National Extension System.
View Abstract |
Johan Hovelynck
Psychology, University of Leuven (KUL),
Tiense straat 102, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Phone: 0032 16
32 60 61
Fax: 0032 16 32
60 55
After studying
organisational psychology and adult education
at the universities of Leuven (KUL) and
Brussels (VUB), Belgium, I worked as a consultant
and a trainer, mainly for Outward Bound.
More recently, I taught Group Dynamics and
studied outdoor training at the Organisational
Psychology program of the University of
Leuven. My doctoral research focuses on
the practice-theory that underlies the facilitation
of experiential learning in Outward Bound
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Director, Centre
for Continuing Education and Development,
South Bank University, London [United Kingdom].
Storan is Chair of the Forum for the Advancement
of Continuing Education and Director of
the Centre for Continuing Education and
Development at South Bank University, London.
He has been an
influential regional and national figure
on Widening Participation in HE and was
a member of the NABCE National Group, established
by the HEFCE in 1994, which paved the way
for subsequent Widening Participation developments.
He has been a member
of a number of HEFCE groups and currently
serves on the steering group for the Widening
Participation Consultancy Service. He is
also a member of the DfEE Higher Education
and Employment Panel. He is the author of
a range of publications on APEL, Lifelong
Learning, Widening Participation and Credit
Accumulation and Transfer. He led the BBC
Inquiry into broadcasting and HE, the findings
and recommendations from which were published
in the report 'BBC Education and Higher
Education'. Over the last two years he has
been the Director of the European Learning
Bridge Project, which has involved transnational
comparative research focusing on educational
View Abstract |
Jorge Ferreira Franco
University of Salford,
Great Manchester
am from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Currently, I
am doing a masters course, MSc in Virtual
Environments at the University of Salford.
My graduation course was Languages (Portuguese
and English), after that I did post-graduate
courses in English Grammar, School Management
and Supervision. I have worked as a teacher
for Sao Paulo Council Authority. My interest
is to learn, develop and implement tools
for supporting teaching and learning in
the way that individuals can apply these
instruments for doing their tasks at school
and also extend tools’ use to the daily
life outside school.
The idea of using
3D for teaching and learning came from a
good experience with the students, in which
we use HTML as a tool for developing content.
The use of this standard language brought
about improvement in students' interest
for developing content, social interactions
among us, since we use our time learning
English through HTML as well developing
computer skills in a creative way eg. (preparing
a company logo and slogan for a home page).
I think if we use
VRML for teaching and learning, then we
can develop our computer skills and find
out more tools for teaching and learning
inside and outside the classroom. VRML has
dynamic properties such as travelling inside
and around a 3D model and integrate multimedia
audio and video files.
For example, following
the concept of learning by experiencing,
one can create a human body in three dimensions
and synchronise the image with the sound
of the heart beating. Furthermore, employing
these standard languages for studying and
developing content will prepare individuals
for understanding the information society
cost effectively. I like sports, arts, knowing
new people and places, and improving my
View Abstract |
University of Western
Sydney, Nepean. 24 Jacaranda Avenue, Patonga,
2256, New South Wales, Australia.
Dr June Slee is
a lecturer at the University of Western
Sydney, Nepean. She teaches in the area
of Special Education, specialising in behaviour
and juvenile justice.
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Kamuela Ka'ahanui
Antioch University
Seattle, 2326 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, Washington
98121-1814, U.S.A.
After three years with the pschology
program at Antioch Univesity Seattle, Kamuela
Ka'Ahanui is joining the core faculty of
the Bachelor's in Liberal Arts in Teaching
Certification with a diverse background
in K-12 and higher education.
Kamuela, who is
a Native Hawaiian, has served as a classroom
teacher, master teacher, and school principal
for 20+ years with the Hawai'i public school
system. He is also a former member of the
faculty at the University of Hawai'j at
Hilo, where Kamuela was involved in the
establishment of public Native Hawaiian
language schools on every island, and in
research concerning gifted and talented
Native Hawaiian students.
Kamuela also serves
as an associate faculty member with the
Human Services programs at Western Washington
University, and teaches in the masters in
education program at Simon Fraser University.
As a special highlight, Kamuela will be
a guest teacher assistant with the SFU First
Nations education program at the University
of Auckland in New Zealand during the (North
American) winter recess
Currently a doctoral
candidate in indigenous peoples educational
leadership and change at Simon Fraser University
in British Columbia, Canada, Kamuela received
his Bachelor of Arts from the University
of Northern Colorado at Greeley in Education
and Arts and Sciences and his Master of
Higher Education Administration degree from
the University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Kamuela's passions
for research involve the demystifying of
indigenous peoples histories and cultural
stories, the investigation into multiple
intelligences and indigenous espistemologies,
and ethnic and cultural identity development.
On a more personal
level, Kamuela is an accomplished musician,
singer and composer, speaks three languages
fluently (American English, Castilian Spanish,
and Hawaiian), and is a radio show host
on the Hawaii Radio Connection in Seattle,
Washington. A resident of Seattle since
1995, Kamuela routinely volunteers his time
with the Northwest AIDS Foundation, the
Seattle Men's Chorus and in community education
programs teaching Native Hawaiian language
and culture to other Native Hawaiians who
now call Puget Sound, home.
Dr. Ka’ahanui will
be co-teaching with Dr Carolyn Kenny a course
for 12 First Nation master degree in education
students from Canada at the University of
Auckland from 22 November to 19 December
2000, as part of an inter-university exchange
program. Students will be required to present
at the ICEL conference as part of the course.
View Abstract |
Faculty of Education,
University of Technology, Sydney [Australia].
Kate Collier is
a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education
at the University of Technology, Sydney
Australia. She is mainly involved in teaching
adult education programs but as a drama
and theatre arts specialist also contributes
to teaching drama to primary school teachers,
and trainers working in an adult community
context. She is in the process of completing
her educational doctorate on the use of
role-play in adult education and has published
several articles in this area.
Katerina Mataira Jr
Aotea, Raglan,
New Zealand
View Abstract |
Katerina Mataira Sr
Raglan, Waikato,
New Zealand
Kathleen Taylor
Department of Portfolio
Development, School of Extended Education,
Saint Mary's College of California, Berkeley,
United States.
15+ years in experience-based adult
learning programs. Several publications
on experience-based learning as a springboard
to developmental growth in adults.
Ongoing commitment
to fostering adult development (through
transformational approaches to adult learning)
as a springboard to social change.
Currently: Professor
and Chair, Department of Portfolio Development,
School of Extended Education, Saint Mary's
College of California. Most recent publication:
Teachers and Trainers. Jossey-Bass, 2000.
View Abstract |
Katrina Geurkink
President., ouT
oF tHe bOx Consulting Group, 502C Dalton
Colchester, VT 05446 USA
Phone: 802-6550-6233
Fax: 802-655-6232
Website: www.invisiblefield.com
Katrina Geurkink, M.Ed. is founder
and president of ouT oF tHe bOx Consulting
Group, a US company providing expertise
in organization development and technology.
For the past twelve years, she has provided consulting, facilitation
services, and experiential training and
development to clients in the US and internationally.
In addition to
her own business, Ms. Geurkink is President
of the Association for Experiential Education
(AEE) and has been involved with the organization
since 1989.
AEE is an international
organization based in Boulder, Colorado
USA and serves 2000 members around the world.
She has taught for the University of Vermont
since 1987 and presented workshops at several
regional and international conferences,
including the Vermont Russian professional
Women's Exchange, the Institute for Women
in Management in St. Petersburg, Russia,
and AEE, where she was recently a featured
speaker at a conference dedicated to exploring
the art and science of facilitation. She
is a member of the International Association
of Facilitators and serves on the Steering
Committee for ICEL.
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Senior lecturer,
Information Systems, Institute of Information
and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University,
Albany, Private Bag 102 904 NSMC, Auckland,
New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 443
9799 x9490 (w)
Fax: +64 9 441
main research area for the past fifteen+
years has been in the experiential learning
process in the information technology area.
I have facilitated the experiential learning
process for both undergraduate and postgraduate
project work. With a MSc in Computer Science(UNSW)
and a PhD in Social Ecology (UWS, Hawkesbury)
I have both the technical and the experiential
backgrounds required in this domain. In
my PhD I adopted a form of action research
(more closely aligned to participative inquiry
than traditional action research) to explore
how to extend human potential in technical
learning environments.
Student Group
1 – Wesley Swindale, Brent Kelly,
Heath Barclay, Elfrida Carnie, James Levick
group of high-achieving students with a
mix of technical and business skills and
knowledge acquired in their undergraduate
studies have prepared the power-point presentation
describing both the process and the end-product
of their experiential learning in the information
systems project paper.
Andrea Davies,
Regional Registrar, Albany Campus, Massey
University. Andrea commissioned the
"E-learning for E-professionals" project
and coordinated the interactions with the
managers in the five functional areas. Closer
ties between academic and administrative
functions have been established through
this project.
Group 2:– Paia King, Rachel Hii,
Xiao Qin Ma, Zlatko Simicic, Patricia Lo
Tam. This group of high-achieving students
with a mix of technical and business skills
and knowledge acquired in their undergraduate
studies have prepared the power-point presentation
describing both the process and the end-product
of their experiential learning in the information
systems project paper. This group of students
also represents five different cultures,
countries and experiences with learning
written English communication.
Dr Jenny Lawn,
Regional Registrar, Albany Campus, Massey
University. Dr Lawn commissioned the
"Learning to Learn" project and interacted
with the students to outline the scope of
the instructional design required. Closer
ties between diverse areas have been established
through this project.
View Abstract |
W Andresen
formerly of The University of New South Wales
and the Australian Consortium on Experiential
Education. |
andresen@sydney.dialix.oz.au |
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M. Levander
Faculty of Agriculture
and Forestry Study Affairs,University of
Helsinki, Finland
Phone: (09) 191
Fax: (09) 191 58049
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Linda Kutilek
Assistant Professor,
Ohio State University Extension, 2120 Fyffe
Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA
Phone: +1 614 292-2968
Interests: New
Employee Development, Employee Development
View Abstract |
Graduate Student,
Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
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G. Leju Lugor
University of Juba,
c/o Mrs L E Lado,
UNHCR BO, Khartoum
Fax +249 11 473101
Major involvement
and interest in participatory approaches
for sustainable rural development programmes
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Institute of Public
Health, University of the Philippines, Manila,
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Lynne M. Borden
Ph. D.
State Leader and
Assistant Professor, Michigan 4-H Youth
Development, Children, Youth, & Families
Program, 160 Agriculture Hall, East Lansing,
MI 48824-1039 Michigan State University
Phone: 517-432-7600
Fax: 517-355-6748
Dr. Lynne M. Borden
has 23 years of experience as a youth development
professional, researcher and faculty member.
She is a nationally published and recognized
expert in the adolescent development.
As MSU 4-H state
leader, Dr. Borden provides statewide programmatic
and administrative leadership in 4-H Youth
Development including strategic planning,
evaluation, reporting, budget development
and fiscal accountability and strengthening
and maintaining partnerships and collaborations
with national, state and local agencies.
A native of Denver,
Colorado – worked for 13 years as an elementary
school teacher and middle school guidance
counselor in Colorado public schools. She
received her Master’s degree in Counseling
and Guidance from the University of Colorado
at Denver and her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary
Education from the University of Northern
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