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ICEL Conference 2000 :: Personalities

Alison Lugg.

Dep't of Outdoor Education & Nature Tourism, La Trobe University, Bendigo [Australia].

Expanding Horizons: Outdoor experiential education in community leadership development.

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This paper will discuss the role of outdoor experiential learning in the development of adults who are participants in community leadership programs in regional Victoria, Australia. Discussion will be based on my experience as an outdoor instructor/facilitator on five such community leadership programs. The emphasis will be on the power of experiential learning in the outdoors for expanding individual's perceptions of their own potential as leaders in their local communities. It will also explore the significance of the outdoor setting in the process of individual and social change in this context.


Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg

Faculty of Education, Abo Akademi University, Finland [Finland].

Active learning of mathematics.

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In the workshop I will give a short overview of what recent research on mathematics teaching is telling us. But most of the time will be devoted to doing mathematical activities in groups.

I will to focus on the difference between instrumental and relational understanding in mathematics (R. Skemp). I want to show and discuss ways of teaching and learning mathematics that are active. Active learning increases the possibility that the mathematical understanding of the learner becomes relational.


Christian Itin

Brockport College [United States].

The place of experiential learning in the philosophy of experiential education.


Diana Kelly

Guys School of Medicine, University of London [United Kingdom].

Can using reflective journals enhance experiential learning?

The aim of this workshop is to grapple with some of the issues concerning use of reflective journals or diaries and their potential role in aiding reflection on experience. In keeping with the conference theme, my focus will be on exploration of the relationship between reflection and experience as part of individual and social change.

I hope we can think about questions such as: what is a reflective journal? why keep one? what does it look like? for whose benefit is it? can it be assessed?

I will share learning from my own experience of reflective journals; having used them for several years as both a student and as a teacher. As a teacher I have used journals with a variety of groups including initially community work students and most recently hospital consultants. I hope participants will share their experiences to further our collective thinking.

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Dirk Marais

Organizational Consultant [South Africa].

Action Learning for Personal Development.

The four elements of antiquity, fire, air, water and earth will be used as a framework to introduce the basic understanding and application of action learning. A very brief summary of applications for (1) capacity building in organisations and (2)pesonal development work with individuals will be covered.

The focus though will be on t personal development, and participants will do an example of an excercise used in this regard.

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Don Webb

Adventure and Outdoor Education Consultant, U.S. [United States].

Rediscovering Our Sense of Wonder (Living With the Earth: The Logic of Action in Experiential and Environmental Education).

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Irena Marinko

Slovenia [Slovenia]

Experiential learning of the unemployed in Slovenia

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Howard Reti

Director, Wananga O Waimarama, Punaruku [New Zealand]

Sharing a dream: to be the best kaitiaki (guardians)

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Jennifer Castleden & Carolee Buckler

International Institute for Sustainable Development, Winnipeg, Manitoba [Canada].

Global Change - Local Monitoring: Challenging Climate Change Policy through Experiential Learning and Participatory Communications.


Joanne Keith, Lynne Borden and Francisco Villarruel

Michigan State University [United States].

The Challenges / Opportunities in Developing Student Capacities for Community Change.

View Francisco Villarruel's CV | View Joanne Keithl's CV | View Lynne Borden's CV


Kathleen Taylor

Department of Portfolio Development, School of Extended Education, Saint Mary's College of California, Berkeley [United States].

Experiential Learning and Adult Development.


Marcia L. Odell

Chief of Party, Women’s Empowerment Program (WEP), Pact, Kathmandu, Nepal [Nepal]. WEP’s Appreciative Planning and Action model [60-120 mins]


Mary McGann

Director, Prior Learning Assessment, University of Indianapolis [United States].

Drawing [on] Knowledge.

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Meg Mitzel

Experiential Education Coordinator, Career Development Center, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY [United States].

Advancing Experiential Education in the Third Millennium.

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Mike Scaddan

Tauranga [New Zealand].

Establishing the link between experiential and brain compatible learning?

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Nena Mijoc

University of Ljubljana [Slovenia]

Positive experience as a starting point for self directed learning. [60-120m].
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Peter Schettgen

University of Augsburg, Germany [Germany].

Getting Along with Outer and Inner Enemies: Aikido as a Martial Art of Reconciliation.


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Robert Johns & Elizabeth Sullivan

De Montfort University, Milton Keynes, UK [United Kingdom].

Social Identity Theory: explanation of discrimination, tool for teaching and potential for promoting social justice . or

View Elizabeth Sullivan's CV | View Robert Johns' CV

Robina McCurdy & Daniel Nepia

Community Development Consultants, Nelson & Auckland, NZ [New Zealand]

Small Space Permaculture to Community Empowerment [90m]


Tony Saddington

University of Cape Town, South Africa [South Africa].

Transforming the learning process for our students.

Refer to international ICEL homepage for information on Tony Saddington


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