Ulla Pajukanta Accompanied by Rista Pajukauta
Nokia Upper Secondary
School, Finland
Ulla Pajukanta Rista Pajukauta
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Varda Bar
Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, Israel
Fax: +972 2 566-3588
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Verna J. Kirkness
Associate Professor
Emerita, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada.
Verna Kirkness
is a member of the Fisher River Band, Manitoba,
of the Cree Nation. She joined the staff
of the University of British Columbia in
1981. From 1989 to 1993 she oversaw the
conception and then the building of the
First Nations Longhouse at the University
of British Columbia. She was the founding
Director of the First Nations House of Learning/Native
Indian Education programme. The building
complex was officially opened in May, 1993,
shortly before her retirement.. She was
Director, cation from 1990. Before joining
the staff of the University Verna worked
in many aspects of Native American education,
as a teacher, researcher, consultant and
advocate. From 1974-76 she was Education
Director for the National Indian Brotherhood,
in Ottawa. She had been a pioneer in the
movement to secure a place for native languages
in Canadian schools. In 1970 she played
a key role in the Manitoba Native Bilingual
Program established by the provincial Department
of Education, spearheading the development
and implementation of Cree and Saulteaux
languages as the medium of instruction in
a number of Manitoba Schools.
Verna Kirkness
has published several books and many articles
on various aspects of indigenous life, education
and development in Canada and elsewhere.
These include her book Khot-La-Cha, The
Autobiography of Chief Simon Baker,
Douglas and McIntyre, Vancouver, B.C. (1994).
In 1999 she was awarded the Order of Canada
(CM). She has honorary doctorates from three
Canadian universities, and in 1990 was named
both British Columbian and Canadian Educator
of the Year, and awarded the Canadian "Youth
Education" Excellence Prize.
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Kamchatka Ecological
School, Siberia, Russia
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Professor of Foreign
Language Pedagogy, Head of the Department
of Teacher Education,
University of Tampere,
FIN – 33014, Finland
phone: + 358 3
215 6847 (office) fax: + 358 3 215 7537
years of post-graduate research in English
language and linguistics (1969-79), resulting
in a number of papers and a Ph.D.work on
the development of Old and Early Middle
English word order (1979).
Since the early
1970s, active research interest in foreign
language pedagogy, becoming the major interest
since the appointment in the present position
in 1980.
Research interests
expanded in the 1990s into teacher education
and the teacher’s professional growth, action
research and school development, and foreign
language education as an integration of
evaluation, language learning, teaching,
curriculum and staff development and the
teacher’s professional growth. Current research
in progress: Experiential learning in foreign
language education (first author in a book
to be published by Longman, 1999); European
language portfolio (director of the Finnish
national project, as part of the Council
of Europe project, 1998-2000).
Author of over
80 scholarly publications, the most recent
ones being: "Foreign language learning as
learner education: facilitating self-direction
in language learning" (Council of Europe,
1992), "Experiential language learning:
second language learning as cooperative
learner education" (CUP, 1992), "Evaluation
of quality in Finnish teacher education"
(1995); "Promoting professional development
in higher education through portfolio assessment"
(with Annikki Järvinen, 1995); Towards new
professionalism and active learning in teacher
development: empirical findings on teacher
education and induction (with Hannele Niemi,
1995); "Developing and evaluating teacher
education in Finland: current trends and
future challenges" (with Hannele Niemi,
1996); "Learning contents and processes
in context: towards coherence in educational
outcomes through teacher development" (1996);
"Exploring new ways of inservice teacher
education: an action research project" (with
Pauli Kaikkonen, 1996); "Authentic assessment
as an integration of language learning,
teaching, evaluation and the teacher’s professional
growth" (1997); "Authentic assessment in
affective foreign language education" (CUP,
1999). Latest book (together with R. Jaatinen,
P.Kaikkonen and J. Lehtovaara): Experiential
learning in foreign language education,
Pearson Education 2000.
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Viviana Alexandrowicz
School of Education,
University of San Diego, California, United
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Warren Flood, M.S. |
Graduate Research
Associate, Ohio State University Extension,
2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA
Interests: Employee
Development Network
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Wayne Taurima
School of Management,
The Open Polytechnic, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
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Wesley Swindale
Student, Institute
of Information and Mathematical Sciences,
Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Entry for Kay Fielden
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Winona Simms
Director, America
Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian
Center, Stanford University, Palo Alto United
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Qin Ma
Student, Institute
of Information and Mathematical Sciences,
Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
Entry for Kay Fielden
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