*Lata [Proto Polynesian] ~ *Rata [Proto Central Eastern Polynesian] |
Metrosideros species, [Myrtaceae]. |
Possibly from Proto Polynesian *Lata through Proto Western Fijiic *Lata;
more likely from Proto Central Eastern Polynesian *Rata |
Proto Central Eastern Polynesian: *Lata, PCEP *Rata
Tahitian: Rata (Metrosideros collina [Myrtaceae]); Rātā (Inocarpus edulis [Fabaceae])
Marquesan: Ata (Eugenia rariflora [Myrtaceae])
Rarotongan: Rātā; (Metrosideros collina [Myrtaceae])
Maori: Rātā;(Metrosideros umbellata & M. robusta [Myrtaceae])

Reserved for a photograph - X
(Watch this space!)

Reserved for a photograph - x
(Watch this space!)
It is possible that Fijian lato "Metrosideros collina" is cognate with the Eastern Polynesian variants of *Rata, which would imply a Proto Western Fijiic/Polynesian origin for the source word. |
Watch this space! This is one of the pages written in the prototype stage of this web site, which has been transferred with minimal changes to the newer format. It is still therefore very much under construction, but contains the essential linguistic and botanical information, and both updated text and pictures will be added progressively as soon as time permits (new pages for plant names not yet discussed are being given priority). If you would like this page to be updated sooner than planned, please email a note to temaarareo at
Metrosideros collina (Polynesia and Vanuatu) and the plants grouped together as M. polymorpha (Hawaii) are species very closely related to the pohutukawa (M. excelsa), and probably originated from seed blown to various Polynesian islands from New Zealand. The name itself could possibly have originated in Fiji -- Fijian languages have two words which may be cognate with the Polynesian ones -- lato, denoting varieties of the widespread M. collina, is the stronger candidate despite the difference in the final vowels, and lata, denoting the herb Plectranthus forsteri (Lamiaceae), which despite the name does not seem to have anything in common with the Metrosideros species, and is probably better regarded as a coincidental homonym. Within Polynesia, there seems to be alteration in the form of the word, with some languages having cognates with long vowels and others with short vowels. Tahitian has words with both, and it is likely that rātā as the name of the Tahitian chestnut Inocarpus fagifer had an independent origin but was carried to Rarotonga and Aotearoa as a synonym for the similar-sounding rata.

Reserved for photograph - yet to come
(Aroha mai!) |

Reserved for photograph - yet to come
(Aroha mai!) |
Further information : More later, but in the mean time, check the Bibliography for material on New Zealand and tropical plants. The Cook Island Biodiversity Network Database and Wikipedia are good places to start looking for additional information about the tropical plants. Websites with information on New Zealand plants include Robert Vennell's The Meaning of Trees, the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network, and the Landcare / Manaaki Whenua NZ Flora database, all of which have links to other sources of information. The University of Auckland School of Biological Sciences also has an excellent website dedicated to New Zealand native plants. |
Photographs: The inset photo shows the flower of Metrosideros polymorpha (Hawaii) -- almost identical to the Polynesian M. collina. (Photo: R.B.)
Citation: This page may be cited as: R. A. Benton (2010) "Proto-Polynesian*Lata" (web page periodically updated), Te Mara Reo. "" (Date accessed)
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