E kore au e ngaro - te käkano i ruia mai i Rangiätea

Updates to Te Papakupu o te Tai Tokerau
~ Taitokerau Māori Dictionary

Ko te reo te mauri o te mana Mäori.


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Te kara o Raiatea - arä, o Rangiatea, te pärekereke o te reo Mäori


Tukua mai äu kupu

ki a

kupu kei temarareo.org

The University of Auckland




Te Papakupu o te Tai Tokerau ~
2004-9 Revised Edition

This is a gateway to the working files for Te Papakupu o te Tai Tokerau. People with an interest in the Māori language may use these pages for the purposes of private study and to provide comments to researchers or the research coordinator. Making a helpful comment automatically makes you a member of the research team -- this is a "people's dictionary", and we are just helping to organize the material for everyone to be able to use and learn from. The files themselves should not be downloaded permanently from this website or reproduced. Quotations of reasonable length for academic or educational purposes are permitted. The work may be cited as "Te Papakupu o te Taitokerau, 2009 Revision, ed. R. Benton. Retrieved from http://www.temarareo.org/papakupu." Add in the file reference and the date the file was accessed.

The material presented on this site builds on and extends the work done under the auspices of the James Henare Māori Research Centre from 1997 to 2003, and which was made available through the Centre's web site until that was closed by the University of Auckland after the Centre went temporarily into recess early in 2004. Since then this version of the Dictionary has been maintained by volunteers through this site.

For news about progress, including an important note about hapü names, click here.

Click on the link below, or the flag of Raiatea on the panel at the left, to go through the portal! Please do this only if you are willing to abide by the rules -- (a) no copying of the files, and (b) no commercial use of the information they contain!

Puta atu ki te papakupu ~ Go on to the dictionary
(The dictionary will open in a separate window so you can refer to it while you visit other pages on the web, if you want to.)

"E kore au e ngaro, e kore au e ngaro, he harakeke tongai nui nö roto nö Mangamuka".

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