Gateway to Te Māra Reo and Related Sites
Te Māra Reo and associated sites have been transferred to new locations.
Te Māra Reo was off line for several months
while links were checked and some pages revised.
Te Māra Reo and associated sites are now back on line. Many pages are still under revision,
and not all links have yet been checked.
If you find any links that do not work (or take you to the wrong place),
or notice that data or photos are missing on any pages you happen to visit,
please let us know by email to temaarareo {at}
Click here to get to the home page of Te Māra Reo ~ The Language Garden .
These links to associated sites are also now active:
Te Papakupu o Te Tai Tokerau ~ Taitokerau Maori Dictionary
ICEL 2000 Conference of the International Consortium for Experiential Learning
Te Wahapū Web Site (Echoes from the 1990s and beyond)
Rakiora Web Site (Residual archives from the Taitokerau Sustainable Development Group)
Nga mihi maioha mō tō manaakitanga mai!