NZCER / AARE JOINT CONFERENCE 1992 SYMPOSIUM ON MAORI EDUCATION Combining Medium and Message: An Electronic Communications Network for Maori Language and Education Richard A. Benton Te Wahanga Kaupapa Maori New Zealand Council for Educational Research PO Box 3237, Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara/Wellington 6015, NZ Fax: +64-4-384-7939; E-Mail: ABSTRACT An electronic communications network, Te Wahapu has been developed by Te Wahanga Kaupapa Maori of NZCER to facilitate the exchange of information and provide access to resources relating to Maori language and Maori education. The system was officially launched in May 1991, and runs on hardware supplied by IBM (NZ) Ltd. Te Wahapu is set up as an electronic bulletin board, with public access and e-mail links to other systems through FidoNet. However, it differs significantly from most other computer bulletin boards in two ways: there are several databases which may be queried on-line (including a regularly updated register of new and technical vocabulary in Maori), and all commands, menu items, and system prompts and messages are in Maori (English is available only through bilingual help screens). This presentation will outline some of the features of the system, the uses to which it has been put, plans for the future, and discuss the significance of information technology in the empowerment of indigenous peoples. >>> In 1971 the New Zealand Council for Educational Research established a special section devoted to research, information and advisory activities concerned with Maori education and Maori language. It has never had large core research staff --the peak was reached in 1974, with two full-time research officers and one full-time reseach assistant; by 1987 this had been reduced to one full-time and one part-time research officer. Nonetheless, research grants and contracts have enabled well over a hundred people to work with Te Wahanga Kaupapa Maori for shorter and longer periods over the last twenty years. This has enabled Te Wahanga Kaupapa Maori to become a national centre for research and information in a number of areas of vital interest to Maori people, including the status of the Maori language, bilingual education, and, most recently, the recognition of experiential learning. A research internship program, sponsored initially by philanthropic foundations and later partly funded by the government has also enabled Maori students to gain experience in many aspects of research, from fieldwork through to the writing, dissemination and application of research findings. The interest created by the research and publications of Te Wahanga Kaupapa Maori soon resulted a demand for information and advice which could not be dealt with adequately by a small permanent staff and fluctuating number of temoprary assistants. In the 1980s, bilingual and immersion education in Maori developed rapidly in New Zealand, but the infrastructure to support these developments was never adequate. One very practical problem which needed addressing was the development and dissemination of Maori terms for modern developments in a wide range of activities, from the arts and the humanities to administration and commerce. In 1981, after completing a study on basic vocabulary and commencing work on a learners dictionary of Maori, Te Wahanga Kaupapa Maori began collecting new terms from the existing bilingual schools (then officially only four in number!) and circulating these to the others, at first informally, and later through a newsletter sent out to a rapidly expanding network. As the new words accumulated into hundreds, and the network membership also reached three figures, the backlog of material which should have been circulated increased, and the cost of sending it out to a large number of people who could ill afford to pay for it became a serious problem. The advent of the personal computer provided a solution to both difficulties. A computer bulletin board to enable children to exchange writing in Maori was one possibility to be explored -- such an exchange with Spanish as the medium had been successfully started between schools in Puerto Rico and the East Coast of the U.S. in the early 1980s. The problem at that time was that few New Zealand schools had computers, and slow modems and expensive toll calls were not conducive to arousing enthusiasm for this idea. In 1987, however, I was able to visit UZEI, an organization in San Sebastian in the Basque Country which produces specialized dictionaries to enable Basque speakers to keep up with modern developments in all fields of knowledge. At that time the staff of UZEI were just introducting on-line access via modem to their databases. This seemed to offer an excellent model for giving Maori people access to this kind of information about their own language. To start with, we simply added to our database regularly and kept it in a Lotus 123 spreadsheet for ease of sorting, printing it out periodically for those who were interested. The establishment of the Maori Language Commission in 1987 resulted in a steady and rapid increase of new vocabulary, augmented by subject-matter enthusiasts and various official and unofficial sources. The sheer volume of new material meant that the printed record as a whole would always be out of date, making some kind of on-line access an attractive solution to both the keepers of the lists, and also to potential users. Modems were also becoming cheaper and more common, and although computer illiteracy was by no means a thing of the past, a significant number of Maori people had acquired computer skills and were interested in the idea of a computer-based information system which they could both consult and contribute to. With the help of local computer bulletin board systems operators, I set up a prototype system on my computer at home. At the beginning of this project I had decided that the medium indeed conveyed a high-impact message, and therefore the communications system we set up had not only to be devoted to Maori concerns, it must also operate through the Maori language. I chose the Opus system (then version 1.03) because it was "militantly public domain", the developers had a sense of humour which appealed to me, and there was generous support available from others running such systems. The menus were user-defined, so the only problem in turning them into Maori was the linguistic one. The system language was more problematic, as one had to "hack" into the program files -- this required care, and the Maori equivalents could not exceed the number of characters allotted to their English counterparts. Nevertheless, an almost entirely Maori version of Opus went on air for its successful field test on March 25, 1990, with a call from Te Tuhi Robust, Principal of Motatau School, 600 miles north, who had borrowed a modem from a friend specially for the occasion. Another colleague, Pat Nolan of Massey University, put us in touch with IBM, whose external relations director, Tony Taite, visited NZCER for what turned out to be a successful demonstration of the idea (with the system still based on my computer at home). At that stage there was a small collection of files related to Maori language issues and Maori education, as well as communications programs and utilities, message areas on language, research and other topics (each with a few exchanges from the half dozen or so foundation members of the electronic network), and the word list, which had grown to several thousand words and could be perused in 150-word chunks, or downloaded in its entirety. Three "message areas" were converted into databases, on Maori language, Maori education, and researchers involved in Maori issues respectively. The donation shortly afterwards by IBM of a PS2 Model 70, with 4 megabytes of RAM and a 110 megabyte hard disk, plus another computer and a laser printer to facilitate the production of handbooks and the occasional printed newsletter, enabled the system to make a quantum leap (as well as freeing my own computer from its dual role). More development work was done, and the Opus operating system had been upgraded twice (to versions 1.10 and 1.13) by the time the system was officially launched by the Minister of Education, Dr Lockwood Smith, under the guidance of Eboni Waitere, a pupil of a Kura Kaupapa Maori (Maori-immersion primary school), in May 1991. The name chosen for the system was Te Wahapu. The word "wahapu" means estuary or river mouth, a place teaming with life, and the point at which salt and fesh water, inland and coast converge. Te Wahapu is a member of the Internatonal FidoNet Association, a loose federation of about 20,000 non-commercial bulletin boards scattered throughout the world. Mail can be sent to Te Wahapu through FidoNet gateways from most other electronic networks. A large volume of electronic mail comes into Te Wahapu each day from FidoNet and the K-12 educational network, to which the system is also affiliated. However, this is true of hundreds of other bulletin boards with an educational focus in many countries. Te Wahapu is unusual in two ways, however. The first is the use of Maori as the language for commands and system messages. The newer versions of Opus, and the similar Maximus system through which Te Wahapu now operates, are much easier to configure in this respect -- ASCII control files can be modified to suit any language requirements and then parsed to modify the program files. The conversion of the system has been a difficult exercise in applied terminological research, but is an exercise which is now nearing completion (all the "surface" commands were translated at the outset, but some of the more esoteric, and a few of the misleadingly simple expressions have taken longer to deal with satisfactorily). The second unusual feature of Te Wahapu is its range of databases. Most PC-based bulletin boards have file and message areas. These are databases of a sort, but lexicons, bibliographies and other specialized information bases for on- line searching are at present rarely present on such systems. At the time Te Wahapu was launched, the largest and most attention- getting of these databases was the register of new and technical vocabulary in Maori. This was basically an English-Maori glossary, with a little contextual information to clarify potentially ambiguous glosses. A program to search this database and write the results of the search to a file, which was then displayed to the user and could also be downloaded, was written for us by Hemi Bennett, a friend of one of the network members. At that time there were about 3,500 words in the database, and a search was completed in about one second. There are now over 11,000 entries, but the increase in search time is barely perceptible. Registered members of the Te Wahapu whanau who agree in writing not to allow the material to be used for commercial purposes may download the latest version of the database, together with a program to enable them to search it on their own computer. (The vocabulary database is updated whenever new material comes to hand; the average rate of growth over the last 18 months has been about 14 words a day). When the system first went on line, the reaction from Maori users was overwhelmingly favourable. Native-speakers found the universality of Maori on the system both affirming and intriguing. It is, after all, quite difficult for native speakers of English to come to grips with supposedly English- based computerese. The adaptation of Maori to this technological domain has also required considerable searching of cognitive maps. Some non-Maori users were literally stunned by a computer system which uncompromisingly spoke to them in Maori and demanded a response in that language. "Y" for "Yes" brought a demand for "A" for "Ae" or "K" for "Kao" (with an offer of "?" for "Awhina" -- but the shock was too great for some people to realize that the question mark had a universal meaning: "help" in any language). One could see from the computer log that many users were having a hard time coming to grips with the commands, and I began to wonder if in the interests of efficiency I should relent and allow a "watered down" background option of the kind the system had when it operated under Opus 1.03. We decided, however, to maintain the policy of steadily phasing out English except in the help menus when it became clear that the "floundering" was regarded by most of those affected as a valuable learning experience. One of those seemingly having greater than average difficulty at the time sent this response to my query as to the wisdom of our intransigence: No mercy, no compromise. Maori language commands with some help as presently done is AOK with me. (JS, 20 Jul 92) A Guided Tour of the System The initial logging-on to the system is a two stage process, as the incoming call is answered by a "front door" program, which displays a message informing the human caller that they can either press the "Escape" key, or wait for twenty seconds, and the bulletin board will arrive. The caller may, however, be another computer system. It will be dealt with at the "front door" without the need to summon the bulletin board programme: the twenty second wait gives these non-human callers time to start their handshaking routines. After having established their humanity and typing in their name and password, members of the user network will be shown a welcome screen (which includes a proverb picked at random), and end up at the system's main menu. From here they can choose a number of submenus (for example, one option leads to a choice of information bulletins about various aspects of Te Wahapu and computer communications, another to editorial comments, explanations of the proverbs displayed on the opening and closing screens, and so on. There is also an index to the system, which can be used to get English or French translations of the system messages and commands (or Maori translations of corresponding French and English terms) and references to other kinds of information to be found either on Te Wahapu itself or in the users guide to the system. The most important exits from the main menu are to the message, file and database areas respectively, each of which has its own menu of choices. There are seven sets of message areas on Te Wahapu. Firstly there are a couple of purely "local" areas that do not go anywhere else -- an area exclusively for messages to and from the systems operator, and one for private messages between users of Te Wahapu. Secondly, there is the FidoNet E- Mail area, for messages to and from users of Te Wahapu and those of other systems, including InterNet sites. This also is primarily an area for personal rather than public-access messages. ________________________________________________________________________ Nau mai ki Te Wahapu, Te Punawaru-a-Tuhi ma te Ao Hou! Patopatohia , tatari mai ranei kia 20 hekona, kia taea ai ko Te Wahapu. Kia ora -- Ka puta mai te Punawaru -- Taihoa ... MAXIMUS v2.01 _ Te Wahapu Te Punawaru-a-Tuhi ma te Ao Hou 3/12/1275/2400 bps Na IBM (NZ) Ltd i tautoko. Ko wai to ingoa: hoani mete Hoani Mete [A,k]? a Hiporete: ....... Figure 1: Log-on Sequence Central to the purposes for which Te Wahapu was established is a set of message areas which at the moment are "local", but which may eventually be "echoed" to a network of similar systems established in major centres of Maori population. (An "echo" area is one in which each message entered is also sent by the computer to other systems whose members have an interest in this topic.) These "conferences" include a general "chat" area, two areas in which Maori is the only language permitted -- one devoted to the interests of younger users, and the other to wine reviews (an attempt to stimulate technical writing in Maori about matters other than schools and computers). The remaining areas in this set, in which messages may be (and are) written in Maori, English, or partly in each language, are concerned respectively with Maori language issues generally (including new vocabulary), the teaching and learning of Maori, school administration, and research. There are also two echo areas which originate on Te Wahapu and which are available to any interested FidoNet system. One is concerned with cultural exchanges with other ethnic groups, and the other, which goes to several Auckland and Wellington bulletin boards, is for discussions of Maori affairs generally. The fifth set of message areas are general FidoNet areas likely to be of interest to members of Te Wahapu, or which members have asked to be made available. Currently, there are 22 of these, one devoted to New Zealand education, ten to computer topics, and twelve to a miscellany of subjects, from ecology and genealogy to the mass media and New Zealand affairs. The "New Zealand" echo and one or two others are "gated" to Te Wahapu from UseNet, a mainframe-based network which carries vast numbers of conferences and messages. In addition to FidoNet, Te Wahapu is a member of K12Net. This is an international educational network for primary and secondary schools, sponsored in New Zealand by IBM. Te Wahapu does not carry all the K12 conferences, but does have those which relate to the major concern of its users: computer literacy, technology education, French, Language Arts (in which teachers from many American bilingual programmes are active participants), "Education News" (which gives daily updates on developments in education policy, curriculum and school administration in the United States), science education, social studies and "Spanish/English" (a forum in which English-speakers can practise their Spanish, and Spanish-speakers their English). Lastly, there are special areas for restricted access, for example for communication within Te Wahanga Kaupapa Maori, between Te Wahanga Kaupapa Maori and the Maori Language Commission, and for members of the Polynesian Languages Forum. Each of the message areas is set up as an indexed database, and any one or combination of four fields (the sender, addressee, subject, or body of the message) can be searched for one or more strings of characters. Users can specify whether a search is to take place on messages in the particular area they happen to have on screen at the moment, in areas they have previously "tagged" as being of special interest to them, or over the entire message base. The latter option is to be used with caution, particularly if the search is to include the body of the message: with 7,000 messages to look at in 45 databases, a search for a pair of terms could take anything from 20 to 40 minutes to complete, especially if one opted to read the relevant messages as they were located, rather than just having them listed. On the other hand, a search of a single database normally takes only a few seconds. An example of a simple message base search is illustrated in figures 2 and 3. The sequence of messages revealed in the list, spread across three different message areas, followed from an apparently innocuous query about the Maori word for "floptical disk". This and two subsequent responses are reproduced in Figure 4. The person to whom the original query was addressed had first to find out what a "floptical disk" was in English. After some exchanges of messages with other people, the matter was referred (with some suggestions) to the Maori Language Commission, whose officials, according to the final message in the sequence, were hard pressed but one of them would be reminded of the need to condsider this matter "next Monday". The examples also illustrate another feature of the messaging system: items in a sequence of messages on the same topic within an area are cross-referenced, and can be followed to their source or conclusion from any point in the chain by selecting the appropriate command from the message area menu. ________________________________________________________________ Wa~hi G(Nga~Wa~hi) Panuku O(To~mua) Tukua *(Whakahoki) Ui_atu TIRIWA~> U Browse: [C)urrent area, T)agged areas (default), A)ll areas, Q)uit]: t Type: [N)ew msgs, A)ll, Y)our mail, S)earch, F)rom msg#, Q)uit, ?)help]: s Search where [any or all of T)o, F)rom, S)ubject, B)ody, or ?)help]: sb Text to search for: flopt Maximus will search for messages containing: `flopt' ki roto i te kaupapa, tinana o te kupu L)imit search (with AND) E)xpand search (with OR) S)earch with these criteria W)aiho te kimi Ti~pako: s Display: [R)ead (show whole msg), L)ist (one per line), P)ack (QWK), Q)uit]: L Figure 2: Sequence of steps for a simple search of message databases The second major source of information on Te Wahapu is the files section. Users of the system can leave and collect files in much the same way as they leave and receive messages. Te Wahapu's file areas are much more focussed than those of most FidoNet bulletin boards, and there are many more text files than program files. As with the message section, there are a number of "areas" for different types of subject matter. These include three general areas, one of which has text and program files relating to computer-based communication, the Te Wahapu system itself, and programs for reading and compressing files, finding and killing viruses, and so on. The second of these areas has programs related to language learning, a few for Maori, but also public domain and shareware programs for teaching and learning other languages, some of which may provide good models for people wishing to develop programs for learners and teachers of Maori. There is a separate area for programs for non-IBM systems. Kupu# Na Ma Kaupapa ----- ------------- ------------------ -------------------------- Wa~hi 3: Nga kupu ki te KAIWHAKAHAERE (SysOp) 166-Hone Phillips Te Kaiwhakahaere Comment from Hone Phillips 167-Richard Benton Hone Phillips Comment from Hone Phillips Wa~hi 4: Ko Te Reo Rangatira 67 Hone Phillips Maia Wilcox Floptical disk 68 Maia Wilcox Hone Phillips Floptical disk 69 Hone Phillips Maia Wilcox Floptical disk 70 Maia Wilcox Hone Phillips Floptical disk Wa~hi 63: TWKM / Taura Whiri 12 Richard Benton Jenny Jacob Optical disks 13 Maia Wilcox Jenny Jacob Floptical disk (Informatio 17 Richard Benton Tipene Chrisp "Floptical & Optical disks 18 Tipene Chrisp Richard Benton "Floptical & Optical disks 19 Richard Benton Tipene Chrisp "Floptical & Optical disks 20 Tipene Chrisp Richard Benton "Floptical & Optical disks Figure 3: Listing of messages meeting the search criteria The other files areas are devoted more specifically to topics connected with Maori language and education: Maori language (status and use, structure, literature, teaching and learning), reports and papers produced by Te Wahanga Kaupapa Maori, work in progress, education (research, policy statememts, curriculum), Maori Affairs, children's writing in Maori, cultural exchanges with other ethnic groups, archived material, and the results of searches of the on-line databases for downloading. There are also some restricted areas for special groups, such as the Polynesian Languages Forum and Te Wahanga Kaupapa Maori staff. Each area has a separate files list which can be perused independently, but general searches may be made for particular files or file descriptions from any file area, and it is not necessary to move to a particular area to download a file from the system. Searches of the file base are more rapid than of the message base, partly because there are generally fewer files, but also because the search is confined to the file name and its brief description. A sample of the results of such a search, for files relating to prior learning (using "prior" as the string to search for) is given in Figure 5. Having located the files (in this case, text files) one could then browse through them on- line, or simply download them to one's own computer to be read later. The beauty of such a computerized library is that the "book" remains available for an infinite number of potential borrowers, as it is a copy of the file which is transferred, not the file itself. Similarly, users can upload files for other people to use retaining their own copy undiminished by the process. The message areas and the file areas are interconnected; further information on topics discussed in the message sections will often be found in the files areas, and vice versa. Na: Hone Phillips Rec'd Ma: Maia Wilcox Kupu #67, Sep-11-92 21:36:26 Kaupapa: Floptical disk MSGID: 3:771/210@fidonet 208a7fb1 Kia ora Maia. What's the Maori for "floptical disk"? Arohanui, na Hone *** Titiro ano~ ki #68. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Na: Maia Wilcox Rec'd Ma: Hone Phillips Kupu #68, Sep-15-92 09:10:42 Kaupapa: Floptical disk MSGID: 3:771/210.0 2ab4ffd2 REPLY: 3:771/210@fidonet 208a7fb1 Kia ora ra Hone. Gee! What does floptical mean? Is this word any relation to can tell you is that 'disk' is 'ko~pae', which is also one of the Taura Whiri's words for 'floppy disk'. They however have also used the term, 'ko~pae pi~ngore' for 'floppy disk'. I don't know if this is what you're wanting however! Good to hear from you anyway! Ka kite Maia. *** He whakahoki te~nei ki #67. *** Titiro ano~ ki #69. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Na: Tipene Chrisp Rec'd Ma: Richard Benton Kupu #20, Nov-06-92 18:55:16 Kaupapa: "Floptical & Optical disks" MSGID: 3:771/210.0 2afa16d4 REPLY: 3:771/210@fidonet 236dbfca E hika, tena ra koe e noho mai nei i te Motukairangi, e tata ana ki te pa tuwatawata o Tuteremoana i Rangitatau!! Mo te floptical me te optical; kua hoatu ahau i nga korero katoa ki a Heni. Kaore ahau i te mohio mena kua oti i a ia te whakamaori - he nui ana mahi i tenei wa, a, katahi raua ko tana hoa i hoko whare. No reira, aroha mai ki te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori. A te Mane e tu mai nei (te iwha o Urutautahi), maku e whakaoho i te mahara a Heni. Hei konei, hei kona. Tipene *** He whakahoki te~nei ki #19. Figure 4: Messages following a "thread" LOCATE (search ALL file areas) Patopatohia ? (a~whina),* kia rarangitia nga ko~nae hou ra~nei. Patopatohia nga tohu hei kitea: prior E kimi ana ki `prior'. Wa~hi ko~nae 6 ... Nga Mahi Hukihuki rpldbase.txt 48896 11-04-92* "spreading the word" -- the nzcer/ twkm/nzqa PRIOR learning database Wa~hi ko~nae 11 ... Te Whainga i te Ma~tauranga rpl-cal.bib 23882 11-07-92* books on PRIOR & experiential learning held in california university libraries (nov. 1992) Wa~hi ko~nae TOEMI ... Nga Kupu Tuku Iho i nga Putunga Kupu kitea04.bbs 15040 11-07-92* last PRIOR learning materials search kitea14.bbs 3240 08-17-92 last PRIOR learning projects search Kua kitea 4 konae . Figure 5: Search for files matching the string 'prior' Finally, there is the database section proper. By the end of 1992 there were ten on-line databases available to network members. Two of these, the new vocabulary register and the index to Te Wahapu, alluded to in the introductory section of this paper, consist of single-line entries. The register of new and technical Maori vocabulary (approximately 11,000 items), can be searched using English or Maori words, or by category (see Benton 1992a for examples of the way this database is structured). The index to Te Wahapu resources and information acts as an on-line guide to both the system and various aspects of computer-based communications. Examples of the results of a search for the term "prior" in each database are given in Figure 6. The vocabulary database search displays items with this English word, the Maori equivalent, and a reference to the source of the entry (which can be located in an information file or through the search program). The index search reveals where items concerning "prior learning" may be found, including the keystrokes needed to get to the files area or database from the system's main menu. (The vocabulary database can also be searched for categories of word; for example the string "{hockey", with the left brace signifying that a category of word is being sought, would result in the display of all Maori terms connected with that sport. _ TE TOHU-A-KAUPAPA / INFORMATION AND RESOURCES INDEX At the prompt, type a word (or part of a word) indicating what you are looking for. Entries preceded by TMTK >> refer to pages in "He Tohotohu ma te Kaiho~para" -- the "Explorer's Guide" -- these can be looked up in the files ARAHI-*.DOC (11 in all) in WA~HI KO~NAE 1 ({WW1} from the main menu). Entries preceded by T/P >> are from the Papakupu (glossary) in the guide. Patopatohia te kupu e kimi ai koe: prior File E:\WAHAPU.IDX: RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL, APL) Databases -- Nga Putunga Kupu {&P} {&E} RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL, APL) Files -- W. Ko~nae {WW11} {WW4} {WW6} PRIOR EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING -- Databases {&P) {&E} {&C} {&J} PRIOR EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING -- Files -- See Wa~hi Ko~nae 4, 6, 11 {WW11} etc. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Patopatohia te kupu e kimi ai koe: prior File E:\KHK3.BBS: whakatikanga wa~ hipa 37 *prior period adjustment File E:\KHKM.BBS: akoranga riro noa Z prior learning Figure 6: Results of searches for 'prior' (a) in the index and (b) in the vocabulary database There are also general registers of research into Maori education, research into Maori language, literature and traditions, and researchers with an interest in either of these fields. Eventually these will probably be combined into a single database; in the meantime, however, they have to be searched separately. The project databases include information on projects undertaken or planned since 1987, including contact names and addresses of the principal researchers, and information about publications. They may be searched for any word or word fragment, with special characters to facilitate the retrieval of entries by name or key words. The register of researchers includes names, addresses and particular research interests of the people concerned. Sample entries from a search for the placename "Auckland" in the education and researchers databases are shown in Figure 7. There are two databases devoted to research and development in the recognition of prior experiential learning. One of these consists of annotated bibliographical references to books, articles, reports and papers on the assessment, recognition and accreditation of prior experiential learning which are likely to Register of Research into Maori Education ... Patopatohia te kupu e kimi ai koe: auckland AK-5(90/**) Child Health Practices in the Families of {Kohanga Reo Children. LOUIE _BARRINGTON (He Puna Ora) and PROFESSOR R B _ELLIOTT 1 March 1988 - 28 February 1989 Funding: Medical Research Council, Health Research and Development Committee Focussed group discussions/interviews with the mothers of kohanga reo children to gain an understanding of both western and traditional Maori child health practices used within the whaanau. Some educating on health practices occurs in these groups by Louie Barrington, a nurse, and Kaa /Graham, a traditional healer. Contact for further information: Professor R B Elliott, Department of Paediatrics, Auckland School of Medicine, C/- University of Auckland, Private Bag, AUCKLAND Key Words: {CHILD {HEALTH %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REGISTER OF RESEARCHERS ... Patopatohia te kupu e kimi ai koe: Auckland Bill Barton Auckland College of Education, Private Bag, Symonds Street Post Office, AUCKLAND _Bilingual _mathematics, _ethnomathematics, _teacher training Member of Maori Language in Education Network Involved in research in bilingual mathematics and ethnomathematics/ Editor of TE KUPENGA. At Auckland College of Education, will be involved in training of bilingual mathematics teachers. [Membership Form, 1990] Figure 7: First screens from searches for 'Auckland' in the registers of (a) educational research and (b) researchers. Te Le`o-o-Maui Search for Items to be Read On-line ... Patopatohia te kupu e kimi ai koe: homicide Le`o o Maui Database (c) TWKM & PLF, Kupu 250 [Fr] _HOMICIDE (n) Acte de celui qui tue un otre humaine [En] _HOMICIDE (n) Killing of a human being, especially by another [Es] _HOMICIDIO {LAW, {DROIT CIM> ta~mate tangata EAS> taparahi tangata [taparahi, "assassination"] NZM> whakamate tangata SAM> fasioti tagata [ ta~mate tangata %PPN> %faka- "causative" (NZM) %taa "strike" (CIM, TON) %mate "dead" (CIM, NZM, TON) %tangata "human being" (CIM, EAS, NZM, SAM, TON) %`oti "finish, be finished" (SAM) Figure 8: Portion of a screen from the Polynesian languages database be useful in the New Zealand context. It includes both published and unpublished material, and the results of searches may be read on-line, or downloaded as a file. There is a companion database which contains accounts and progress reports of New Zealand projects designed to implement the recognition of prior learning in tertiary institutions. It is designed both to inform people interested in this area of current developments, and to enable those who are involved in the various projects to share experiences and ideas with each other. (A full account of these databases is given in Benton 1992b). Both prior learning databases have been supported financially by the Bew Zealand Qualifications Authority. A terminological database is being developed for the Polynesian Languages Forum. It records terminology in 12 official Polynesian languages, with French, English and Spanish headwords, information about the origins of the various terms, and identifies where possible the Proto-Polynesian roots employed in the formation of each word. It is hoped that, used in conjunction with the Proto-Polynesian databases (see below) this database will encourage the sharing of information by the various Polynesian language authorities and organizations, and facilitate the development of a pan-Polynesian approach to terminology development. A portion of an entry in this database (as displayed on Te Wahapu) is given in Figure 8. (See Benton 1992a for further information.) Index to Proto-Polynesian Database ... Patopatohia te kupu e kimi ai koe: carangid Le`o o Maui PPN Database (c) B.Biggs, TWKM & PLF, Kupu 12 {PROTO-NUCLEAR_POLYNESIAN ALAALA Fish sp. (Carangidae) Figure 9: Search for 'Carangid' in Proto-Polynesian index ________________________________________________________________________ Proto-Polynesian Database // Awhina (Help) Patopatohia te kupu e kimi ai koe: alaala Le`o o Maui PPN Database (c) B.Biggs, TWKM & PLF, Kupu 37 {PROTO-NUCLEAR_POLYNESIAN ALAALA Fish sp. (Carangidae) %NP% :Fish sp (Carangidae). EFU Alaala/muli. :Small fish sp. (Bgs). EUV Alaala. :Fish sp. (Carangoides fulvoguttatus) [Forskal] (Rch). KAP Araara. :Sp. of fish (Ebt). KAP1 Alaala. :Jack (Caranx malampygus) (Lbr). MAE Raaraa/futu. :Fish sp. (Trachinotus?) (Clk). MAO Araara. :Trevally (usacaranx lutescens). MFA Raara. :Small stage of a fish, probably a Caranx sp.. NKR Alaala. :Fish sp., jack. SIK Alaala/hutu. A fish. TAH Araara/vi. :Fish sp., called hiroa when fullgrown. TAK Arara. :Fish sp. (Hwd). TIK Araara/futu. :Seafish of Snapper type (Fth). WFU Ara/uru. :A fish.